Chapter 208
But Bai Lifeng was gone in a blink of an eye, and Jun Qian was in a hurry to find Su Qing, so he didn't care about Bai Lifeng's departure, he was puzzled for a moment, and jumped out of the carriage.

But Chun Shan came here at this time, bowed respectfully and said: "Young Master, Your Highness and the National Teacher are waiting for you in the tent, please come down with your subordinates."

Jun Qian nodded, wrapped his coat around his body, and eagerly followed Chun Shan's pace.

Under the huge rock, a snow-white tent stood facing the wind. The four corners of the tent were pressed by several small stones, and there was no sign of shaking.

In the tent, Su Qing was wrapped in the robe that was taken off Su Xuanchen's body and squatted beside Su Xuanchen's small homemade stove, smiling with dimples on her lips.

Under the light of the fire, Su Xuanchen's face became more and more unparalleled, Su Qing stared at him obsessively, and said: "Xiao Chenchen, I am so beautiful, you are so handsome, I think our next generation will definitely be like flying! "

Su Xuanchen wanted to give her a supercilious look, but was amused by Su Qing's words and his eyes were bent.

Glancing at her slightly coquettishly, Su Xuanchen spat out two words from his thin lips: "Narcissism!"

Su Qing was about to say something, but was interrupted by someone who suddenly opened the curtain and came in: "Sister Su~"

Su Qing raised her eyes and saw that Jun Qian came in against the wind and snow, his black hair and Tsing Yi were all stained with a layer of white.

Su Qing opened her hand: "Little stammer, come quickly to Sister Su."

Jun Qian rolled his eyes and ran over. Just as he squatted down next to Su Qing, Su Qing hugged him, and the warmth flooded his whole body in an instant.

Su Qing stretched out her other hand, patted the snowflakes on his head, and said with some reproach: "Why don't you know how to bring an umbrella when you come here?"

Jun Qian blushed a little: "It's too late, I forgot."

"Both are fools." Su Xuanchen lifted a flat stone from nowhere and placed it beside them.

Su Qing and Jun Qian raised their heads at the same time, and looked at Su Xuanchen with a little surprise.

Su Xuanchen's face was a little unnatural, he straightened up, coughed lightly and said: "Just now, what I saw outside was just... carried in."

Just as Su Qing was about to say something, Jun Qian laughed from the sidelines.

Su Xuanchen looked down at Jun Qian, and Su Qing also looked sideways at the person in his arms.

Jun Qian's eyes were narrowed, and he ruthlessly exposed Su Xuanchen: "National, when you lie, you...don't dare to Sister Su..."

Hearing this, Su Qing raised her head subconsciously to look at Su Xuanchen, just in time to meet Su Xuanchen's gaze.

Su Xuanchen looked away angrily: "You stutter, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you like to sit or not!"

Only then did Jun Qian shrink his head, and buried his face in Su Qing's neck: "Sister Su, the national teacher is yelling at me~"

Su Qing couldn't stop laughing at this time, because she saw Su Xuanchen's flushed cheeks, and she would not easily expose Su Xuanchen on weekdays.

Because I know he has a thin face.

Who knew, this little stammer was so powerful.

Su Qing patted Jun Qian on the shoulder, and said: "Little stammer, you have to keep this kind of thing in your heart next time, you know?"

Hearing this, Su Xuanchen looked at Su Qing with some resentment, while Jun Qian nodded obediently.

Su Qing stood up with her arms around Jun Qian, sat on the rock that Su Xuanchen moved in, and then waved to Su Xuanchen: "Come here!"

Su Xuanchen glanced at her awkwardly, as if he couldn't explain it, but Jun Qian said again: "Master National Teacher, you are not embarrassed, are you?"

Su Xuanchen's throat got stuck, and he walked over in an instant, and sat down next to Su Qing.

Under the robe, the two little hands of Jun Qian and Su Qing clapped quietly.

Su Qing sat in the middle, wrapped one arm around the other, shook her head and asked Su Xuanchen, "Xiao Chenchen, where did you find this stone?"

(End of this chapter)

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