Chapter 210 Returning to the East Palace

In this way, the three of them stayed in the same tent for half a month, and their daily life was just a small fight. After all, Jun Qian hadn't married Su Qing yet.

On this day, the wind and snow gradually stopped, and Su Qing's body finally recovered, but her return to the palace was so late, I don't know what happened to Qi Yue.

Qi Yue, who was far away in the East Palace, still waited at the gate of the East Palace day after day, and when the weather was cold, she would put on a coat and hug the stove to go.

When the wind and snow were heavy, I would move a stone bench and sit on the threshold, without a day's break.

The guards at the gate changed again and again, but Qi Yue's shadow could be seen every day.

Chunyu and Dongxue have come to persuade her several times, and even Su Bo has been here several times, but every time Qi Yue always smiles and says: "I will take care of myself, don't worry."

Facts have proved that Qi Yue can indeed take care of herself, she knows how to add clothes when it is cold, and remembers to hold an umbrella when it is snowy, but...

Looking at him like this, Chun Yu always felt a little sour in her heart.

Your Highness, come back quickly!

Su Qing finally stopped delaying, organized the army, packed her bags and hurried to Su Jing.

At some point, she would have an inexplicable concern for Qi Yue in her heart.

On this day, Su Jingcheng——

The empress personally set up a grand banquet in the palace to celebrate the arrival of Li Shang, the prince from the country.

I heard that several princes and daughters have gone, but in the end, the empress did not betroth the prince from the country to any of her princes and daughters. The courtiers and the people all speculated whether the empress was waiting for the empress to come back?
The empress originally wanted to keep Li Shang in the palace, but after thinking about it, she left Li Shang in the post.

The post station in Sujing City is on the same street as the East Palace, not far away. This behavior has caused a lot of discussion among the people in the city.

Li Shang is domineering and domineering, he is the heart treasure of the king of Li country, I heard that the king of Li country has only such a younger brother, this time, there are hundreds of hidden guards who followed Guang Guang.

The escorting army can only stay outside the city gate, because there is no room for such a huge army in Sujing City for the time being.

There are rumors that the Li country's army will return to the court only after the Li country's little prince has successfully married.

It can be seen how tough Li Shang's backstage is!

Another half month passed, and Su Qing finally rushed to the gate of Su Jing City in a hurry.

Surrounded by mountains, Sujing is much warmer than other places even in winter.

"His Majesty the Empress Dowager!" Outside the city gate of Su Jing, the adults guarding the city ran down the gate in a hurry when they saw Su Qing's chariot and horses, and led the soldiers guarding the city to open the gate.

Su Qing rode over on horseback, her black robe drew a beautiful arc in the air, and a clear voice resounded throughout the audience: "Pingshen!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

"Drive!" The moment the city gate guard stepped aside, Su Qing's red horse rushed out like an arrow off the string, followed by Su Xuanchen and others.

East Palace——

"Report—His Highness has arrived at the gate of the city." The secret guard who delivered the message knelt in front of Qi Yue.

Qi Yue froze all over, her eyes burst out with strong surprise, she hurriedly told the guard with trembling fingers: "Quickly, pull the horse over here." He wanted to see her so much, he wished he could grow his wings and fly over immediately.

"Hey~ my little Yue'er, where are you going to pull the horse? How about taking you for my wife?" But suddenly there was a voice behind him that made him read to the bottom of his heart.

Qi Yue turned her head in disbelief. Su Qing was dressed in a black robe, with high black hair and a smile in her eyes. She was galloping towards him on a horse. Snow is coming.

Tears welled up in Qi Yue's eyes in an instant, he... finally waited...

"Woo..." Su Qing quickly got off her horse, and walked in front of Qi Yue in three steps at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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