Chapter 211
Qi Yue looked at her without blinking, her pupils reflected a miniature version of her, obviously she had thousands of words she wanted to say to Su Qing.

But when Su Qing really stood in front of him, Qi Yue still felt that it was not real, so that there were tears in the corners of her eyes, but she didn't say a word for a long time.

Su Qing sighed, when did Qi Yue become so stupid?
Stretching out her hand and savagely pulling him into her arms, Su Qing whispered in his ear: "Sorry, I came back late for my wife and made you suffer."

The hot tears in Qi Yue's eyes rolled down instantly, her trembling hands hugged her waist tightly, and her deep voice trembled in Su Qing's ears: "wife...wife master, you...finally... are back."

It's been almost a year. When she left, the grass grew and warblers flew, and when she came back, it was snowing heavily.

For hundreds of days and nights, Qi Yue was almost tortured to the point of going crazy. He waited stubbornly at the gate of the East Palace, just so that when she came back, he would be the first person she saw.

It was him, Qi Yue, not someone else.

Feeling the wetness on her shoulders, Su Qing sighed lowly, and hugged her even tighter: "It's because I'm not good at being a wife, and it made my Yue'er fall in love."

Qi Yue seemed to be having a hard time calming down, she kept trembling, and buried her head on her shoulder, it turned out that she knew, she knew.

She knows what is missing in my heart, she knows what I am looking forward to.

That's enough!

Su Qing was very patient this time, her slender fingers kept stroking his back, as if she wanted to comfort him silently.

When Dong Gong and the others rushed to the door, their eyes were also red, and what Qi Fangjun did was engraved in their eyes.

There are thousands of infatuated men in the world, and they didn't feel anything before seeing Qi Yue.

But at the moment when they embraced each other, the thought in everyone's mind was: Mr. Qi Fang, the pain is finally over.


The sound of horseshoes coming from far and near, and the sound of rolling wheels gradually approached Su Qing and the two of them.

Qi Yue controlled her emotions, let go of Su Qing's slender waist, and looked at her with red eyes.

Su Qing's eyes were bent, she smiled and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said: "Tonight's palace banquet, Yue'er will accompany her as his wife, and I will go back and make preparations later."

Su Qing straightened the messy hair at the temples for him, Qi Yue, I will pay you back for all the wrongs you have suffered tonight.

Qi Yue looked at her in shock. Only Zhengjun is qualified to sit on an equal footing with his wife-lord for such things as attending a palace banquet, why would he suddenly take him there?

It's not that Su Qing didn't see the shock in his eyes, but she didn't intend to explain, instead she directly took Qi Yue's hand and walked towards the back.

"Come on, I'll take you to meet someone."

Su Xuanchen and the others just stopped, and Jun Qian, supported by Chun Shan, just got off the carriage.

The two walked towards Su Qing side by side, and Jun Qian saw Qi Yue behind Su Qing at a glance.

A flash of amazement flashed in his eyes, Qi Yue and the national teacher have completely different styles, Su Xuanchen looks like a fairy who has fallen into the world from a distance, and does not eat the fireworks of the world.

And Qi Yue, although her brows are gentle, but the noble aura that is all over her body is impossible to ignore.

Jun Qian lowered his head slightly, and a trace of inferiority quietly flashed in his eyes. Sister Su's two husbands are both dragons and phoenixes, and he...

There seems to be nothing but money...

After only a moment of thought, Jun Qian and Su Xuanchen had already walked in front of Su Qing and Qi Yue.

Jun Qian smiled softly, and slightly bent towards Qi Yue: "Jun Qian has seen Brother Qi Yue."

Qi Yue had some doubts on his face, he knew that Su Qing would bring back a husband when he went to Quanzhou, but if he remembered correctly, that person seemed to be called Jun Huai'an.

Thinking about it, Qi Yue still stretched out her hand to gently support Jun Qian: "Young master, you don't need to be too polite."

Su Xuanchen frowned and looked around: "There are a lot of people here, let's enter the mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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