The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 212 Qi Yue's Strength

Chapter 212 Qi Yue's Strength

Several people nodded and wanted to walk towards the East Palace.

Only Su Qing stood there with a smile and said: "There are some things to deal with for my wife, you go back first."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing walked towards Xia He and the others. She believed that her Lord Zheng could arrange Jun Qian's affairs.

"Your Highness!" Seeing Su Qing walking towards her, Xia He quickly got off the horse.

Su Qing responded lightly, then took out the token from her waist and handed it to Xia He, and said: "Take it, immediately enter the palace, and tell the Queen Mother that tonight's banquet will be held in the lotus pond, and the hall will host it personally , Later in the evening, after the banquet is over, the hall will personally apologize to the empress."

Xia He bent down to accept the token, and replied with a serious face: "I obey!"

Xia He didn't dare to delay, put away the things in his hand, got on the horse and rode away.

"Pure Yin." After ordering Xia He, Su Qing turned to look at Pure Yin.

Chun Yin bent over: "The subordinate is here!"

Su Qing approached Chunyin's ear and whispered something, Chunshan didn't dare to eavesdrop, but saw her sister's eyes suddenly brighten a lot.


Just when the three of Qi Yue were about to step into the East Palace, Qi Yue seemed to have thought of something and stopped in her tracks.

Jun Qian and Su Xuanchen looked at him suspiciously.

Qi Yue smiled: "The national teacher and Mr. Jun enter the mansion first, and Qi Yue will come later."

Su Xuanchen glanced at him indifferently, then left with his hands behind his back.

But Jun Qian bent down and saluted before Shi Shi ran away.

Qi Yue withdrew her gaze, took out a small red bottle with exquisite workmanship from her bosom, and ran towards Bailifeng behind her.

Under the black mask, Baili stopped expressionlessly, and there was no emotion in his dark eyes.

Standing in front of him, Qi Yue didn't know what to say for a while, but hurriedly handed over the red bottle in her hand.

"Young Master Baili, this is Baiyu Shengji Ointment. I specially asked the doctor to develop it for several months. I have someone try it. The healing effect is very good. You...take it." Qi Yue said with a low voice. With his head bent, he held the red medicine bottle in both hands and finished the sentence quickly.

Baili Feng chuckled, took a step back slightly, and cupped his hands and said: "Your words are serious, my subordinates are already used to this skin, so there is no need to waste this panacea." After speaking, Bai Lifeng wanted to turn around and leave go.

Qi Yue quickly grabbed him, with an awkward expression on her face: " put it away, otherwise I will always feel sorry..."


Qi Yue was caught off guard for a moment, and was thrown away by Bai Lifeng and fell to the ground.

"Qi Yue, Qi Fangjun, give me another candy after beating someone else, do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" Bai Lifeng looked down at him with a cold tone.

Chun Shan stood behind Su Qing, and asked with some doubts: "Your Highness, why don't you go and have a look?"

Su Qing's gaze had indeed been on Qi Yue and the two of them, and the moment she saw Qi Yue being pushed, her heart tightened slightly.

But she still didn't go over, but looked at them with complicated eyes and a calm face: "That's Qi Yue's own fault." He needs to solve it by himself, and she believes that Qi Yue is not a soft man who can be manipulated by others. persimmon.

And she was right, Qi Yue was only weak for a moment.

Qi Yue's eyes dimmed slightly on the ground, she jumped up suddenly, and grabbed Bailifeng's wrist forcefully.

Looking at him with burning eyes: "Bailifeng, what I, Qi Yue, has done, I, Qi Yue, will be responsible for it. If you need me, Qi Yue, in the future, I, Qi Yue, won't say no." ,but…"

Qi Yue took Bailifeng's hand, and under Bailifeng's surprised gaze, directly stuffed the red medicine bottle into his hand.

"I also hope that you, Mr. Baili, can stop when enough is enough. Up to now, I have apologized to you countless times with good words. If you still don't understand the hatred in your heart..."

 Recommended ticket! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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