Chapter 213 Her Tenderness
"You can slash my face with a knife. If I, Qi Yue, yell out that it hurts, I won't be a man!" After saying this, Qi Yue turned her head expressionlessly, only to see Su Qing smiling. look at him.

My heart suddenly warmed up...

Stepping up and walking towards Su Qing, Su Qing naturally stretched out her left hand to hold his hand, squatted down slightly and patted his dusty clothes.

Then he stood up, looked at him with a smile and said, "Let's go home."

Qi Yue's sharp brows softened in an instant, her lips trembled slightly, but her fingers clenched Su Qingbing's cold little hand: "Okay, go home."

Su Qing narrowed her eyes with a smile, and the two walked towards the East Palace side by side.

Su Qing didn't even give Bai Lifeng a look.

Bailifeng pursed his lips tightly, his fingers holding the medicine bottle were slightly white, his eyes were fixed on them, but he didn't say a word.

East Palace, Front Hall——

When Qi Yue and Su Qing walked in, the hot food was already on the table.

When Jun Qian saw them, his eyes lit up instantly: "Sister Su, Brother Qi Yue, you are finally here."

Su Qing let go of Qi Yue's hand and walked towards the main seat. After she was seated, she smiled and looked at Jun Qian who was opposite: "Why, is little stammer hungry?"

Jun Qian scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm really hungry."

Qi Yue was sitting on her left, Su Xuanchen was on her right, and Jun Qian was opposite her.

Before she could speak, Su Xuanchen had already moved his chopsticks, and Qi Yue frowned slightly: "Zhengjun, the wife master hasn't moved her chopsticks yet."

Hearing this, Su Xuanchen turned to look at Su Qing: "Do you have any objections?"

Su Qing reached out to pick up the chopsticks, picked up the small bowl, and said with a smile: "No, no, eat, eat."

Qi Yue: "..." Why did he feel that he was talking too much just now?

Qi Yue lowered her head depressed, and silently picked up the rice in the bowl.

Suddenly, there was a piece of steaming chicken in her eyes, Qi Yue looked slightly sideways, and saw Su Qing's eyes were smiling, and her lips were slightly dimpled.

"Xiao Yueyue, you have been away for a long time as a wife, but I think the food in the Eastern Palace is pretty good. Why are you so much thinner than before?"

Qi Yue was taken aback for a moment, as if she was still not used to Su Qing's sudden tenderness towards him, she stayed where she was for a while, and hadn't reacted yet.

Su Qing also knew that he needed to get used to it, so she didn't force her, instead she gave Su Xuanchen and Jun Qian each a piece of steaming chicken with chopsticks.

Jun Qian smiled happily, and Su Xuanchen looked at the chicken in the bowl with an ugly expression.

Su Qing moved over slowly, touched Su Xuanchen's arm, and said with a smile: "Little Chenchen, you have eaten a lot of lip balm on my lips, why are you still shy now?"

Okay, Su Xuanchen's face darkened again, and the eyes of Qi Yue and Jun Qian fell on them instantly.

Su Xuanchen's hand holding the chopsticks trembled uncontrollably, looked at Su Qing with cold eyes, Su Xuanchen gritted his teeth and said, "You can't even stop your mouth with food, can you?"

Su Qing didn't seem to see the way Su Xuanchen looked at her, so she straightened up naturally and continued to eat.

Jun Qian and Qi Yue also lowered their heads, the first meal in the East Palace, they ate so tremblingly, it was really embarrassing for them.

After dinner——

Su Qing stood up, looked down at Su Xuanchen, and said, "Are you going to the palace banquet tonight?"

Su Xuanchen put down the chopsticks in his hand: "Prince Li Guo will also go."

Su Qing sighed: "So?"

Su Xuanchen stood up, with an unclear emotion flashing in his eyes: "You have to make up your own mind about Jun Qian's marriage and Li Shang's marriage."

In fact, Su Xuanchen wanted to say that they cannot enter the door on the same day.

Jun Qian also looked up at Su Qing, it turns out...

Is she going to marry someone else?
Su Qing didn't expect Su Xuanchen to say it so bluntly, and felt a little upset for a while.

"It's not impossible for me to marry you..."

Su Qing looked at Su Xuanchen with a smile: "If Xiao Chenchen dedicates himself, I can consider it..."

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(End of this chapter)

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