Chapter 214
Su Xuanchen frowned and looked at her calmly: "Can you stop joking? Li Guo's army is just outside the city gate. Didn't you see it when you came all the way?"

"Su country is the weakest of several countries, don't you know? You are the princess of a country, who else can turn this situation around, tell me?" Speaking of the latter part, Su Xuanchen was obviously agitated. Less, even the tone is a bit heavier.

Jun Qian was a little sad at first, but after hearing Su Xuanchen's words, he also looked at Su Qing worriedly.

The smile on Su Qing's face finally couldn't hold back, and she looked at Su Xuanchen seriously: "Su Xuanchen, if I really need to marry Li Shang in order to stabilize the situation, then I will marry Li Shang!"

Because, Su Qing knew better than anyone else that she couldn't refuse her current status at all, or in other words, she didn't dare to refuse at all.

This marriage was begged from Emperor Li with great painstaking efforts by the mother, she knew it!

"Jun Qian was brought back from Quanzhou by me. There is always a first-come-first-served basis when doing things. Choose a good day and auspicious day, so let's welcome Xiao Jieba first." After saying this, Su Qing wanted to turn around and leave.

She found out that the Prince Li had never met him before, and he made her life messy. She didn't have a good impression of Li Shang.

"Prince Liguo is in Sujing City, you..."

Su Qing turned around suddenly, and looked at Su Xuanchen with burning eyes: "Although you are the teacher of a country, don't forget that in this East Palace, Su Xuanchen, you are also the righteous king of this hall. The word "righteous king" needs to be taught by this hall teach you?"

Su Xuanchen's whole body froze, and he froze in place for an instant.

"Sister Su, the national teacher is also doing it for your own good..." Seeing that the situation was not right, Jun Qian hurriedly got up to hold Su Qing, and said anxiously.

He found that when Su Qing and Su Xuanchen talked about Li Shang, they would immediately quarrel, and the quarrel was the kind that scared him very much.

Qi Yue also stood up, walked behind Su Xuanchen, and said, "The wife master knows it well, so don't play against her."

Su Xuanchen felt a little embarrassed in his heart, and it is true that he did not understand why he felt so uncomfortable.

"It's my country's teacher who has overstepped his rules." Su Xuanchen said this lightly, and then turned to leave.

"Stop!" Su Qing didn't let him go so easily, the quarrels were quarrels, and according to Su Xuanchen's temperament, if he really went back like this, he might not talk to her for a few months.

"Little stammer, Yueyue, you go out first." Su Qing patted Jun Qian's hand with a smile and said.

Jun Qian glanced at Su Xuanchen worriedly and walked out.

Qi Yue said behind Su Xuanchen: "Why are you making things difficult for yourself?"

Soon, the two retreated, and in a blink of an eye, only Su Qing and Su Xuanchen were left.

Su Qing walked towards Su Xuanchen calmly.

Su Xuanchen took a step back involuntarily.

Su Qing stretched out her hand and pulled the man over, and looked up at him. The two of them were only a short distance away. Su Qing stared at him with glazed eyes, and slightly parted her red lips: "Su Xuanchen, the one who was with me At that time, can you not mention the so-called Prince Li?"

Su Xuanchen looked down at her, frowned, and said, "This is your top priority when you return to Sujing..."

Su Qing really annoyed him to death, she opened her mouth to leave the prince, but kept her mouth on the mission!

Hooking off Su Xuanchen's head with his right hand, Su Qing stood on tiptoe, and firmly blocked his mouth.

"Xiao Chenchen, I hope you can understand that anyone can give me a man, but my husband can't!"

Su Qing leaned against his forehead, panting slightly.

Su Xuanchen's face was a little rosy, and there were some different styles between his eyebrows, but he still said stubbornly: "When you were in Quanzhou, you promised me..."

Su Qing chuckled, reached out and rubbed his head: "Su Xuanchen, I, Su Qing, don't talk too much, don't you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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