The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 215 The little prince who is more shameless than her

Chapter 215 The little prince who is more shameless than her
Su Xuanchen was a little angry, but also a little helpless...

Deep down in my heart, I was a little excited because of her words.

"Your Highness, the prince from Liguo is visiting..." Su Qing was about to say something, but Chun Yu's voice was heard outside the door.

The smile on Su Qing's face collapsed in an instant, really saying Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

The two looked at each other, then walked towards the main courtyard at the same time.

Main courtyard——

As soon as Su Qing walked in, she saw boxes all over the floor, big and small, red, yellow, white and green, piled up directly into a mountain.

The corner of Su Qing's mouth twitched, why did she seem to have returned to the day when she proposed marriage to Xiao Jieba in Quanzhou?

"Yo~ This is the granddaughter of the Great Su Kingdom, she looks no less attractive than this prince." Suddenly, an indistinguishable voice came from the front.

Su Qing was taken aback, looked left and right, there was no one there?

"Little beauty, look up~"

Su Qing's face darkened, damn it, what kind of bad name is this?

Su Qing raised her head, but was stunned by the dazzling red and closed her eyes.

When he looked up again, he froze on the spot.

I saw that man lying lazily on the beam of the house. He was dressed in a red dress that surpassed the snow, and he had waist-length black hair, which was spread on the tiles like a black brocade. The arrogance and flying, coupled with those eyes that are as breathtaking as jewels, give people a feeling of being the only one in heaven and earth.

At this moment, Li Shang was holding a black folding fan, his lips were slightly raised, and he was staring at her with a pair of jewel-like eyes with a smile on his face. He was indescribably charming and elegant.

Seeing Su Qing's nympho look, Li Shang chuckled, stood up lazily, tapped his toes, slightly curled his lips, and flew down from the beam with his hands behind his back...

The red gauze dress diffused in the air, and the end was suave and suave, with the jade tree facing the wind.

Seeing Li Shang rushing straight towards her, Su Qing was finally so frightened that she regained her senses, and hurriedly took a few steps back.

In the next second, she was directly pulled into his arms. Su Qing's eyes widened, and she looked in disbelief at this demon-like fox-like face so close.

Su Xuanchen had retreated at some point, and at this moment there were only Su Qing and Li Shang in the world.

"Little beauty, on you..." Li Shang approached Su Qing, took a deep breath, and said, "It smells so good~"

Su Qing was indeed fascinated by his un-manly face just now, but now...

"Little prince, can you take your pig's trotter away!" Su Qing stared at him fiercely, the big palm on her waist was too hot, which made her a little embarrassed for a while.

Li Shang did not retreat but advanced, and tightened his arms again, Su Qing was only centimeters away from him.

"Why does the little beauty talk like that..."

Su Qing couldn't bear it anymore, raised her foot, and stepped on Li Shang's instep, Li Shang's voice stopped abruptly, her expression changed, and she let go of Su Qing instantly.

Su Qing looked at him smiling like a spring breeze, but her feet became more and more vigorous: "Little prince, you are quite courageous~"

Li Shang felt the burning pain on the back of his foot, his white face flushed for a while, and he looked at Su Qing fiercely: "Su Qing, lift your feet up for my prince!"

Su Qing chuckled, Li Shang only felt that she was like a fox at the moment: "Little prince, is it a bit too much for me to lift your feet for you..."

As he said, he stepped harder and harder...

Li Shang's eyes widened, and he slapped Su Qing with a palm. Su Qing's eyes flashed, and she suddenly moved to the side.

Li Shang squatted down, his handsome face was slightly distorted, holding his toes, he kept accusing Su Qing: "Are all the women here like you as barbaric as you are? I hurt my prince to death..."

Hearing this, Su Qing chuckled, walked towards him, knelt down, and said, "Are all the men in your place as unrestrained as you?"

As soon as he came up, he was hugging and hugging again, even more shameless than her!

 Code words are really painful, Su Qing laughs, I cry...

  Begging for a reward! ! !ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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