Chapter 216 Our Marriage

Li Shang squatted down in pain, his forehead was covered with fine sweat, and roared at Su Qing: "What is bold and unrestrained? I am so overwhelmed by the country, the woman who wants to marry me has been rowed from Su country to Li country, how did it get into your mouth?" , just make me say so unbearable?"

"Pfft..." Su Qing finally laughed unkindly, stood up and stretched out her hand in front of him.

"stand up!"

Li Shang looked at the delicate fingers in front of him, and turned his head angrily: "Cut!"

Su Qing straightened up, withdrew her hand, and looked down at him calmly: "I can't afford love!"

Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Shang was in a hurry, and quickly stood up and looked at her back and said, "I said, you woman, do you really feel sorry for her?"

Su Qing closed her eyes, she found that the man was making trouble unreasonably, it was really not ordinary to make people irritated.

Turning around, Su Qing looked at him expressionlessly: "Little prince, what else do you want?"

Li Shang lowered his head, a smile flashed in his eyes, and when he looked up at her again, his eyes were full of complaints: "Come here... hug me!"

Su Qing froze, and took a serious look at Li Shang. This head must be two heads taller than hers, right?

Guess Su Xuanchen is not as tall as him, right?

Su Qing swallowed, and pointed at him tremblingly: "Brother, you are almost 1.9 meters taller? You let my small body hug you? You really think highly of me."

Li Shang's face fell instantly, he knew that he was much taller than ordinary people, but he wasn't so heavy, okay?

Is it necessary for Su Qing to be so obviously disgusted?
Just what does this 1.9 meters mean?
But he is not in the mood to worry about this now, so he can only walk towards Su Qing on a sloping foot: "Su Qing, look behind me, how many good things I have brought you, and I am waiting here for you, you are fine, Not only stepped on me, but even hugged me and made so many excuses..."

"Are you a woman or not?"

This face is pretty, and the voice is pretty nice, but why is it so ugly when it comes out of the mouth?

Su Qing glanced at him with a fake smile, her red lips parted slightly: "If the little prince doesn't mind, you can also treat me as a man."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing wanted to leave, she couldn't stand such a noisy person, she still wanted peace in the back house.

"Su Qing, if you dare to step out of this courtyard, the prince will not marry you!" Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Shang quickly said these words.

not to marry?


Su Qing felt a little excited for a moment, and walked out in a hurry, her pace was a little faster.

Li Shang is so angry, is he a plague?

"His Royal Highness, is this the way of hospitality in your Great Su Kingdom?"

In a word, Su Qing's feet stopped in place just as she was about to step out of the threshold.

Closing her eyes, Su Qing withdrew her feet, and turned her head with a forced smile: "Thank you for your kindness, Prince Li, I wonder if the little prince is here today in the East Palace of our palace, what is the important matter?"

"Come and help the prince!" Seeing her reluctant look, Li Shang roared out of anger.

Su Qing rolled her eyes towards the sky, what are you shouting about?Didn't I just step on your foot?Men are so hard to serve!
Well, you have a strong background...

Main hall...

Su Qing put on her smile again, put her small hand on Li Shang's arm: "This hall...helps you."

Only then did Li Shang brush the dragon's beard on his forehead, and those fox eyes were full of pride.

"Wouldn't it be better if it was earlier?"

Su Qing supported him step by step towards the main hall with black lines all over his face.

"I said, Your Highness, when are you planning our marriage?" Li Shang took advantage of his height and pulled him into his arms, asking quietly.

Su Qing looked up at him: "What did you say?" You're going to marry her right away?Did she hear correctly?

There was light in Li Shang's clear eyes, Shu Mei smiled and repeated again: "My prince said, when can we get married?"

 Reward! !Reward! !Reward! !

(End of this chapter)

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