The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 217 Dealing with the Little Prince

Chapter 217 Dealing with the Little Prince

Su Qing's deep eyes are full of shock at the moment, they have only met once, right?Really just once?

Do you want to get married as soon as you come up?She was terrified.

Su Qing just wanted to say something to persuade Li Shang, but was interrupted directly by Li Shang: "Don't try to procrastinate, the elder sister said that the prince came to Su, and he can only marry His Royal Highness , as long as you nod your head, our troops from Liguo will retreat immediately after we get married and sign a hundred-year peace treaty with Su. But if that is the case, Your Royal Highness is not willing to..."

Li Shang looked at her with lowered eyebrows, the calmness in his eyes shocked Su Qing.

"Then the prince doesn't know what the eldest sister will do."

She originally thought that Li Shang was just a vase man, but now it seems that she thought too much.

"Why do you have to marry me?" Su Qing looked at him intently without avoiding it.

Li Shang shrugged his shoulders and said, "How does this prince know?"

Li Shang put his hand on Su Qing's shoulder, looked at her carefully, and then continued: "Originally, Elder Sister Huang came here to respect the prince, but the prince saw your princes and daughters, Find…"

"No one can satisfy my prince, so I will marry you reluctantly..."

After Li Shang finished all these words, Su Qing didn't want to talk any more, you would be wronged if you dared to marry her, wouldn't you?
It's just who said just now that his sister can only marry her?
Man's mouth, liar ghost!
Helping Li Shang all the way to the main hall, and putting him on the chair, Su Qing then told the servants: "Go find a doctor..."

"What can a doctor do? This prince doesn't believe in a doctor's medical skills!"

Su Qing could only close her eyes when she heard the sound of slapping, and then changed her words: "Go and ask the imperial doctor!"

"Yes!" The servant took the order and went.

Only then did Li Shang lazily lean on the chair, crossed his legs, and with a wicked smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, he tilted his head and looked at her.

"Su Qing, my prince found out that... marrying you seems pretty good."

"There are three thousand male pets in the backyard of the hall, and there are a bunch of noodles outside."

"The prince understands, after all, this woman always tries to find something new."

The corner of Su Qing's eyes twitched: "There is already a righteous monarch in this palace, if the little prince passes through the door, he can only be a junior."

Li Shang picked up the hot tea on the table, blew lightly, and then said: "It's okay, it's okay to have two righteous monarchs in the mansion."

Su Qing clenched her fist secretly, and continued solemnly: "There has only been one righteous monarch in all dynasties of Su."

"Oh? Is that so?" There was hesitation in Li Shang's jewel-like eyes.

Seeing him thinking, Su Qing had an imperceptible gleam in the depths of her eyes.

"Then go down and talk to your majesty about setting this precedent, or... this prince will discuss it with the national teacher. I believe that the national teacher is a generalist..."

Su Qing froze, and looked at Li Shang in surprise, this guy definitely did it on purpose!

The Empress originally wanted Li Shang to marry her, how could she refuse?
Discuss with Su Xuanchen?Maybe Su Xuanchen just walked away...

Looking at his delicate face, Su Qing felt an indescribable stuffiness for a moment.

Because she found that as long as Li Shang wanted to marry, she really had no way to refuse.

As for the person who dared to force her like this, and made her unable to fight back at all, apart from Su Xuanchen, Li Shang was probably the only one in this world.

Looking away, Su Qing took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down: "Since this is the case, this hall should thank the little prince for his generosity."

Li Shang opened the folding fan with a "swish", brushed the bangs on his forehead, and said extremely shamelessly: "No thanks, anyway, we will be a family in the future."

Su Qing: "..." She seemed to know how heartbroken Su Xuanchen was when he faced her.


 Recently, I am working hard to save manuscripts, please vote more for recommendation and write more comments~ I am familiar with you~ I am motivated only when I type.I love you~

(End of this chapter)

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