The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 219 Qi Yue's Tenderness

Chapter 219 Qi Yue's Tenderness

Li Shang originally wanted to continue to contact her, but when he looked up, he really saw the red blood in her eyes and the bruise in her eyes.

So, for some unknown reason, Li Shang really stopped making trouble: "My prince lives not far from you. When you go to the palace banquet at night, remember to come and pick me up."

Su Qing frowned slightly, she wanted to take Qi Yue there, how could she pick him up?
"It's fine if you don't come, the prince is here waiting for you to wake up, and then go together." Li Shang saw that she seemed to be in trouble, so he quickly changed his words.

Su Qing had a headache for a while: "Okay, you can go back, and I will go to the post station to pick you up later."

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Li Shang opened the folding fan in his hand, smiled suavely at Su Qing, and left in a big way.

Su Qing's face turned dark. How could she look like her foot was injured?

After the red figure disappeared from her sight, Su Qing dragged her tired body back to her bedroom.

Throwing himself on the big soft bed, he soon fell asleep.

At dusk, thump, thump——

There was an urgent knock on the door.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Chun Yu stood at the door anxiously, she didn't know how many times she had knocked on the door.

She didn't dare to open the door casually, after all, Su Qing was very angry when she woke up, everyone knew that.

Why does His Highness always feel like he can't be shaken when he sleeps?

"I'll do it." A very comfortable voice came from behind.

Chun Yu looked back, and that noble purple color was already standing behind her.

Chun Yu bowed respectfully and stepped aside, silently breathing a sigh of relief.

Qi Yue stepped up, pushed the door open and entered, walking all the way behind the bead curtain.

Lifting the curtain, Su Qing's sleeping posture in a large font was just reflected in Qi Yue's eyes.

Qi Yue lowered her head slightly, an imperceptible smile flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Your Highness, let's go on carefree like this, don't go back to the original state again.

Qi Yue approached, sat gracefully by the bed, stretched out her slender fingers and patted Su Qing's flushed little face: "My wife, it's time to go to the dinner party."

After Qi Yue's words fell, the whole room was empty, and it was a bit embarrassing.

"My wife..." Qi Yue just wanted to make persistent efforts, but was interrupted by the person on the bed.

"hug me!"

Qi Yue looked at the person on the bed in surprise, Su Qing's eyes were not opened, but her hands were stretched out towards Qi Yue.

With a chuckle, Qi Yue stood up, straightened her loose clothes, then bent down and hugged him firmly.

Su Qing put her arms around Qi Yue's neck, but her eyes still did not open.

Qi Yue carried her all the way behind the screen, put him on the recliner, went out to bring hot water, lifted her sleeves, and gently washed Su Qing's face.

Unfortunately, Su Qing still did not open her eyes.

Qi Yue carried him back to the bed without any complaints, and ordered him to bring the court clothes.

"Wife master, stand up quickly, Yue'er will change your clothes for you."

Su Qing's red lips curled slightly, she stood up abruptly, closed her eyes and rushed forward.

Qi Yue hugged her waist quickly with eyes and hands, and a slightly doting voice rang above her head: "wife master, stop making trouble."

Since she just woke up, Su Qing's voice was not as cold as usual, but rather charming: "No trouble, I'm too sleepy for my wife, I want to sleep~"

Qi Yue rubbed her slightly messy hair with some distress, and said softly, "It's because Yue'er is not good, and the wife-lord has to rush back day and night, and that's why she's so tired."

Su Qing leaned her head on his chest, nodded lightly, her eyes curved: "Yes, do you want to make up for being a wife then?"

There was a trace of blush on Qi Yue's handsome and noble face: "My wife, there will be a dinner later."

Only then did Su Qing leisurely open those sleepy eyes, and looked at Qi Yue seriously.

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(End of this chapter)

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