Chapter 220

"Yue'er, I have a question for you." Su Qing looked into his eyes with a serious tone.

Qi Yue seemed to already know what she wanted to ask, the expression on her face didn't change at all, she just nodded slightly, motioning for her to ask.

Su Qing's little hand holding his arm tightened unconsciously, and Qi Yueyun's light-hearted appearance was reflected in her slightly dark brown pupils. After a moment of hesitation, Su Qing finally opened her mouth: "Yue'er, do you like the way you are now?" Me, or the old me?"

Qi Yue chuckled, lowered her gaze, and said, "Is this important?"

"Important!" After all, she saw how humble Qi Yue was to her ex-lord.

Qi Yue finally stopped avoiding this question, but looked at her seriously, and said, "Your Highness, the former Qi Yue liked the former Highness."

Hearing this, Su Qing suddenly raised her head, and the stone in her heart suddenly fell down.

With a bright smile on the corner of her lips, Su Qing asked again unwillingly: "Then when did the current Qi Yue fall in love with being his wife?"

Qi Yue gave a doting smile, but she stopped answering this question, instead she reached out to pick up the court dress, and put it on for her layer by layer.

Su Qing saw that he didn't want to answer or force her to ask, so she just opened her hands and let Qi Yue put on her robe gently and carefully.

"Come on, Yue'er will pull the hair for his wife." Qi Yue took her hand and walked to the dressing table to sit down, running her slender fingers through her hair, combing her hair wholeheartedly.

Su Qing looked at the bronze mirror in front of her, and Qi Yue's unparalleled beauty was reflected from it.

Su Qing's eyes were smiling, and the dimples on her lips were sunken. This must be the appearance of the peaceful years.

She really wanted to stay with her husbands, find a place deep in the mountains and old forests that no one knew, and live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes.


Just think about it.

If she didn't have the identity of a princess, then she would never have any interaction with them in this life.

Su Qing understands this too well, so she cherishes the hard-won life now.

When everything was ready, Su Qing took Qi Yue's hand and walked outside without saying a word.

The yellow Bixialuo palace dress embroidered with phoenixes, with a long skirt spread out behind her, swayed gracefully with her steps.

Qi Yue looked sideways, and Su Qing's fair and flawless skin instantly came into view, causing him to slightly bend his eyebrows.

Lowering her gaze, Qi Yue walked side by side with her towards the gate of the East Palace.

In his heart, he silently answered the question Su Qing asked him just now: Your Highness, since you opened your eyes and looked at Qi Yue for the first time.


Wrapped in a red robe, Li Shang stood quietly at the door, followed by hundreds of servants behind him.That three-point evil face was full of displeasure, and he asked the servant next to him: "Xiao Shan, do you think she won't come to pick up my prince?"

The man named Xiao Shan took a step forward, bowed his waist and said respectfully: "Second prince, don't think too much, the post station is the only way to enter the palace, I guess...His Royal Highness is delayed by something."

Li Shang frowned and looked at the main road, planning that if she didn't come again, he would invite her himself.

As a result, it didn't take long...

Su Qing was riding a tall horse, wearing Bixialuo palace attire, followed by a long motorcade, her beautiful face was still shockingly beautiful without any makeup.

Li Shang's breath was slightly suffocated, Su Qing's face was indeed enough to make the hearts of all men in the world move.

Of course, he is no exception.

Looking slightly behind Su Qing, her face darkened instantly when she saw the carriage belonging to the East Palace.

With a turn of the feet, Li Shang strode towards her directly, with a smile still on his handsome face and a folding fan in his hand, but the smile was not as good as his eyes.

"Woo~" Su Qing pulled the rein and looked down at him.

"Where's your carriage?" Su Qing asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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