The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 228 It's Not Wrong to Be Ugly

Chapter 228 It's Not Wrong to Be Ugly
Su Qiao's eyes showed ruthlessness: "The second prince, as an envoy from the country, dared to do such a cruel thing to Su Wang's daughter. At this moment, this princess has to wonder, what is the second prince's intention this time?"

Hearing this, Li Shang picked out his ears unhurriedly, and then looked at Su Qiao unhurriedly: "My prince said, she is too ugly and an eyesore! This prince can't control his feet, after all This prince likes kicking ugly people!"

"You..." Su Qiao clenched her fists and was about to step forward when she was stopped by a burly woman.

"Second Princess, what do you want to do to my Prince Li Kingdom?" Beitang Yi stood in front of Li Shang, his dark face full of dissatisfaction.

Su Qiao's face froze, how could she forget that General Beitang from Liguo also came.

Concubine Su Wen stood up at this time, still with that gentle and watery appearance, smiling like a spring breeze: "It's all children's petty troubles, General Beitang don't care about the second sister. "

But Bei Tangyi didn't appreciate it at all, and said with a cold snort: "Small trouble? Just now the second princess walked towards the prince with her fists clenched. This is obvious to all. If the general is not with the prince, will the second princess still be there What about beating the prince?"

"General Beitang..." Concubine Su Wen's face was a little ugly, but she still smiled.

"The second princess of the Great Su Kingdom even dared to be so disrespectful to your Highness the Grandmother. Instead of being rude, she did something to Her Royal Highness, huh..."

Beitang Yi's powerful voice spread throughout the audience: "Thanks to the empress of the Su Kingdom, she swore that the Su Kingdom is a state of etiquette!"

"Since that's the case, it doesn't matter whether Li Guo and Su Guo are married together or not! This general will bid farewell to the Empress of Su State and return to the imperial court immediately!" Bei Tangyi must have said excitedly, his rough face was full of anger .

Su Qiao finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly stepped forward with a smile on her face: "General Beitang, this princess is also worried about my sister, so she did such a disregard of etiquette. , don’t bother with this princess.”

If she really screwed up the marriage between Su Guo and Li Guo, the Queen Mother would definitely not show mercy to her, Su Qiao's face turned pale when he thought of this.

"Second Princess, the person you should apologize to is the Second Prince!" After saying this, Beitang Yi finally moved away.

Li Shang smiled until his eyes were narrowed, holding a black folding fan, he shook his hand at Su Qiao: "Second Princess, hello!"

A gleam flashed in the depths of Su Qiao's eyes, but she still smiled and bent over to Li Shang, she showed too much emotion today: "Second prince, this princess is not good at hospitality, and disturbed the second prince, please The second prince can be magnanimous and doesn't care about this princess."

Su Qing pulled Qi Yue's slender fingers, lowered her head and wiped his fingertips for him, but there was a smile in the depths of her eyes.

Li Shang stood with his hands behind his back, smiling coquettishly: "It's easy to say, but the prince has a suggestion. I wonder if the second princess is in the mood to listen to it?"

Hearing this, the big rock in Su Qiao's heart finally fell, and the smile in his eyes deepened a little: "Second Prince, please tell me!"

With a sound of "shua", the folding fan in Li Shang's hand opened again, and he strode towards Su Qing, his arrogant appearance seemed to tell Su Qing: Look, this prince is amazing, right?

Blinking playfully at Su Qing and Qi Yue, Li Shang coughed, turned around, brushed the dragon beard on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Second princess, actually, this prince didn't kick the third one on purpose." Princess, it's really..."

Li Shang seemed to have something to hide, the corners of his mouth moved for a long time but he didn't say anything.

"What is it really?" Su Qiao asked.

"Really, the prince really can't bear to look at the dignified appearance of the third princess. Her crooked eyebrows and squinting eyes really make me feel chilly..."

As Li Shang was talking, he even looked at Su Qing hiding behind him, with a look of disgust on his face: "It's not that the prince said you, it's not your fault for being ugly, but it's your fault for coming out to scare people..."

(End of this chapter)

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