Chapter 229 The Decree
"Pfft..." Someone in the crowd suddenly laughed.

Su Qiao's complexion was extremely ugly. Although she and Su Yu were not beautiful, their looks were beyond the reach of ordinary people. Why did they come to Li Shang's mouth, as if they looked crooked?

Su Qing chuckled, looked at Su Qiao with a smile in her eyes, but said without mercy: "Second Sister Wang, since you already know that you are wrong, then this hall will punish you a little bit, Second Sister Wang should not opinion?"

"Ben..." Su Qiao was about to refute, but was interrupted again.

"Okay, this palace knows that the second princess is a person who understands the general situation, so if that's the case, come!"

"The lowly position is here!" Yu Linjun passed through the crowd and knelt down in front of Su Qing.

The smile on Su Qing's lips was not concealed, and her red lips were slightly parted: "The third princess's ugly face disturbed the Prince Li, which is a felony. For the sake of the sisters, this hall will let her be imprisoned for a year."

one year! ! ! ?

Everyone gasped, even if Su Yu died and became disabled this year, is it possible?
"Fifth Sister, you can't..." Su Qiao's eyes widened. One year, one year in confinement?
How could it be possible, during this year, the situation in Su country was changing, if it was locked up for a year, maybe what would happen.

Su Qing sneered, and the coldness in her eyes grew stronger: "Li Shang, do you have any objections?"

Li Shang quickly waved his hand: "This prince still thinks it's too light."

Su Qing's face was calm, and her eyes swept over everyone one by one: "Do you... have any opinions?"

bang bang bang-

All the ministers knelt on the ground one after another, some of them were sweating on their foreheads, and quickly prostrated themselves on the ground: "I don't dare!"

Su Qing nodded in satisfaction, and then under Su Qiao's horrified gaze, she slowly said again: "The second princess and below have committed crimes, what should I do according to the law?"

Xia He immediately answered: "The light ones will be beaten with a hundred slabs, and the severe ones will have their tongues pulled out and their heads cut off!"

Su Qiao's pupils constricted suddenly: "My princess, let's see who dares!"

"Take it!" Su Qing suddenly lowered her tone, and told her brightly, this hall... dare!

"Of order!" Xia He replied immediately, and the Imperial Forest Army quickly approached, mercilessly suppressing him.

"Su Qing, this princess has a noble status, how dare you..."

Su Qing's gaze was like a torch, and her red lips spat out a word: "Hit!"

"Su Qing...Su Qing...ah..." The board fell mercilessly, and Su Qiao's wailing resounded throughout the audience.

Su Qiao bit her lower lip tightly, not letting her distressed voice come out.

pop, pop, pop—

The person who played the board did not hesitate at all, and soon Su Qiao's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and the pink palace dress was already stained with a layer of blood.

Su Qing's beautiful eyes were full of indifference, without a trace of pity or sympathy, she just stood there quietly, no one dared to intercede for the second princess.

Everyone knows that this is an obvious target, but everyone also knows that if they step forward at this moment, they will become a thorn in the empress' eyes and a thorn in her flesh.

Therefore, the only sound left in the audience was the sound of the board falling.

Pa -- the last sound fell, and Su Qiao passed out magnificently.

Su Qing said blankly, "Throw it back."

The corner of Xia He's mouth twitched: "Yes!" His Highness became more and more cruel. After all, the second and third princesses are also her half-sisters.

The two Su Qiao sisters were quickly dragged down like dead dogs, and all the ministers knelt on the ground in silence, fearing that they would harm Chi Yu.

"The Empress has an order, Your Highness the Empress accepts the order!" When the audience was silent, the voice of an old court lady sounded behind everyone.

A flash of surprise flashed in Su Qing's eyes, but she still quickly turned around and walked forward, kneeling on her knees: "I accept the order!"

Everyone knelt down one by one, and even Li Shang lifted his robe and knelt on the ground. After all, this was the imperial decree of the empress, even if he was the prince of the country, he had to respect it.

"Following the fate of heaven, the emperor's edict said: The prince of Liguo, Lishang, has good conduct, skillful and generous, gentle and honest, and has outstanding appearance. He is very fond of me. I will marry the princess on the seventh day of the next month. seat, no delay!"

(End of this chapter)

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