Chapter 231 Lame Excuses
Su Qing was speechless, what could she say?In this regard, Su Xuanchen disagrees, can she force it?
"That, Queen Mother, son..."

"Don't make any excuses for me. Now that the little prince is about to marry, you must, immediately, immediately, let Su Guoshi conceive your child. My direct descendants must be from Su, do you understand?"

Su Qing quietly raised her head and glanced at Su Xuanchen beside her, and saw that his face was calm, without any superfluous expression, but the reddish ear tips still revealed Su Xuanchen's mood at the moment.

Su Qing thought it was a big deal, so she immediately patted her chest and assured: "Mother, don't worry, I will let you hold your great-grandson in a short time." While talking with a smile on her face, her knees unconsciously Lifting it up, Su Qing wanted to stand up.

"Kneel down!" Su Hui shouted coldly, and Su Qing immediately knelt down on the ground.

These days, if she doesn't touch boys, she has to be punished to kneel down. What's the matter?
"I ask you, are you okay?" Su Hui looked at her with scorching eyes, full of doubts in her eyes.


Su Qing almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda, and looked at her mother in disbelief.

She can't?how is this possible!

Just when she was about to speak, Su Hui told Eunuch Li with a worried face: "Go, call me all the imperial doctors from the imperial hospital..."

Su Qing turned pale with shock, what the hell, is she still shameless?Standing up quickly, the upper and lower lips turned quickly: "Empress, Empress, I can't do it, I...Elder..."

How would she explain this?
Su Hui looked at her suspiciously, as if asking: What is that?
Su Qing glanced at Su Xuanchen tangled, seeing that he lowered his head sullenly and did not speak, and felt a little helpless, aren't you usually able to refute her?

"My son is walking outside, I don't have time!" Su Qing closed her eyes and gave a lame reason.

Su Hui glanced at her again, and said, "I repeat, my direct descendants must be conceived by your Zhengjun, and that Zhengjun can only be Su Xuanchen, understand?"

Su Qing nodded hastily: "Understand." She also thought, isn't this what people don't want?
"One month, before you marry Li Shang, I want to hear good news, understand?"

a month?

Su Qing nearly fell down, isn't that how babies are made?
"Cough cough..." Suddenly, there was a coughing sound from below, Su Hui and Su Qing looked down at the same time, Su Xuanchen covered his mouth and coughed, his face turned red.

Su Hui looked unhappy: "Master Su, it's not that I'm talking about you. You're a big man, and you should have a child by your side. I have to wait for you to have a child before I can entrust this country to you."

"Cough cough...cough..." Su Xuanchen coughed more violently.

Su Qing's head is full of black lines. She really doesn't know why the majestic ruler of a country would worry about such trivial matters?

"That, Queen Mother, I know."

"It's over if you know it. This is the imperial decree. Do you understand the imperial decree?" Su Hui raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes again, affirming it again.

Su Qing bowed her head: "Your servant is in command!"

Su Hui's face looked better now, she waved her hands and said, "Get out, I'm annoyed when I see you two!"

"Yes." Su Qing answered with a low eyebrow, then walked over to pull Su Xuanchen up, and walked out quickly.

After the room returned to calm, Su Hui looked melancholy at the direction Su Qing was leaving.

Eunuch Li on the side hurried forward and comforted him: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Your Highness has her own sense of proportion."

Only then did Su Hui look away, and walked behind the desk. She still has a bunch of memorials that have not been approved today.

I hope her daughter can understand her painstaking efforts.

Su Qing took Su Xuanchen out of the imperial study room, then pulled Su Xuanchen over and asked, "Why are you here?"

 4 chapters will be released at once today, and will be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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