The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 232 Study and study together

Chapter 232 Study and study together

Su Xuanchen glanced at her indifferently, and lifted his thin lips: "Just as you left on the front foot, the empress sent someone on the back foot."

When Su Qing wanted to say something, Qi Yue came over and said, "wife master, national teacher."

Only then did Su Qing stop, and turned to look at Qi Yue: "Let's go back and talk about it first."

Qi Yue had no choice but to hide her doubts, turned around and followed Su Qing's footsteps, and Su Xuanchen followed silently.

All the way in silence, Su Qing and his party came vigorously and went back quietly.

late at night--

Qi Yue bid farewell to Su Qing, and followed Su Xuanchen back to Miaofeng Pavilion openly and aboveboard.

This is the first time for Su Qing to enter Su Xuanchen's room. She was curious for a while, tilted her head, looked left and right, except for a large bed, a table, and a bookshelf...

It seems that there is nothing else.

Su Qing turned to her back and asked: "I said Xiao Chenchen, didn't the accountant give you a monthly salary? How can you be so poor?"

There was no sound behind him for a long time, Su Qing turned around suspiciously, but there was no one behind him.

Su Qing tilted her head and looked out of the door, but saw the white shadow of the man who left the world and was independent.

A smile flashed in her eyes, and Su Qing strode out.

She's following orders this time!
We are full of confidence!
Su Qing walked over, grabbed Su Xuanchen's wrist, and dragged him directly into the room.

With a bang, the door slammed shut.

Then under the dim light, Su Qing could see Su Xuanchen's alluring face clearly. This time, it was indeed too red.

Red from neck to ears.

Su Qing smiled incomparably wretchedly, and suddenly approached Su Xuanchen: "Little Chenchen, have you read the brochure? Do you know how to act?"

Su Xuanchen turned around abruptly, and walked towards the back of the desk, he had to wake up.

So much happened tonight.

Su Qing smiled until her eyes were narrowed, took out a small notebook from the lapel, and walked towards Su Xuanchen: "Don't worry, Xiaochen, tonight, I won't touch you for my wife, the two of us Only by learning and learning together can we be more harmonious.”

Su Xuanchen sat straight on the chair, holding a book in one hand, without even looking at Su Qing.


Su Qing opened the booklet in his hand, and pressed it in front of Su Xuanchen. Su Xuanchen couldn't help but glanced at it. The unsightly scene instantly caught his eyes, and he stood up in shock.

Looking at Su Qing angrily, "What are you going to do?"

Su Qing sat on the table unhurriedly, but flipped through the small picture album in her hand with her fingertips: "Su Xuanchen, the emperor mother said that there will be good news next month, my wife will take you to study in person, you Say it?"

Su Xuanchen pointed at her with slightly trembling fingers, his lips squirmed for a while, and finally uttered a sentence: "Shameless!"

Su Qing raised her head lightly, and glanced at him: "Can you change the idiom to scold? I'm tired of hearing it for my wife."


"Don't you, you, hurry up, come here, take a look at this..." Su Qing interrupted him impatiently, pointing to the picture book and saying.

Su Xuanchen's gaze unconsciously fell on the place Su Qing was pointing at, and with just one glance, he turned around directly.

This is... so unsightly.

Su Qing covered her mouth secretly, and laughed so loudly, but she still said seriously: "Oh, it's all because the album is too blurry. It would be great if it was clearer."

Su Xuanchen closed his eyes fiercely, his feet moved quietly, he was a little afraid that he would run out again regardless of his image.

"Xiao Chenchen, you don't want to read it, okay, just read it for your wife, you can always find one that suits you, since there are 36 tricks." Su Qing nodded earnestly, and looked through the pages one by one with her head bowed solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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