The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 237 Can't Communicate

Chapter 237 Can't Communicate

But Li Shang blushed slightly, lowered his head: "That's right, it's the fabric of our wedding dress."

Su Qing was a little surprised, the people in the palace would naturally take care of these things, so why should he bother to do them.

But since Li Shang thought about it, she didn't bother to say anything, just looked at him, and changed the subject lightly: "On the seventh day of next month, we will marry another person to enter the hall."

Hearing this, Li Shang raised his head in an instant, the shyness on his face receded, and his beautiful face was full of panic at the moment: "What do you mean?"

Su Qing frowned slightly, her feelings also come first and then come first, she had already promised Jun Qian that she would get married when she returned to Su Jing.

But after returning to Su Jing, she was given a marriage. Before she had time to prepare, she had an extra wife who had to be married.

Jun Qian followed her side without a name. After a long time, it was inevitable that people would gossip. Although she didn't want to marry two people at the same time, but after all...

Whoever advances will hurt the other person's heart, so after thinking about it, the two of them should enter together.

"The son of Quanzhou Jun's family, Junqian, he has been with the hall for more than half a year without a name. Now, the hall was supposed to bring him back to Su Jing to give him a title, but it was delayed by the marriage granted by the mother. , but Jun Qian's matter can't be delayed any longer, I hope the little prince can forgive me." Su Qing also knew that this would hurt Li Guo's face, but if Li Shang agreed, it would be harmless.

Li Shang stood up and looked at her angrily: "What Jun Qian, what my prince is doing with you is the ceremony of couple's three prostrations, and Jun Qian, you have to give him a title, this prince has no objection, But you can't pick the day of our wedding!"

"Su Qing, where do you put this prince, who will leave the country?"

Hearing his questioning voice, Su Qing's face also darkened: "Li Shang, this hall is here to discuss with you."

"Are you negotiating? You are clearly an order..." Li Shang was very angry. Su Qing is a highness of the princess who is under one person and above ten thousand. He can understand that there may be all kinds of people joining her around in the future, but It can't be chosen on their wedding day.

"That's enough. If you don't want to, I will marry him in first." Putting down the cup in her hand, Su Qing stood up and wanted to turn around and leave.

"Don't go, you have to explain your words to the prince today." Li Shang helped to run in front of Su Qing, and opened his hand to stop her.

He should be the one who should be angry, okay?
Su Qing looked up at Li Shang, she really hated it to death, this damn height difference, when she looked at Su Xuanchen, she didn't have that much effort.

"Li Shang, it is you who want to marry this palace, not this palace wants to marry you. Besides, since this palace has accepted the imperial decree, it means that this palace has agreed to the Queen Mother to marry you, but when it comes to emotional matters, sometimes there is a first-come-first-come-first-served basis. No matter what, Jun Qian followed this hall without a name, and almost died in Huangquan along the way. This hall likes him, pities him and respects him, so I can't bear him to suffer this wrong..."

"Then you just have the heart to let me be wronged?" Li Shang's eyes were red, he was so wronged that he was about to cry.

Seeing him like this, Su Qing felt a headache for a while...

"Forget it, forget it if you don't want to, I won't talk about it..." Su Qing lowered her head, waved her hand casually, and walked outside.

She found that she couldn't communicate with Li Shang, so she should go find Xiao Jieba.

But just after she took a few steps, she was hugged tightly from behind, and then, Li Shang's aggrieved voice sounded in her ear: "If the prince agrees, are you willing to accompany the prince to the cloth village?" Choose fabric?"

Su Qing couldn't figure it out, why did the prince of a country treat her differently?
Instead of answering Li Shang's question directly, Su Qing asked instead: "Li Shang, when did you start liking this hall?"

(End of this chapter)

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