Chapter 238 I hate trouble
Obviously they have only known each other for a few days.

Why did Li Shang so stubbornly want to marry her?
Li Shang held her tightly in his arms, and rang in Su Qing's ear with a slight melancholy voice: "Maybe this is the so-called love at first sight, I don't know, anyway, as long as you ignore me and don't care about me , I will be uncomfortable..."

Su Qing secretly complained: All love at first sight is love at first sight!
After thinking about it, Su Qing still didn't say anything in the end, after all, Li Shang was going to enter her backyard, which was something that could not be changed.

Su Qing moved her body: "Let go of this hall first."

As soon as the words fell, Li Shang obediently let go of her arms, lowered his head, and stood there in a panic.

Su Qing turned around and looked at him for a long time before asking: "Have you eaten yet?"

Li Shang shook his head, he came to wait for her so early, how could he have time to eat?

Su Qing glanced at him helplessly, then turned her head and said to the servant, "Go and ask the kitchen to bring some side dishes."

"Yes!" The servant blessed the body, then turned and left.

Only then did Su Qing glance at him with a headache, she stretched out her hand to take off the goose-yellow robe on her body, stood on tiptoe and put it on Li Shang's body.

"Although it's late in winter in Su Jing, it's still winter after all. Don't just come out in a rag. This hall looks cold." Su Qing reached out and took Li Shangbing's cold palm, and walked all the way towards the dining table .

Feeling the warmth on her body, Li Shang looked up in astonishment, but could only see her perfect profile.


This is enough.

Ripples appeared in Li Shang's long and narrow peach eyes.

The two sat opposite each other, and the hot food was quickly served on the table.

Su Qing picked up the spoon, filled a bowl of chicken soup and put it in front of Li Shang: "Drink some chicken soup first, to warm your stomach."

Perhaps it was her unconscious actions that warmed his heart and made him fall in love. Li Shang was very obedient this time, and did not contradict her. He picked up the chicken soup and drank it in mouthfuls.

As if tasting some peerless treasure.

After dinner——

Su Qing looked at Li Shang opposite, frowned slightly, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Li Shang, this hall hates trouble."

Li Shang raised his head and agreed with the sentence: "Well, I hate it too."

Su Qing hesitated slightly, and then said tactfully: "For the matter in the backyard, this hall hopes that you will get along with them in harmony."

Li Shang looked at her resentfully: "Are you afraid that I will find fault with them?"

Su Qing lowered her head silently, she didn't say that.

"Let's go, don't you want to go to some cloth shop to choose fabrics?" Su Qing straightened her slightly messy clothes and stood up.

Only then did Li Shang curl his lips, and followed her out together.

"Wait..." Li Shang suddenly grabbed Su Qing's wrist.

Su Qing turned her head and looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Li Shang let go of her wrist in embarrassment, then touched the tip of her nose and said, "Didn't you say that there is another Junqian who wants to get married together?"

Su Qing was a little astonished, and asked in disbelief: "Why are you calling me?"

Li Shang glanced at her angrily, the tails of his eyes were slightly red: "Naturally, it is to choose the fabric, what else do you want to do?"

Seeing Su Qing froze on the spot without any response, Li Shang stomped his foot and walked out directly: "It's fine if you don't want to call him..."

Only then did Su Qing come to her senses, and she immediately beamed with joy: "Yes, this hall is very willing..."

Jumping up and down, Su Qing pulled Li Shang over, hooked his neck, tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek: "Wait here, I'll call someone over."

After finishing speaking, he ran away stepping, leaving Li Shang with a beautiful back, but...

The back seems a little thin.

"Su Qing, your clothes..." Li Shang quickly took off the robe behind him, and shouted at Su Qing.

 Reward! ! !Recommended ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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