Chapter 245
"All right, all right, let's eat." Su Qing waved her hand and moved the chopsticks first.

That's why no one held on to Wen Ziyan.

Wen Ziyan curled his lips, picked up the chopsticks that Jun Qian knocked down on the table, and ate on his own.

Halfway through the meal, Su Qing remembered, and turned to Qi Yue, "Where's Su Xuanchen?"

Qi Yue's hand holding the bowl slightly trembled, should he tell Su Qing's mansion about it?

But think about it, forget it.

"I've already sent someone to invite him. I guess there's something wrong."

Hearing this, Su Qing nodded, then looked away, she just went over to have a look later.

After a meal, only Su Qing was full of wine and food, and everyone else was a little bit careful.

"Yue'er." Putting down the bowl, Su Qing called out to Qi Yue.

"Huh?" Qi Yue turned her head, with a hint of doubt in her bright eyes.

"I'll trouble you to prepare a room for Wen Ziyan later. I'll go see the Imperial Teacher for my wife." Standing up, Su Qing said softly.

Qi Yue stood up, took the white fox-fur robe from the servant, and tied it on for Su Qing: "Don't worry, wife master, Yue'er will do well."

Su Qing nodded, then turned and left.

Wen Ziyan glanced at them, and wanted to get up and chase Su Qing, but just as he lifted his hips from the chair, someone pushed him back.

Wen Ziyan turned his head to the side, and saw Li Shang's incomparably evil and charming face, who was looking at him with a frosty face.

Wen Ziyan lowered his head silently, it's over now, why didn't he run faster just now.

"Mr. Wen, tell me, what is the purpose of coming to His Highness?" Qi Yue sat on the seat, wearing a purple robe that made him extremely dignified.


Miaofeng Pavilion.

Su Qing finally came here impatiently, people, as long as they tasted the sweetness once, they want to indulge in it forever, Su Qing is like this now.

But why is the door so tightly closed?
The guard at the gate is gone?

what happened?

A hint of doubt flashed in Su Qing's bright eyes.

Just as the servants of the Eastern Palace hurried past, Su Qing strode forward.

"The maidservants have seen His Highness." The ten maidservants immediately knelt and prostrated themselves on the ground in the snowstorm.

Su Qing frowned and said, "Where are the national teachers?"

Several maidservants looked at each other in blank dismay, and said a word for a long time.

"My hall asks you, where are the national teachers?"

The maidservant at the front trembled slightly, lowering her head even lower: " in the Miaofeng Pavilion."

right there?

Then why don't you open the door?
"Understood, let's go down." With a casual wave of her hand, Su Qing strode away.

Standing outside the gate again, Su Qing frowned slightly. Could it be that she was too cruel last night?So that Su Xuanchen turned her away?

Tapping her toes lightly, Su Qing put her hands behind her back and leaped directly over the wall.

She had to climb over the wall to enter her husband's place, she was a little sad.

Just when she stood on the ground and wanted to move forward, Chun Shan led someone towards her quickly.

"Your Highness, you should go back first." Chun Shan bent over, stood in front of her, and said with a embarrassed face.

"What happened?" Su Qing frowned, she couldn't believe that Su Xuanchen would do such a naive thing for no reason.

Chun Shan hesitated for a while, then stepped forward lightly, and whispered something into Su Qing's ear.

Su Qing's face darkened in an instant, she raised her foot suddenly, and kicked Chun Shan's knee.

Chun Shan had no time to dodge, and directly knelt on the ground with his knees, splashing snowflakes all over the ground, causing him to grin his teeth in pain.

Su Qing lowered her head and looked at him coldly: "Speak up!"

After saying this, Su Qing walked away quickly, Xiao Chenchen was so thin-skinned, and suddenly everyone in the East Palace knew...


Can I still come in tonight?

(End of this chapter)

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