The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 246 Qingqing's Hurricane Acting Skills

Chapter 246 Qingqing's Hurricane Acting Skills

"Chun Shan, are you alright?" The person behind him looked at Chun Shan bending over in pain, and asked worriedly.

Chun Shan looked unhappy: "Are you okay? Hurry up and help me up!"


Although it was true that she was turned away, when she really came, the servants around still retreated with winks.

After all, husband and wife quarrel at the end of the bed and at the end of the bed.

Su Qing stood at the door of Su Xuanchen's room, wanting to knock on the door, but just as she raised her finger, she silently put it down.

It's still safer to climb the window.

In the room, Su Xuanchen lit a candle alone, and sat quietly behind the desk. His black hair behind him was untied, his dark eyes were peaceful, and there was no smile on his god-like handsome face. It makes people want to approach, but also makes people flinch.

Su Qing opened the window and crept in.

Su Xuanchen moved his ears, raised the book in his hand, and smashed it hard.

Before Su Qing had time to stand still, she was startled by the book flying over in the air, and quickly dodged sideways.

Crack - the thick book hit the window directly, and then fell to the ground.

Su Qing's pupils widened slightly, because she saw that the window paper had been smashed into two holes...

If this hit her, wouldn't it hurt her to death?

"Get out!" Su Xuanchen refused to let go, and threw the teacup over again.

Su Qing froze in place and closed her eyes.

Su Xuanchen's gaze was originally on her, but instead of avoiding her, she closed her eyes.

In an instant, his face turned pale.

Pa——the teacup hit Su Qing's forehead directly, and then fell to the ground, shattered into pieces, and the blood flowed down her temples, and landed on her white fox-fur robe.

Su Qing's head was dizzy for a moment, and her body was shaken by the blow.

Su Xuanchen's lips trembled, and he quickly ran forward and hugged her: "Are you a fool? Why don't you avoid it?"

Su Qing raised her head, her forehead was broken, and blood was continuously flowing down her face.

"Don't talk." Su Xuanchen's fingertips trembled slightly, he bent down and picked up the person horizontally, then strode on the reclining chair.

"I'll call Yao Lao." After speaking, Su Xuanchen wanted to run outside.

Damn it, Su Xuanchen, why are you losing your temper?What cup are you throwing?
A smile flashed in Su Qing's eyes, and she directly grabbed the hem of his clothes, preventing Su Xuanchen from leaving.

Su Xuanchen looked down at her, only to see Su Qing looking at him with a bloody face and pale lips: "Xiao Chenchen, don't leave, okay?"

Su Xuanchen's heart ached slightly, and he blamed himself so much that he quickly squatted down and looked up at her: "Qingqing, be good, I'll go back as soon as I go."


Su Qing's heart jumped for joy, it was the first time someone called her that, and it was said from Su Xuanchen's mouth, it was really...

sounds amazing! ! !

After only a few seconds of thoughts, Su Qing grabbed his big palm directly, with a weak look: "Xiao Chenchen, I'm cold."

Su Xuanchen looked tangled, seeing the blood gushing from her forehead, her heart almost stopped beating: "I'm going to get the medicine box, you just sit down and don't move..."

Su Qing looked at his back as he left in a panic, and then grinned and touched the wound on his forehead.

Mom! !

It hurts her to death! !
Is it easy for her to get in?

Su Qing wants to cry but has no tears...

Su Xuanchen hurriedly took out the medicine box, and then ran towards Su Qing in a hurry.

Hearing the sound, Su Qing put down her hands, and immediately lay back, with a painful look on her face.

Su Xuanchen's forehead was already covered with fine sweat, and his fingers were trembling.

He took out the hemostatic medicine and ran over to gently sprinkle it on Su Qing's wound.

Su Qing was originally afraid of pain, but after doing this, she really felt a burning pain in the wound: "Ah... it hurts, it hurts!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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