Chapter 253
The imperial palace, the royal study——

Su Qing knelt upright in the center, looking up at the woman in the golden phoenix robe from time to time.

Is this an answer or a no?
Su Qing didn't know how long she had been kneeling. Anyway, when she was about to fall asleep, Su Hui said, "You said you want to retry Bailijin's case?"

Only then did Su Qing wake up in an instant, and quickly replied: "Yes."

"Reason?" Su Hui didn't raise her head, but her voice was unquestionable.

"Empress, Bailijin's case is full of doubts. It is said that she was corrupt and oppressed the people. These are all one-sided words of others. Besides, Empress, don't you think all this is too logical? "Su Qing looked at Su Hui with complicated eyes, and her tone was heavy.

Su Hui finally put down the memorial in her hand, and looked up at her unhurriedly: "Su Qing, how much do you know about what happened back then? The thousand taels of gold found from Bailijin's mansion is as solid as iron." Evidence. On the day when the Dali Temple was promoted, tens of thousands of people attacked in unison, and even those who were wronged were directly killed in the hall. She has been imprisoned for life, but I have a kind heart, do you understand?"

Su Qing's expression was extremely solemn. Of course she had heard about these things, but it was because everything was so logical that she had to doubt it.

"Empress, son..."

Su Qing was about to open her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Su Hui again.

"Su Qing, you don't need to say anymore. Unless there is conclusive evidence to prove that there are doubts in the case of Bailijin, and they are very suspicious, even ordinary people can see the doubts, then I can issue an order to order Dali Temple retrials the case, otherwise, there is absolutely no possibility of overturning the case!"

"Mother, son..." Su Qing just wanted to continue working hard, but was interrupted by Su Hui again.

"Do you know which princess is supported by all the officials in the court?" Su Hui looked down at her slightly and changed the subject directly.

Su Qing lowered her head, a glint of darkness flashed in her deep eyes, the Queen Mother asked what did she mean by that?

"Elder Sister." Although she didn't know Su Hui's intentions, Su Qing answered honestly.

Nowadays, whether it is the imperial court or the people, Concubine Su Wen is very popular among the people, she knows this.What's more, she is also the successor's daughter now, without her, Concubine Su Wen would naturally be able to assume the position of Su Guo's granddaughter.

And she had indeed doubted Concubine Su Wen, but until now she has not been able to find Concubine Su Wen's fault, either this person is deeply scheming, or there is really nothing wrong with her.

To be able to survive in this deep palace and climb to her current position, Concubine Su Wen is obviously not the latter.

"Now that you know, you should understand that I really want to pass on to you, but you are not yet full-fledged, and I don't want you to intervene in this complicated case. Qingzhou's party, the empress's resolute actions have spread throughout the whole world. All the officials in the Su Kingdom have understood my intentions, but... the people who wrote to impeach you are not only not small, but even more. At this juncture, I hope you will do something meaningful instead of worrying about these irrelevant things thing, understand?"

How could Su Qing not understand this truth, but the matter of Bailijin...

"Empress, son..."

"Okay, let's go down, I'm tired." Su Hui closed her eyes, as if she didn't want to say more.

Su Qing's face turned red. She found that every time she talked to Su Hui, she would be turned back, but she couldn't refute.

"Yes!" She bowed her head in response, and Su Qing was about to get up and leave.

Su Hui looked at her leaving back, and suddenly asked aloud: "You and the national teacher..."

Su Qing didn't look back, but said directly: "On this day next year, the Queen Mother will embrace her great-grandson."

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(End of this chapter)

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