Chapter 254 Mei Guijun

Hearing this, Su Hui nodded in satisfaction. Su Qing is unreliable in other matters, but the efficiency of giving birth to a baby is not bad.

Continuing to pick up the memorial to review, Su Hui's mood improved a lot.

It would be even better if there were twins.

As time passed by, the thick memorials on Su Hui's desk became less and less.

With a creak, the door was pushed open, and a man dressed in a golden dress came in, carrying a bowl of hot porridge.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night, let's drink some porridge to warm our stomach first."

Su Hui looked up when she heard the voice, and Su Heng's slightly thin figure was imprinted in her eyes.

Frowning slightly, Su Hui put down the brush in her hand: "Why did Empress Feng come here?"

Su Heng put the porridge in his hand on the table, and then turned to look at Su Hui. The years did not leave traces on Queen Feng's body, and she still looked as handsome and handsome as when she was young.

"The minister was worried about His Majesty's health, so he personally cooked the porridge and brought it over, and hoped that His Majesty would take care of his health." Su Heng blessed his body, his eyes were gentle, and his voice was as gentle as a feather.

Su Hui rubbed the center of her brows, then picked up the unfinished memorial on the table again, and her eyes no longer fell on him: "I accept Queen Feng's heart."

The smile on the corner of Su Heng's mouth froze slightly, but he still moved forward, walked behind Su Hui, stretched out his slender fingers and lightly put them on her shoulders, and pinched her for her: "It's a good thing for your majesty to be diligent in government and love the people. But I can't work so hard day and night..."

There seemed to be sullenness in Su Hui's brows, and she put down the memorial in her hand again. Su Hui said in a low tone, "Queen Feng, you take too much care!"

Suheng froze all over, bent his knees, and knelt directly beside her, with his forehead resting on the floor: "I know I was wrong."

Su Hui didn't give him a look, but waved her hand lightly: "Go down, don't come here if you have nothing to do in the future."

Tears glistened in Su Heng's eyes, but he still bit his lower lip tightly, not letting himself lose his composure, took a deep breath, and Su Heng stood up: "Your servant obeys."

After Su Heng walked out, Su Hui ordered someone to take away the porridge on the table.

After a while, the palace maid rushed to report: "Your Majesty, Mr. Mei Gui is asking to see you."

Rui Sui?

Su Hui put down the memorial in her hand, with a slightly anxious expression: "Where is it?"

"Outside the door!" The maid said respectfully.

"Go and invite people in." Su Hui stood up, straightened her robe, and then said.

The maid slightly blessed her body, and was about to leave when Su Qing rushed over to interrupt her.

"Forget it, I'll go in person." Taking the phoenix robe from the hanger, Su Hui walked out quickly.

outside the door-

A man in a brocade robe stood with his hands behind his back, the breeze blowing, the black hair behind him fluttering with the wind, his appearance was cold, his red lips were slightly pursed, and his phoenix eyes were piercing.When looking at Su Hui walking quickly, the slightly pursed thin lips raised slightly.

"I don't know how to add clothes when I come here. The weather is so cold, what should I do if I get cold?" Su Hui strode forward and put the robe in her hand on Rui Sui's body.

Only then did he pass Rui Sui and look at the servant behind him, his eyes were captivating: "Is this how you serve your lord?"

Bang bang bang—dozens of servants and court ladies knelt down and replied in unison: "I know I was wrong."

Rui Sui chuckled, his beautiful eyes glowed brightly, and his voice was moving: "Your Majesty, don't blame them, I don't want to wear it myself."

Only then did Su Hui look at him reproachfully, wrapped one arm around Rui Sui's waist, and walked inside: "You, you always don't let me worry."

Rui Sui's eyes were bent: "It's just a trivial matter, don't worry about it, Your Majesty."

Su Hui suddenly raised her voice: "Since the birth of your next year, your body has been weak. You can't mess around like this in the future. If you miss being a wife, you can ask someone to come and tell you that you don't want to go so far for your wife. "


(End of this chapter)

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