Chapter 275

"It was me, I sneaked in while the guards weren't paying attention, I was the one who stunned the young master with the incense, and it was I who used the medicine to get rid of his Shougong sand... I accidentally knocked the cup... This is..."

Speaking of the latter, Su Yu broke down in tears: "Don't... hurt me...Father..."

Crack—the sound of bones breaking.

Su Yu looked up in disbelief, and Su Qing was throwing him away with a look of disgust.

"Ah...!!!" Su Yu went crazy in an instant, and desperately ran over to catch Bai Cha's body.

"Father, daddy...don't scare me..." Su Yu was trembling all over while holding the white tea.

Blood dripped from the corner of Baicha's mouth, and he raised his hand tremblingly: "Daughter, father... told do your be human...don't fight...why...why don't you listen...? "

At the end of dying, Baicha raised his head and glanced at Su Hui, trying to say something...

His eyes closed slowly, but he didn't say a word.

Your Majesty, if there is an afterlife, the servant will never enter the palace again, you again...

Su Yu just stared at Bai Cha in such a daze that he even forgot to cry.

Su Qing didn't let her go so easily, and quickly turned around and knelt down towards Su Hui: "Xia He, present the things!" Jun Qian is fine, so Su Yu is not guilty of death!
Then she will let Su Yu die with all his sins on his back!

Su Hui frowned, but still took the envelope Xia He handed over.

When opening one by one and flipping through, Su Hui's eyes were already cold...


Su Hui smashed the letter to the ground suddenly, and then looked at Su Yu who was kneeling on the ground with a frosty face.

"Come on, bring this bastard down to me, and beat him back two hundred times!"

"Your Majesty, wait a minute!" A familiar voice came from behind Su Qing.

Su Qing turned her head in surprise, the man was dressed in white clothes, and slowly walked towards her, but without looking at her, he knelt down beside her, bent down and presented a token.

Su Hui's eyes were shocked, and she quickly touched her waist, only to find that the piece of her waist was still there!

"What's going on?" This was the imperial order for her to lead the Imperial Forest Army, Imperial Guard Army and Dongchang. Su Hui's eyes sank instantly.

"In the secret room of the three princesses, there are many identical tokens, not only His Majesty's imperial decree, but also the Jade Seal and General Chen's Tiger Talisman. Whether it is true or not, His Majesty can send someone to search the house to find out."

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was stunned. Is this trying to confuse the real with the fake?Like to seek power and usurp the throne?

Su Yu just came back to his senses, what's going on?her chamber...

Is it?

Su Yu looked at Su Xuanchen suddenly: "Bitch, don't spit blood!"

Su Qing clenched her fists tightly, telling Su Yu to die directly, it was too cheap for her.

Su Hui's eyes were heavy. She originally thought that Su Yu was just a bit petite, and originally wanted to save her life, but now it seems...

"Where is the Imperial Forest Army?" Su Hui stood up and called out to the door.


The sound of uniform footsteps came from far to near, and they knelt behind Su Qing and said, "I would like to follow your Majesty's instructions!"

"According to my order, immediately send troops to search the residence of the third princess."


As soon as these words came out, Su Yu finally ran forward like crazy: "Empress, Empress..."

At the same time, there was a fight on the only way to the palace.

Su Buckwheat rode on the horse as cold as frost, and looked anxiously at the purple robe in her eyes.

The sound of the clash of swords resounded on the palace road.

Su Buckwheat Noodles Ruo Frost: "I will kill this princess directly..."


Damn it, Qi Yue, a damned man, dared to come alone and block her way into the palace.

It's simply dead!

Hearing this, Su Qiao's maid attacked more and more fiercely, Qi Yue responded calmly with calm eyes.

 Ask for a monthly ticket! !Recommended ticket! !Reward! !crying~
(End of this chapter)

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