The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 276 Li Shang and Jun Qian

Chapter 276 Li Shang and Jun Qian

Seeing the stalemate in the scene, Su Qiao finally lost her patience: "Let's all go together!"

"Yes!" The surrounding guards flashed out in an instant, and rushed out with a long knife in hand.

Batch after batch of men in black came up, Qi Yue's two fists were no match for four hands, and finally her body was wounded, and even her sword hand was a bit labored.

Su Qiao's eyes became more and more gloomy: "Bring the bow and arrow!"

Su Qiao took out the bow and arrow from the servant, and pointed it straight at Qi Yue.

A sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth, and with a whoosh, the feathered arrow flew towards Qi Yue like a bamboo.

bang bang——

Qi Yue turned her head, and Wen Ziyan stood in front of him at some point. Of course, with black hair and black eyes, her face was still that evil and charming face, but at this moment his eyes were terribly cold.

"Second princess, you have a lot of guts!" Wen Ziyan brushed the wig on his forehead and said very calmly.

"Who are you?" When Su Qiao saw him, there was a moment of amazement and an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Wen Ziyan didn't answer her question, but quickly said to Qi Yue in a low voice: "She has controlled the situation, go back."

Qi Yue was taken aback for a moment, looked at his back complicatedly, and flew away directly.

Wen Ziyan sighed: "It's really ungrateful." Immediately, he flew up to catch up with Qi Yue.

The man in black wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by Su Qiao: "It's important to enter the palace."


Jing Wan Palace.

The imperial army came in a hurry: "Your Majesty, all the things are placed in the outer courtyard."

Su Hui stood up, stretched out her hand to hold Mei Guijun, and then strode out, unexpectedly she glanced at the Bai family who died alone.

Su Yu got up in a panic, and also ran out in a stumbling manner. Su Qing's eyes flashed slightly, but she didn't follow, instead, she strode behind the screen.

Li Shang held Jun Qian in his arms, and both of them looked up at her at the same time, one was laughing wantonly, the other was full of tears.

The stone in Su Qing's heart suddenly fell, and she strode towards them, squatted down and hugged the two of them into her arms: "Little stammer, it's okay."

Jun Qian's tears came up again, and he hugged her weepingly: "Su...Su...Sister..."

Li Shang's face was a little embarrassed, but he still stretched out his hand, one arm wrapped around Jun Qian, and the other wrapped around Su Qing's waist: "What's there to cry about, don't you just get a glance from the pig? This prince chopped her up and made pig head soup for you!"


Jun Qian burst out laughing instantly, Su Qing was taken aback, her eyes also curved, Li Shang saw that they finally laughed, and couldn't help but curl her lips.

"Little stammer, as Su Qing's men, we have to be courageous. If anyone dares to bully you in the future, you will report my prince's name? This prince will see who dares to rush up if he is short-sighted. I will be trampled to death by my prince's Liguo cavalry. She!!" Li Shang let go of Su Qing and Jun Qian, his eyebrows fluttering.

Jun Qian glanced at him angrily: "Aside from relying on Liguo, what else would you rely on?"

Li Shang smiled enchantingly, and glanced at Su Qing who was at the side: "Of depends on your sister Su..."

Jun Qian was instantly unhappy, and quickly looked at him angrily: "Go and rely on your Li Guo army!"

"Hey, young master, you don't know what's good or bad, right? Just now, I hugged the prince and cried to death, and the prince hasn't disliked you yet. Are you scolding the prince instead?" Li Shang sat cross-legged on the ground, pointing Jun Qian said angrily.

"Who is crying, who is crying..." Jun Qian refused to admit defeat.

"You, I'm talking about you!" Li Shang's eyes widened, and his eyes fell on Jun Qian.

Pfft——Su Qing smiled unkindly, held one of the other with one hand, and said, "Okay, okay, can you two change your cockfighting temperament?"



The two turned their heads away at the same time.

Su Qing had a headache and was a little funny. Letting go of the two, Su Qing stood up and looked down at them.

(End of this chapter)

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