Chapter 280
Su Qing took a look at Wen Ziyan, then turned and left, but just as she reached the door, she stopped.

Yaolaoge on the left, Junqian on the right.

Where is she going?

When she was extremely embarrassed, Su Xuanchen came up: "I have something to talk to Jun Qian, you go and see Qi Yue's injury."

Su Qing turned her head, pulled him into her arms, stood on tiptoe, and pressed a kiss on his forehead: "Xiao Chenchen is indeed a caring little padded jacket for his wife."

When Su Xuanchen raised his head in astonishment again, Su Qing had already rushed to Yaolaoge.

Subconsciously raising her finger, Su Xuanchen gently touched her forehead, where her temperature seemed to remain.

Lowering his head, Su Xuanchen couldn't help but frowned.

Li Shang stared blankly at their leaving backs behind them.

When can he cheat a kiss?
Wen Ziyan grabbed the grapes on the table and stuffed them into his mouth, slowly moved behind Li Shang, and said inarticulately, "Little prince, are you jealous?"

Hearing this, Li Shang closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already calm and breezy, turned around, and Li Shang's red lips slightly curled up: "That's better than Xiao Liang Dan who is destined to have no wife in this life. "

Li Shang winked playfully at Wen Ziyan.

Wen Ziyan's face turned livid in an instant, the grape was stuck in his throat, and he was about to speak, but he was so stuck that he coughed: "Cough...cough cough..."

With a bang, Li Shang opened the black folding fan, shook it in an extremely coquettish and suave manner, and narrowed his eyes with a smile: "It will be the day of my prince's wedding soon, Mr. Wen, remember to drink a few glasses of wedding wine when the time comes." what."

"You..." Wen Ziyan blushed and pointed at him tremblingly.

"What are you, this is my prince's sincere invitation. No matter how many people want to ask for it, they can't ask for it." Li Shang patted his hand, smiled, and strode away directly.

Wen Ziyan was left alone in a mess.



This is the courtyard that Su Qing gave to Jun Qian directly, and he was going to live in it after marriage. Su Xuanchen straightened his white clothes and walked in directly.

Jun Qian sat in the pavilion with his legs crossed, quietly looking at the pool under the pavilion, his expression was terribly calm.

When Su Xuanchen came over, he didn't bother Jun Qian, but sat directly behind Jun Qian, waiting for him to find out.

I don't know how long it took, Jun Qian finally asked: "Is there anything the national teacher is here today?"

Su Xuanchen was not surprised that Jun Qian could discover his existence, if he didn't have this ability, he was not worthy to stay by her side.

"She killed Su Yu and his son with her own hands." Su Xuanchen's cold voice sounded behind him.

Jun Qian's back stiffened, and he turned his head in disbelief: "How about Sister Su?"

Jun Qian knew in his heart that no matter how wrong Su Yu was, they were sisters after all, and he later knew that he hadn't lost his virginity. If Su Qing released her with a little punishment, he would accept it.

She can't be charged with killing her sister.

But now...

Su Xuanchen didn't look at him, but quietly looked at the pool: "She has done such a thing to you, and she has an unforgivable crime. Even if she dies, she will have more than enough guilt."


"But do you know what method she used to kill people?" Su Xuanchen interrupted him directly.

Jun Qian looked at him nervously: "What method?"

Su Xuanchen finally turned his head, his eyes were as calm as ever: "In the racecourse, people are dragged to death alive."

Jun Qian was slightly taken aback, what?
"Do you know what she said at the end?" Su Xuanchen looked at him and asked calmly.

Jun Qian lowered his head and remained silent.

"She said, this is the fate of men who covet this hall!" Su Xuanchen didn't give him a chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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