The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 281 Jun Qian Apologizes

Chapter 281 Jun Qian Apologizes
Jun Qian looked up at Su Xuanchen in astonishment.

"She already regards you as her own, do you understand?" Su Xuanchen finally had slight ripples in his eyes.

The air was quiet for a long time.

"I...I know..." Jun Qian finally said that sentence slowly.

"Actually, I don't like you. I believe Young Master Jun should be able to feel it himself, right?" Su Xuanchen seemed to have a gleam of melancholy on his brows.

Jun Qian lowered his head again, he knew, how could he not know.

"That time when she fell into the water, Su Qing didn't find out the problem. That's because she didn't check on you at all. You must be very clear about this." Su Xuanchen said every word very clearly.

"Later, the reason I was willing to accept you was because she liked you..." Su Xuanchen lowered his head, with bitterness on his lips.

"I'm sorry." Jun Qian finally lowered his head in shame. It was true that he jumped down by himself, just to test his position in Su Qing's heart.

"You don't have to tell me I'm sorry, I'm not the one you should say sorry to. Jun Qian, I know what happened to Su Yu has left a shadow in your heart, but I hope you can understand that no matter whether you are innocent or not, she doesn't care about you." She cares, all she cares about is you. I hope..."

Su Xuanchen raised his head and looked at Jun Qian. He suddenly realized that it was the first time he had spoken so many words to someone other than Su Qing.

"You don't want to use these careful thoughts on your own people again, and don't worry about Su Yu's affairs anymore, live a good life." I don't want Su Qing to feel guilty for the rest of her life because of this incident.

Su Xuanchen didn't say the last sentence.

What a delicate and transparent person Jun Qian is, Su Xuanchen doesn't say, he can naturally guess.

"Don't worry, Zhengjun, I know what to do." Jun Qian said calmly, changing from his usual weakness.

Not much to say, let's stop there.

Seeing that he understood what he meant, Su Xuanchen just nodded, then stood up, ready to leave.

"Master, do you still blame me for that matter?" Jun Qian stood up in a panic and asked nervously.

Su Xuanchen's footsteps paused slightly, and he continued to walk forward. A warm voice came from the wind: "It's all over."

Jun Qian stared at his leaving figure, until the tall and straight figure could no longer be seen, Jun Qian straightened his robe, turned and left.

At the same time, Yao Lao Pavilion.

Su Qing tiptoed in from the outside, and Qi Yue was getting dressed with her back turned.

Su Qing saw the blood on his shoulder sharply, and frowned. Su Qing no longer concealed the sound of her footsteps, and strode forward directly.

Qi Yue heard footsteps, just about to turn around, but was held down by someone: "Don't move."

Su Qing reached out and pulled off his shirt, and the deep bloodstain on his right shoulder came into view.

Su Qing frowned, took the ointment in his hand, and wiped it on for him: "Yue'er, why did you do such a dangerous thing?"

Qi Yue was slightly taken aback, then smiled, and said, "I think if Su Qiao isn't here, you will be able to relax more."

The finger that was applying the medicine for him paused, Su Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and she sighed softly: "This is a small matter, a wife can handle it."

Su Qing put down the ointment in her hand, turned around and sat beside Qi Yue, put her arms around him, and said softly: "Yue'er, don't do such dangerous things in the future, you will worry about your wife."

Qi Yue hugged her waist gently, "I'll pay attention..."

"Attention or not, do you have to let me know what you want to do in the future?" Su Qing seriously interrupted him.

Just listening to what Wen Zi said, she was so frightened that if it happened again, she might really be worried to death.

This one or two, no one really let her worry.

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(End of this chapter)

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