Chapter 286 Sister
Jun Qian exclaimed, and immediately put his arms around her neck. When he met the man's incomparably doting eyes, Jun Qian finally lowered his head shyly.

Flower petals all over the sky fell on them, and Su Qing kept walking, letting the air be filled with a strong fragrance.

Outside the Jingwan Palace, when people saw Su Qing directly hugging someone out, their eyes widened in surprise, because when will a woman from the Zunguo country condescend to hug a concubine?
And this, the second most honorable woman in Su country told them, yes, she just did it, and she wanted to let the whole world know that she doted on Junqian, and couldn't bear to let him go.

Bending down to put the man into the eight-carried sedan chair, Su Qing's eyebrows were gentle: "You are the husband I am marrying, and you are not inferior to anyone else, remember!"

Jun Qian looked into her big bright eyes, didn't know why she said that, but nodded obediently: "Jun Qian knows."

Eight lifts of the sedan chair, the Ming media is getting married!
He is not satisfied with just treating a side king.

Su Qing finally smiled, gently rubbed his hair and then retreated.

Two sedan chairs, one person carries eight large sedan chairs, and one person carries sixteen large sedan chairs.

As for the 16-person sedan chair, anyone with a discerning eye knows who it is for.

But carrying a big sedan chair eight times and treating a side king also amazed the people in the entire capital of Su.


The welcoming team stopped here, and Su Qing stood outside the door, waiting quietly, hearing the deafening sound of firecrackers and the dancing lion dance figure.

Finally, at the moment when everyone was watching, the gate of the inn finally opened, and everyone gasped, because Li Shang was carried out on his back, and that man was dressed in brocade clothes, and the royal aura on his body was impossible to ignore.

Whether it was the common people or Su Qing, there was a flash of surprise in the eyes, the Lord of Li Country really doted on this younger brother, presumably the Queen of Li Country did not treat him like this.

Li Shang raised her head from Li Yi's back, and with just one glance, Su Qing froze in place. Li Shang was already pretty, but today she also put rouge on her cheeks, and her rosy complexion added a layer of charm The bright red, the corners of the eyes pasted with golden flowers, turned into a charming charm that makes people lose their souls.

Everyone gasped, originally they thought that Jun Qian was already beautiful enough, but when they saw Li Shang, everyone couldn't help being shocked by his beauty.

What kind of people did their highness the princess marry?

Seeing Su Qing who was stunned, Li Shang no longer had the cheekiness of the past, lowered his head in an instant, leaned into Li Yi's ear and said, "Sister, walk faster."

Hearing this, Li Yi's dark eyes were bent, and he opened his voice and said, "Hey, my sister's Shang'er is shy when he sees his wife~"

Hearing this, Li Shang subconsciously looked at Su Qing, Su Qing was looking at him with a smile on her face, she was so ashamed that Li Shang scolded Li Yi: "Sister, what are you doing?"

Li Yi finally walked to the sedan chair with him on his back. Su Qing walked over and hugged Li Shang from Li Yi's back. Of course, she put Li Shang on the ground.

Li Shang is the tallest among her several husbands, and also the heaviest!
Li Yi looked at them, and said with a bit of melancholy, "Ma'am, you have to treat Shang'er well."

Su Qing clenched Li Shang's fingers, and looked at Li Yi firmly: "Yes!"

Only then did Li Yi nod, and turned to look at Li Shang: "I'm going to be a husband and a father in the future, don't be childish, understand the wife-lord more, and be virtuous and virtuous, you know?"

Li Shang looked at Li Yi, and his eyes suddenly turned red: "I see, sister."

 Virtuous and virtuous, everyone just listen to it, it is impossible to leave the world, don't take it seriously~ (Ask for a monthly ticket!!)

(End of this chapter)

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