Chapter 287
Su Qing leaned closer to Li Shang's ear: "Why are you crying, I'll be homesick in the future, just go back with you for my wife and have a look."

Li Shang looked at her in astonishment, Su Qing gave him a promise so easily, he originally thought that he would never be able to return to Li Country in this lifetime.

Li Yi also heard these words clearly, and gave Su Qing an even more approving look, before he stepped aside: "Hurry up, get on the sedan chair, so as not to miss the auspicious time."

Then Su Qing took Li Shang's hand and walked towards the big sedan chair carried by 16 people. She bent down and opened the curtain herself, and sent the people in. Su Qing then turned around and nodded to Li Yi, Then he strode towards the steed with big red flowers hanging in front.

After getting on the horse neatly, Xia He's voice sounded: "Get up the sedan chair~"

The sound of gongs and drums sounded again, and the welcoming team slowly walked towards the East Palace. Perhaps because of Li Guo's joining, the team got stronger.

Although the number of people carrying the sedan chairs was different, no one said anything wrong, because marrying the side-lord used the form of the right-hand man, while marrying the right-hand man used the etiquette of welcoming the queen.

Your Majesty, you can afford this courtesy!

Because, Li Shang is the prince of Li Guo!
East Palace——

After Su Qing dismounted, another problem arose.

Kick the sedan chair.

Who does she have to kick first?

It stands to reason that Zhengjun should be kicked, but...

In this way, Jun Qian will definitely be sad.

But the ruler of the Li country, all civil and military officials are here, and she can't save his face.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Su Qing finally walked towards Li Shang.

Just when Li Shang thought that Su Qing was going to pick up Jun Qian first, the sedan chair moved slightly, Su Qing kicked the sedan chair, and then stretched out a finger as thin as a scallion white in front of him.

Li Shang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and put his hand on it, Su Qing exerted a little force, and he was brought into her arms.

"Li Shang, I..." Su Qing just wanted to explain, but Li Shang looked down at her and chuckled lightly.

He opened the mouth and said: "If you can pick me up first, I will be satisfied. That little stutterer is still waiting for you, go quickly."

Su Qing was slightly astonished for a moment. At this time, if Li Shang was not willing at all, according to the current situation, she would have to obey his wishes.

But I didn't expect that Li Shang really had such a big tolerance, but she treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Smiling at Li Shang, Su Qing turned around and walked towards Jun Qian, everyone was stunned by this scene...

Jun Qian was sitting in the sedan chair with a dejected expression on his face, planning to get out of the sedan chair if she didn't come later, but just as he thought so, the sedan chair moved slightly, and then the curtain was lifted, and she refused to come. The beautiful face caught his eyes.

Jun Qian laughed suddenly, and Su Qing stretched out her hand towards him: "It's too late for my wife."

Jun Qian quickly put his trembling hand in her palm: "It's not too late!"

Su Qing held his hand tightly and pulled him out step by step.

Holding Junqian with one hand and Lishang with the other, the three of them were all peerless, and they walked towards the East Palace at the same time.

This prosperous wedding was finally going on slowly under the eyes of the common people.

It also aroused discussions among the people of Sujing.

"His Royal Highness is really lucky to have two beauties in this prosperous age."

"According to me, this little prince and young master are the truly blessed people. From this wedding, we can see how careful our Highness is..."

"It's more than that, Su Guoshi and Mr. Qi Yue, which one is not the dragon and phoenix among the people..."

"After all, he is the future lord of a country. In my opinion, there are still fewer people around our Highness. In the future, there will definitely be better and better people..."

"That's true, how can a wise gentleman like His Highness not have the support of a few men behind him? According to me, the harem should be opened up in the future, and all good men from all over the world should be included in the harem..."

"Hahahaha, it makes sense..."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! !Reward! !crying~
(End of this chapter)

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