Chapter 329
"How did you break it?" Su Qing lowered her head, tightly wrapped her arms around his waist, and a gloomy look flashed in her eyes.

"It was interrupted." Wen Ziyan looked at her pitifully, showing his weakness to the extreme.

Sighing softly, Su Qing finally bent down slowly, hugged him up by the waist, and walked back step by step towards the way he came while holding him without changing expression.

Wen Ziyan stared blankly at her chin, presumably he will never forget in this lifetime, when he woke up in this mass grave full of corpses, the first thing he saw was not the cold and dirty corpse, but her smiling face. Red eyes, and a cool face.

In fact, he knew that since he woke up, Su Qing had deliberately blocked his sight, so that he could only look at her alone.

At this moment, she hugged him in her arms, but she still didn't forget to let his head close to her arms.

Wen Ziyan suddenly understood why Su Xuanchen was willing to give up the position of the national teacher for her, and the prince of the country, but he was willing to share the position of the righteous monarch with Su Xuanchen, and tried his best to marry in.

Qi Yue and Jun Qian are not ordinary people, but they are willing to be concubine.

If it were him at this moment, let alone allow him a concubine, he would rather just stay by Su Qing's side, even if he is nameless...

Maybe it was too tired, or maybe Su Qing's fragrance was too charming, Wen Ziyan just fell asleep in her arms.

In a daze, he seemed to hear the man's slightly low sigh.

When Su Qing was doing business, she always liked to frown between her brows. Several times, he wanted to smooth the wrinkles between her brows.

Because the way she frowned was so distressing.

Although Su Qing was walking fast, she tried to walk as steadily as possible. Realizing that the person in her arms had fallen asleep from exhaustion, Su Qing hugged him tighter, and took a shortcut back to Su Jing in the cold wind.

She didn't go back to the East Palace, but went to the courtyard she had bought outside.

After finding a doctor to treat Wen Ziyan's injuries and drink the medicine, Su Qing ordered his servants to take care of him at all times, but she took advantage of the moonlight to return to the East Palace.

Just after returning to Yaoguang Palace, Su Qing quickly took a bath and changed clothes, then changed into a white gauze skirt, casually pulled her hair up high, and walked towards the back garden.

She didn't forget, it's New Year's Eve tonight.

She promised them that she would watch the New Year with them all night.

The back garden is full of colorful ribbons and all kinds of paper figurines folded by the guards in the mansion. Looking around, there is a warm feeling.

In the gazebo, several of her husbands smiled and looked over.

With a smile in her eyes, Su Qing walked towards them eagerly.

"Your Highness Wanan." People around bowed down to salute.

Su Qing kept walking, and when she got to the main seat, she took Su Xuanchen and Li Shang's hands and sat down, then turned to look at the people who bent over to salute: "Pingshen, a family banquet, there is no need to be polite."

"Yes!" The servants were all beaming with joy. His Highness is much more amiable than before, and the masters are all loving. Their status and treatment in this Eastern Palace are not comparable to that of ordinary people.

After everyone saluted, they gathered together in groups of threes and twos to chat, and they were not worried that Su Qing would blame them.

Of course, Su Qing didn't bother to pay attention to them, and after sitting down, she looked at Su Xuanchen and the others cheerfully: "You guys cooked the food so quickly, it's not bad."

Su Qing let go of Su Xuanchen's and Li Shang's hands, and started directly without taking the chopsticks, stretching out her claws to grab the side dishes on the plate.

Pa—Su Xuanchen slapped the back of her hand quickly.

"Are you a primitive?" Su Xuanchen's cold voice sounded from her right side.

The corner of Su Qing's mouth twitched, she retracted her claws silently, and gave Su Xuanchen an aggrieved look, her accusing eyes seemed to say: You hit me again!
(End of this chapter)

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