Chapter 330

Su Xuanchen picked up the teacup on the table expressionlessly, as if he couldn't see Su Qing's accusing eyes.

The corner of Su Qing's mouth twitched, she found that since Su Xuanchen became pregnant, her temper has become more and more serious.

Li Shang chuckled, sat up lazily from the chair, picked up the chopsticks on the table and handed them to Su Qing: "No, eat with chopsticks."

Su Qing turned her head, blinked at Li Shang, and curled her red lips: "It's better for Xiao Shang Shang."

Immediately after taking the chopsticks, he quickly stretched them into the plate of delicious-looking braised pork.

Qi Yue smiled slightly, her beautiful eyes were full of affection.

It seems that His Highness really likes the dishes he cooks, and he will do more research on new dishes in the future.

Su Qing stuffed it into her mouth regardless of her image, and said to Qi Yue with a smile: "Xiao Yueyue, it's so delicious, you can make more in the future, and send someone to call me when it's done, and I will go to your..."

As soon as these words came out, Qi Yue burst into laughter instantly, his skills are still useful.

"Okay, the mistress can eat whenever she wants." Qi Yue was excited in her heart, but her expression remained calm.

Su Qing's mouth was bulging, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were narrowed, she looked up at Qi Yue, and nodded heavily: "Well, I love Xiao Yueyue the most."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing continued to lie on the table facelessly and continued to eat and eat! !
For a foodie like her who is not fat, food is simply the biggest temptation in the world for her.

What's more, her little Yueyue's food is delicious, and her mouth has been spoiled by him.

She said this just for fun, but it caused the displeasure of the men around her.

What do you mean?Do you love Xiaoyueyue?

Even Su Xuanchen glanced at the back of her head indifferently, and when he lowered his head, a hint of probing actually flashed in those deep eyes.

Should he also learn to cook?
Su Qing didn't notice it, and ate with gusto by herself.

Li Shang watched the cakes he made with so much painstaking efforts being put aside, and when the few plates of meat Qi Yue made were almost wiped out by Su Qing, his complexion finally turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and said: " Mistress, do you like to eat these fatty meats so much?"

Su Qing didn't look back, but directly refuted: "I don't like to eat fatty meat, I only like to eat lean meat."

The corner of Li Shang's mouth twitched, looking at this voracious woman, he turned his head to the side helplessly.

This is the third time he has thought, can he regret marrying her?

Jun Qian looked aggrieved at the delicate side dishes on the table, then looked at Su Qing who didn't care about his image, curled his lips, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Then Sister Su only likes Brother Qi Yue, not Jun Qian. ?"

Jun Qian has always been bold and can be cute, so no matter how upset the other three are, they can't act like a spoiled child to Su Qing as blatantly as Jun Qian.

Sure enough, Su Qing immediately beamed with joy, raised her head to look at Jun Qian, and said softly, "No way, Sister Su also likes little stutterers."

Only then did Jun Qian smile sweetly, and immediately ignored the murderous eyes around him.

"Well, Jun Qian also likes Sister Su very much."

"Little stutterer is so cute~" Su Qing never forgot to tease Jun Qian while eating meat.

Li Shang and Qi Yue were very upset, but they could only keep their heads sullen and didn't say a word.

Jun Qian is a stinky shameless person!
Su Xuanchen glanced at her indifferently, sat up straight, and acted directly.

His slender fingers picked up a large bowl, poured a bowl of strong wine, and stretched out his other hand to grab Su Qing. With a gentle face, he looked at the bewildered Su Qing in his arms with a smile in his eyes. Gentle and slightly magnetic: "My wife, drink some water~"

Su Qing's eyes lit up. Are you going to... feed her?
But before she could react, Su Xuanchen's eyes turned hard, and he put the bowl to her mouth: "My wife, this must be the only way to shut your mouth."

Su Qing: "..." A pair of phoenix eyes can be stared round by Su Xuanchen, which is really embarrassing for him.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! !Thank you for your fundraising and rewards today, Feifei will add 2 more chapters in the morning, love you~
(End of this chapter)

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