Chapter 331 Love is Mutual

Li Shang and Qi Yue looked at them straight, almost giving Su Xuanchen a thumbs up.

They dare not treat Su Qing like this, and only Su Xuanchen has the courage.

Jun Qian's complexion changed, he knew that if he went to stop him at this moment, either he would be miserable or Su Qing would be miserable.

In the end, Jun Qian silently lowered his head, the next time he acted like a baby, he should stay in the room, these big jealousy! !

Jun Qian complained a few words silently, he didn't have the ability to compete for favor, so he took his anger out on him and Su Qing!

Su Qing wanted to cry without tears, hugged Su Xuanchen's arm, and said pitifully, "Little Chenchen, you see that my wife is so beautiful and kind, are you willing to drink such a big bowl of wine for my wife?"

Su Xuanchen carried the big bowl steadily, expressionless: "I'm willing!"

Li Shang was lazily leaning on the recliner, and he didn't intend to stop him. Su Qing's blatantly provocative temperament really needs to be changed, otherwise there will be a fight in the backyard in the future.

Qi Yue also looked like she had nothing to do with herself, who made Su Qing say that she loved him just now, and suddenly said that she liked Jun Qian.

Su Qing rolled her eyes, but found that no one paid attention to her, Su Qing's face turned dark, who is the wife-leader here?

Raising her head suddenly, Su Qing's eyes turned hard, and she gritted her teeth: "I'll drink it!"

Su Xuanchen was taken aback, she had already taken the bowl in his hand, before he could stop it, Su Qing gulped it down, then poured it softly on his body, her cheeks became even redder, and said softly: "You guys A few big vinegar jars..."

When Su Xuanchen, Li Shang, Qi Yue, and Jun Qian heard these words, they all subconsciously looked at Su Qing in Su Xuanchen's arms.

It turned out that she understood their thoughts.

Su Qing muttered her red lips, leaned against Su Xuanchen's arms, looked at them with blurred eyes, opened her lips and said, "Actually, you don't need to show your presence with me, because..."

A few people listened intently with bated breath, the whole gazebo could only hear the slightly noisy noise outside.

Su Qing suddenly smiled, with a beautiful smile, flushed cheeks, pink and tender red lips: "Because, no matter what you do, you are my husband, Su Qing, who I want to stay with you forever. I told you before yes…"

"Hi~" Su Qing hiccupped suddenly.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, Su Qing finally finished the rest of the sentence slowly: "This hall does not like to fight, it is because I am afraid that you will become unrecognizable because of me. Now, what I want to say as a wife is, I hope you can Accompany my wife to the end of my life."

When Su Qing opened her eyes to look at them, her big eyes were extremely bright: "There are too many corpses stepped on for my wife in this top of ten thousand people, and it's too cold. Only when you are by my wife's side can there be any meaning for a wife to live..."

The eyes of the four were unintentionally shocked. In their eyes, Su Qing was always smiling. When was there a time when she was so helpless?
Seeing her like this, their hearts ached...

Li Shang sniffed, his eyes were moist, and said with a smile: "Hey, stinky woman, why do you act like a dead husband? The four of us seem to be alive in front of you, right? By the way, there is another Little one, if the baby in Su Xuanchen's womb sees how cowardly her mother is, I'm afraid he'll laugh his ass off."

Hearing this, several people laughed.

They only discovered today that Su Qing is such an insecure woman.

All the fragility will only be exposed in front of them, but in this way they are very satisfied.

The reason why they love Su Qing to the bottom of their hearts is probably that Su Qing will pamper and love them, and if there is any problem between them, she can find out and solve it in time, and she has enough patience for each of them.

Love is mutual, if Su Qing is willing to give them such affection, they are naturally willing to give all their love and respect her every opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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