The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 333 He's Just a Substitute

Chapter 333 He's Just a Substitute

Li Shang turned his head and looked at Jun Qian indifferently, did he think I would say that he hoped to get pregnant soon?

"What's your business?"

Hearing the beating tone, Jun Qian silently rolled his eyes, you deserve to be hated by your wife all the time.

But he was happy now, and he didn't bother to argue with Li Shang, so he turned around calmly and ran towards Qi Yue who was beside him.

Li Shang glanced at him sideways, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, then raised his head to look at the starry night sky, thousands of lights were slowly rising, and looking around, the dark night sky seemed to be lit by candles.

Each one carries the wishes of the people of Sujing City, including the masters in the deep palace who have been locked up by the red walls and green tiles for a lifetime.

At some point, Su Qing brought a golden Kongming lantern over, and everyone stopped to watch.

There are four sides in total, and each side is written with big characters like flying dragons and phoenix dancers. Su Qing's characters have always been inferior to those of the husbands in the mansion, but they are better than the word chic.

The four sides connected together are: Guotai Minan!Four characters.

Su Qing lit the Kongming lantern in her hand, and let it out with a solemn expression. When the lantern slowly rose, she folded her hands and closed her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Su Xuanchen and the others imitated her appearance, folded their hands together, and prayed for the country of Su, and for the prosperous city of Sujing.

Inside and outside, the people of the entire Sujing city saw this lamp.

In a small courtyard.

"Mother, what does that lamp say?"

The woman looked in the direction her daughter pointed, and the golden Kongming lantern was rising like the rising sun.

"Girl, that's the prayer of the future emperor of our country of Su. I hope that the country of Su will be safe and peaceful." The woman patted her daughter's little head and explained patiently.

The little girl nodded half-understood, turned around to face the slowly rising sky lantern, folded her hands together, and said silently: I hope the country of Su will live in peace and prosperity.

The woman smiled gratifiedly, the current Highness is worthy of the future king of the Su Kingdom!
The national treasury is empty, it is His Highness who makes up for it, the people are hungry, it is His Highness who ordered the officers and soldiers to give out porridge every month, the corrupt officials in Qingzhou, it is His Highness who is not afraid of power and uproots them, and now the imperial envoy Qiushui goes all the way north to punish corrupt officials. The people praised him for his soft hands.

It even signed a century-old peace treaty with the Li country, so that the other countries did not dare to invade again, and the border was peaceful.

And all of this is because of the master in the East Palace, their future emperor!

In the palace, the woman in the bright yellow phoenix robe was standing on the tower with Rui Sui in her arms.

With melancholy eyes, of course they also saw the light, so conspicuous and bright.

Meier, our daughter, has finally grown into what we expected at first. In this world, no one can bully her.

Meier, you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs.

Rui Sui leaned quietly on Su Hui's shoulder, tears seemed to flash in those bright eyes.

He understands Su Hui so well. For so many years, she has kept it in her heart and thought about it all her life. The person who has been thinking about it all her life is not him, not her current successor, nor the one who gave birth to her two children. Father, let alone those masters in the harem who are ostentatious.

Rather, it was Su Qing's father, the man who had been blessed all his life.

Because he is that person's confidant and friend, and he has the shadow of Meixue on him... Su Hui dotes on him so much.

Everyone in the world envies that I can win the emperor's true love, but no one knows that I am not as good as a man who has been buried forever.

He's just a stand-in for that guy.

Rui Sui closed her eyes. What Su Hui likes is his forbearance. If he cries out loud, she will be disgusted.

Wife master, Sui'er has been by your side for so many years, when will you not see another person's shadow through me?
(End of this chapter)

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