The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 334 Su Xuanchen Sees Through Everything

Chapter 334 Su Xuanchen Sees Through Everything

In the candle lights all over the sky, the New Year's Eve finally came to an end.

Su Qing finally stayed with them through the night.

But the person in the courtyard has been lying on the bed in a daze, with only two words in his mouth unconsciously: "Your Highness..."

There was only one servant who took care of him, a little beggar Su Qing bought temporarily from the side of the road, so naturally he couldn't understand what he was talking about.

I just feel that this young master is lying here covered in blood, so pitiful.

It has been several days since Wen Ziyan woke up. Su Qing has never been here, and he has never looked for her.

But every day, a doctor would come to check him regularly, and Wen Ziyan just stayed in this small courtyard so quietly. Of course, he didn't know what he was waiting for.

After New Year's Eve.

Su Hui no longer paid any attention to the court affairs. Except for the early court meeting, the ministers could not find her at all during the rest of the time.

The daily memorials are sent to the East Palace for review by Su Qing himself.

As for Wen Ziyan's matter, Su Qing kept silent, but there were rumors recently that Jing Fangjun in the second princess's residence was suddenly plagued by illness, and the second princess searched all the genius doctors, but to no avail.

Some people lamented that the beauties are not blessed, and some people lamented that the two princes and daughters are so affectionate, but they care so much about mere kings.

Su Qing occasionally heard people talking about it, but she just smiled and didn't say anything.

This month, Su Qing has been staying in the study for a whole month. Jun Qian and the others are quite honest, except that everyone gathers for dinner every day and sleeps together at night, they never bother her again.

On this day, Su Qing and the others were having dinner together, and they were chatting and laughing, but Xia He suddenly came in: "Your Highness, the Minister of Dali Temple sent an invitation."


A look of doubt flashed in Su Qing's eyes, is there any happy event recently?

Su Xuanchen lowered his head slightly.

Reaching out to take it, Su Qing opened it and took a closer look, only to find out that the master's wedding day is tomorrow?The person she married was actually the Shaoqing of Dali Temple.

That's right, although she sent someone to Qingzhou to investigate the case some time ago, counting the days, it's almost time to come back.After all, Qiu Shui was the imperial envoy, the one who dealt with the aftermath.

"Go and tell Master, we will be there." Su Qing put the big red wedding invitation on the table, and said casually.


After Xia He retreated, Su Xuanchen looked at Su Qing with complicated eyes. He saw the future of Lord Qinglan marrying, so he went to invite Lord Qinglan to teach Su Qing.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Mr. Qinglan would have such deep affection for Su Qing.

If it wasn't for Li Shang and Jun Qian's wedding, he might not have found out.

"Are you really going?" For some reason, Su Xuanchen suddenly felt that his original decision was wrong, if he taught it himself and Qinglan Jun was not involved.

Now, will Mr. Qinglan's state of mind be different?
Su Qing was still chatting and laughing with Li Shang and the others while eating food, when she heard the question, she put down the chopsticks in her hand and turned around, said: "Master is my mentor, I should do it according to the situation and reason." Go to bless me, but you also know that I should go to the army to inspect tomorrow, and I am really busy with time..."

Su Xuanchen frowned: "So what is your plan?"

Su Qing smiled and said, "Let you and Li Shang go for me, and bring some generous gifts, which can be regarded as a reward for the apprentice."

After finishing speaking, Su Qing put the invitation card on the table in front of Su Xuanchen without looking at it again.

Su Xuanchen was in a complicated mood. He knew that Su Qing had no superfluous thoughts on Mr. Qinglan, and it was because of this that he felt a little guilty.

"If you can spare time tomorrow, go and see for yourself." In the end, Su Xuanchen persuaded again.

 Remember to vote for Feifei when you read the book, and comment~
(End of this chapter)

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