The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 348 She Treats Him Differently

Chapter 348 She Treats Him Differently
Seeing her fluttering in white clothes and walking farther and farther, Wen Ziyan finally lowered his head in frustration.

Sure enough, she couldn't remember his existence all the time.

Tread, tread - a sound of horseshoes rang in Wen Ziyan's ears.

Wen Ziyan looked up and saw that Su Qing was riding a horse in the howling wind, with sharp eyebrows and slightly pursed red lips.

Wen Ziyan's breath was slightly choked, because at this moment, Su Qing's eyes were looking straight at him.

"Get on the horse!" Walking in front of Wen Ziyan, Su Qing bent down and stretched out her hand, and shouted sharply.

Wen Ziyan's heart beat suddenly, but before his brain could react, he stretched out his hand first.

With Su Qing's strength, Wen Ziyan sat firmly behind Su Qing.

"Pull the main hall tight!"

Before Wen Ziyan could react, Su Qing slammed his whip on the horse's butt: "Drive!"

Wen Ziyan hugged Su Qing's waist subconsciously, and when he was sure that the two of them were riding the same horse and bumping on the road, Wen Ziyan finally couldn't help but blushed.

The deep voice dissipated in the wind with a hint of grievance: "Ziyan thought that His Highness had forgotten me..."

Su Qing looked sideways slightly, the blue hair on her forehead was blown by the wind, lingering between their eyes, Wen Ziyan heard Su Qing sighed helplessly, and said, "I haven't forgotten."

Wen Ziyan was stunned by those two short words. He originally thought that Su Qing would not answer.

"Your Highness..." Wen Ziyan seemed to have a thousand words to say to Su Qing, but when the words came to his lips, he choked up uncomfortably.

He could only hold her eyes helplessly and let the tears flow wantonly.

Feeling the warmth of the arms around her waist and back, Su Qing knew that Wen Ziyan must be crying...

I still remember the first time I met Wen Ziyan, although Wen Ziyan was in a mess, but his purple pupils were terribly bright. She saw her former self from him.

So stubborn, so unwilling.

In such adversity, being treated like a beast and locked in an iron cage, he didn't cry.Being rejected by her again and again, she never shed tears in front of her.He has never been afraid of going into danger alone.He was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, even a leg was broken, and he was thrown in a mass grave dying. He never choked up.

Now, Wen Ziyan had already hugged her waist, but lay on her back, crying uncontrollably.

Su Qing's heart was complicated, and she didn't understand why she was soft-hearted to Wen Ziyan time and time again. Not only did this Wen Ziyan not have a hair on his head, but he also repeatedly irritated her when he spoke. Could it be that he is a masochist?

A trace of doubt flashed in Su Qing's black pupils.

After knowing that Su Xuanchen and Su Xuanchen were safe, Su Qing was finally relieved. Therefore, when she felt the trembling body of the person behind her, Su Qing finally slowed down.

Xia He and the others followed far behind with expressions on their faces.

I don't know how long it took, Wen Ziyan finally raised his head from behind Su Qing, his purple pupils were full of bloodshot eyes, the end of his eyes was slightly red, and his thin lips were slightly red, really flirtatious.

Su Qing just turned her head and glanced at him lightly, then turned her head away quickly, her face was calm, but her heart could not be calm.

Su Qing secretly cursed: "Monster man!"
"When you've cried enough, clean up your emotions. The East Palace will be here soon." Su Qing's tone was still as calm as water, but Wen Ziyan knew that something between them had changed after all.

If it was the past, he would not dare to hold her and cry like this, because Su Qing would probably throw him off, and would not deliberately slow down to meet those two people for him.

Therefore, Wen Ziyan became bolder, his arms tightened, and Wen Ziyan leaned on her back again: "Your Highness, can Ziyan go back to the East Palace?"

"Where do you want to go if you don't go back to the East Palace?" Su Qing sighed as if to compromise.

Wen Ziyan finally smiled, and his purple pupils became brighter and flickering: "Your Highness, Ziyan really misses you during this time..."

 Recommended ticket! !Recently, so little so little, do you not love me anymore, 555~

(End of this chapter)

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