Chapter 349 Good Means

Wen Ziyan said this sentence close to Su Qing's ear, and Su Qing, who had always been as thick-skinned as a city wall, couldn't help but be reddened by the exhaled breath.

After all, since she brought Wen Ziyan back from the mass grave, she has been hiding from others, and she is cowardly enough.

She really heard Wen Ziyan's words, but Su Qing still didn't say anything, and drove the horse all the way to the East Palace without further delay.

Wen Ziyan didn't speak anymore, just hugged her quietly, feeling sweet in his heart.

He knew that those people in the East Palace didn't want to see him, but so what, Su Qing just didn't want to see him.

East Palace.

Su Qing jumped off the horse neatly, and just when Wen Ziyan was about to jump off, Su Qing stretched out her slender fingers in front of him.

His eyes flickered, Wen Ziyan's red lips pouted slightly, and he stretched out his hands towards Su Qing: "My feet are not healed yet."

The meaning is self-evident.

The corner of Su Qing's mouth twitched, and it took only a moment for Wen Ziyan to push her nose in the face?
Who was that guy who ran so fast just now?When she is blind?
Su Qing just wanted to ignore Wen Ziyan and leave directly, but Wen Ziyan took a step ahead of her and lifted up her trousers, revealing her calf, which was still wrapped in gauze and covered with traces of blood.

Su Qing's eyes sank in an instant: "What's going on?" She was looking for the best doctor in Su Jingcheng, how long has it been, and is she still like this?
Wen Ziyan felt wronged: "I traveled too much just now..."

Su Qing looked up at him who was on the horse, but met a pair of sparkling purple pupils, her heart ached slightly, that's all...

For my sake you are doing it for me.

Su Qing reached out and put down his trousers, without saying a word, stood on tiptoe and hugged him by the waist.

Wen Ziyan thought that Su Qing was going to throw him on the ground, but she didn't expect that she carried him steadily all the way into the East Palace.

Not only the people in the East Palace saw this scene, but even Jun Qian and Qi Yue who had just rushed to the door also saw it.

As long as Su Qing is not a fool, everyone will understand what is going on if Su Qing is hugged by the princess herself and is still an unmarried man.

Jun Qian and Qi Yue looked at Su Qing's leaving back with complicated eyes.

Wen Ziyan, this man, is really a good trick!
"Little stammer, it seems that someone is going to take your job." Qi Yue suddenly smiled, and Jun Qian was very annoyed by what she said.

"Brother Qi Yue, don't you get angry just looking at it?" Jun Qian's face was very ugly, he stomped his feet fiercely and ran in.

Qi Yue lowered her head, her eyes were terribly bright, and she muttered to herself: "Angry, how can you not be angry?"

After all, some time ago, the wife-owner had sworn that she would not like Wen Ziyan.

Putting him in the Yaoguang Hall, Su Qing explained to Wen Ziyan: "A doctor will come to bandage you later, and I will come to see you later."

Wen Ziyan nodded obediently, and then Su Qing turned and left.

Perhaps, even Su Qing herself didn't realize that her self-proclaimed Wen Ziyan had changed at some point. It used to be "the main hall", but now it is "I".

And she indulged Wen Ziyan more and more. If it were someone else, let alone hugging her, they wouldn't even bother to touch her.

Looking at the direction she was leaving, Wen Ziyan suddenly lowered his head and smiled, luckily he didn't take his medicine on time, luckily he didn't listen to the doctor, luckily he came to her...

Fortunately, Su Qing turned around.

Although Su Qing didn't give him a clear answer, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he is unknown, as long as he can stay by her side, he doesn't care about anything.

Miaofeng Pavilion.

When she knew that Li Shang and Su Xuanchen were here, Su Qing didn't dare to stay any longer, and walked all the way here.

After crossing the pavilions, Su Qing finally saw the enchanting red dress and the white dress.

The heart that was still carrying it, finally fell heavily at this moment.

 Another chapter will be updated later, please donate! !Recommended ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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