The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 370 She Still Dotes On Him

Chapter 370 She Still Dotes On Him

"His Majesty the Empress Dowager!" Seeing Su Qing's majestic appearance, the surrounding people knelt down and spoke in unison.

Su Qing didn't pay attention to the people beside her, nor did she look at the fiery gaze, but stared straight at the old woman who had just been slapped to the ground by her slap.

"Those who insult the temple can be forgiven, but those who insult others are unforgivably guilty! Do you understand?" In the last sentence, Su Qing almost roared out, as if there was monstrous anger in her tone.

"Understood, understood, understood, Caomin was wrong, Caomin was wrong..." The old woman kowtowed and begged for mercy, with tears running down her old face.

Everyone was so chilled that they prostrated themselves on the ground one after another, not daring to say a word.

At the end of the street, there was also a person wearing a black robe and a black hat, with purple pupils looming under the black veil, watching all this quietly.

Su Qing didn't make people stand up. In her eyes, it is wrong for insignificant people to point fingers at her people!
It was at this time that Su Qing turned around and looked at the smear of red on the roof. Since Li Shang's back was facing the sun, she couldn't see his expression clearly at this moment, so she could only helplessly call out to him: "Still waiting!" What are you doing up there? Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

Li Shang looked down at her, he was obviously a tall man, but at this moment, Su Qing could see a bit of grievance.

"Are you still angry with me?" Li Shang, who was in front of her, had already decided to show his shamelessness to the extreme.

Hearing this, Su Qing chuckled and lowered her head, she raised her head so that her neck was sore.

What is going on now?Is Li Shang going to imitate Jun Qian and act like a baby?

The wrong person doesn't seem to be her, right?
"I won't be angry with you when you come down." Su Qing's voice finally returned to the gentleness of the past.

The people's hearts were mixed with various emotions, including envy, shock, fear and disbelief.

The hellish Asura-like highness just now compared with the gentle and gentle highness, which made them confused for a moment. Which one is the real her?
"Are you serious? Don't lie to me!" Li Shang suddenly became unreasonable.

Li Shang tried to die again and again, which made everyone break into a cold sweat for him.

This is Her Majesty the Empress Dowager, Li Shang dares to be disobedient again and again, what if she offends Her Majesty the Empress Dowager?
Everyone was thinking wildly, but Su Qing's next behavior subverted their worldview.

Her Highness, the high-ranking princess, sighed softly, and said in a compromise: "It's dangerous up there, what's the matter, we'll talk about it when we go home."

Relying on her favor, Li Shang continued to lose his temper: "You come up to pick me up."

The people lowered their heads even lower, this little prince is really not afraid of death.

Su Qing doesn't think so, the so-called bedside fights between husband and wife, Li Shang is willing to admit his mistakes, and is willing to act like a baby to her, so she has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

What's more, she spoiled people in such a lawless manner, so she had to bear it.

With a tap of her toes, Su Qing flew straight into the air and flew towards that touch of red.

When everyone looked up subconsciously, Su Qing had already embraced Li Shang's waist, and quickly jumped towards the East Palace.

People who have seen this situation will never forget that the most honorable woman in the Su Kingdom answered every question of her husband patiently and gently, and treated her husband with a level of indulgence that even ordinary people like them could not forget. Impossible.

For those men in the backyard of the Eastern Palace, how many lifetimes of fate have they cultivated to be truly cared for by such an unparalleled woman in the world?

Under the black veil, Wen Ziyan's purple pupils shone with an unknown light. After Su Qing and Su Qing disappeared in front of his eyes, Wen Ziyan turned and left.

The direction of walking is still the East Palace.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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