Chapter 371

At the foot of Lion Mountain.

A man wearing a black mask is galloping through the forest on a black horse.

The wind whistling by my ears, Baili Feng didn't look sideways, it has been a whole hundred days since he left her, the family has settled down, and the mother's body is recovering day by day, the mother doesn't care about official titles, salary, etc. .

Then, at this time, he is going to pursue his own happiness.

Your Highness, please wait for me.

Even if he spends his whole life and time, he still wants to stay by her side and protect her forever.

Suddenly, there was a fierce fighting sound ahead.

"Woo..." Baili Feng stopped the rein abruptly, and listened intently with his breath held.

After a while, Bailifeng's eyes flashed, and he pulled the rein again: "Drive!" The horse galloped to the right like an arrow off the string.

Su Bo was holding a long sword and trying hard to deal with the man in black who suddenly rushed out, she really wanted to scold her.

This is the second time she has been recalled to the palace, right?Hearing that the Queen Mother left the throne and ran away, Miss Wu Huang was in charge of state affairs by herself, so she was specially ordered to go back to help.

She finally bid farewell to her master and planned to return to court to help Fifth Emperor Sister. After all, it is really difficult for Su Qing to manage a country by herself.

But what Su Bo didn't expect was that she encountered wave after wave of assassinations after walking halfway.

There are also paints all over her body, this is fun, whether she can live to Su Jingcheng now is a question.

Clang—the sound of weapons colliding.

Su Bo looked back, and saw a man with a black mask holding a long knife to block the fatal blow for her, Su Bo was slightly taken aback, this person looked familiar, where did he meet him?

But she couldn't allow her to think too much, another wave of men in black rushed up, and Su Bo could only deal with it wholeheartedly.

She went through hardships and learned martial arts for more than ten years.The skills in her life are not bad, but it's not easy to wield swords and guns in the palace, so she doesn't show her martial arts in front of others.

Now, not in the palace, it might be difficult for her to deal with it alone, but with an extra hundred miles, she is much more relaxed.

She was having a good time playing, when suddenly there was a shrill whistle in the forest.

But in the blink of an eye, the few remaining men in black instantly disappeared into the forest.

Su Bo's eyes flickered slightly, someone came to her just as she came out of the mountain, she must talk to Sister Su about this matter as soon as possible.

It seems that many people can't sit still.

"Hey, Xiao Hei, what's your name? Why do I look so familiar to you?" Su Bo's face was a little pale, but he still smiled and looked at Bai Lifeng, not caring about the wound on his body, as if she didn't care about it at all. Just not hurt.

Bai Lifeng did not answer her words, but took out a bottle of ointment from his cuff, and handed it to Su Bo: "Wipe it, the effect of stopping bleeding is quite good."

Su Bo didn't remember him, and he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so Bai Lifeng very consciously distanced himself from Su Bo, and he didn't even bother to tell him his name.

Seeing that Bai Lifeng didn't want to say more, Su Bo silently rolled his eyes, took the ointment in Bai Lifeng's hand, opened his sleeve, and wiped it gently.

Her right hand had been stabbed, and the bleeding really needed to be stopped.

"Face is paralyzed, I want to go back to Su Jingcheng, how about you give me a piece, when Miss Ben returns home, I will send you the money." Su Bo smiled while rubbing his own medicine.

Baili Fengben had this meaning, he could see that Su Qing still dotes on the sixth younger sister, so it's better for him to send her back to Su Jingcheng safely.

"Thank you for your generosity, miss." Seeing that Su Bo didn't want to reveal his name, that's it, he didn't bother to expose it.

"Yeah." Su Bo nodded with a smile, a child can be taught.

(End of this chapter)

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