Chapter 378 Chicken Soup
at the same time.

Bai Lifeng and Su Bo also ran to a cave to avoid the rain.

Looking at the torrential rain outside, Su Bo twisted the water on his sleeves with a displeased face, and complained: "Miss this is really moldy these days, it's a day of chasing and killing, and it's raining, damn it God!"

Under the black mask, Bailifeng's face also smelled terrible. Indeed, nothing good happened between him and Su Bo these few days.

bang ~ bang ~
As soon as Su Bo's voice fell, there was a huge thunder from the sky, lightning bolts shot straight into the sky like sharp swords, tearing the sky open one after another, and the flashes illuminated their faces extremely brightly.

Bai Lifeng's face turned dark. Su Qing only solves problems, and Su Bo only creates troubles. They really deserve to be sisters.

Su Bo didn't know that Baili Feng had been complaining about her for a long time, so he just shrugged his shoulders lightly, and said helplessly, "Come on, it looks like we're going to sleep out again tonight."

Bailifeng looked at the pouring rain outside, could only sigh helplessly, and followed Su Bo into the cave.

It seems that the rain will not stop for a while.

East Palace——

Su Qing was sitting in front of the case reviewing the memorial, but she heard exclamations from outside, and Su Qing could hear that it was Chun Yu's voice: "Qi Fangjun, it's raining so hard, why don't you take an umbrella and go Come here, this whole body is wet..."

Su Qing paused slightly for the hand holding the brush, then quickly stood up and walked towards the door.

Before Qi Yue could speak, the door was already opened, and Su Qing's alluring face caught his eyes.

"If you have something to tell the servants, why come here in the rain?" Su Qing's face was very bad, because she saw that Qi Yue's purple robe was ready to drip.

"Go and order the kitchen to make a bowl of ginger soup and bring it here." Before Qi Yue could speak, Su Qing ordered to Chun Yu.

Chun Yu wants to cry but has no tears. Your Highness, the rain is so heavy. If you don't worry about Qi Fangjun, you can worry about your humble job?

It's a pity that Su Qing couldn't hear the cry in her heart, so she hugged Qi Yue and entered the room.

"You have to scold you, don't you? You can do things like getting caught in the rain?" Su Qing complained about Qi Yue, but at the same time quickly undressed him.

"Put on mine first." Su Qing took the food box in his hand and put it on the table.

She noticed sharply that the food box didn't get much rain, but Qi Yue herself was drenched.

Qi Yue couldn't help but frowned, watching her busy on her body, hearing her slightly reproachful tone, it was full of concern for him, he didn't feel cold, only warm and happy.

Unable to restrain the impulse in her heart, Qi Yue hugged him into her arms and said before Su Qing could react: "I heard that you have been busy all afternoon, so I just wanted to bring you some hot chicken soup , It’s also good to warm my stomach, who knows that after I finished the chicken soup, it rained, and I was afraid that the chicken soup would be cold, so..."

"So you ran here all the way to protect the chicken soup?" Su Qing's face was stinky, she really wanted to knock his head open to see what was going on in his mind, and do such a stupid thing?
"En." Qi Yue met her angry gaze and lowered her head in embarrassment.

Su Qing really wanted to continue scolding him, but seeing his pitiful appearance, she couldn't bear it after all.

After all, he was stupid because of her.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and put on clean clothes." Su Qing rolled her eyes, her tone was a little impatient, but Qi Yue could hear the pampering from it.

Couldn't help but laugh.

A small bowl of chicken soup can be exchanged for her pity, Qi Yue is already very satisfied.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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