The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 379 It's Serious

Chapter 379 It's Serious

The next day, Qiu Shui, Feng Yu and others finally arrived at Su Jing City.

The air after the rain is always fresh, and even with the autumn water, I feel better.

Although that person has never looked at her since last night, she still feels that her mood today is different from the past, because in the future, her life will no longer be boring to execute orders.

It was also from last night that she really felt that she was a human being, a living person with flesh and blood.

East Palace, Yaoguang Hall, Study Room.

"Your Highness, Qiu Shui and Feng Yu are here to return." Chun Yu's excited voice sounded outside the door.

Su Qing looked up from behind the desk: "Come in!"

The two pushed the door in.

"Your Highness, this is all the evidence that the Second Princess took bribes and harmed Zhongliang." Qiu Shui presented the things in his hands with a serious face.

Su Qing took it with a blank expression, and opened it to browse one by one.

It contains the accusation testimony of Qingzhou officials, as well as the collective names of thousands of people.

"According to people familiar with the matter, the Second Princess has not only done many shameful things over the years, but also formed an army in private."

"Army?" Su Qing frowned, it seemed that the matter was far more serious than she thought.

No wonder Su Qiao dared to attack her people blatantly. It turned out that there was a back move.

If Lord Qinglan got married that day, without the help of the mysterious person, she really couldn't imagine whether Su Xuanchen and Li Shang could still stand in front of her properly.

"That's right, my subordinates have been investigating secretly and found that this army is not in Qingzhou, so the biggest possibility..."

"It's in Sujing City, or a place not far from Sujing City." Feng Yu took Qiu Shui's unfinished words.

Su Qing suddenly said that two days later would be her big day for the draft. She had thought about how to make people lose the selection, but she forgot one thing.

Half a month ago, someone sent a message that there would be some changes in the Second Queen's residence in the past two days. She had been sending people to watch Su Qiao's residence, but there was no movement.

So does it mean that Su Qiao will do it on the day of her draft?

Su Qing was slightly suffocated for breathing. In the past two days, there have been more and more people in Sujing City, and every inn is full. The sons of officials, thousands of people, and people from all walks of life gathered in Fengling Terrace.

If Su Qiao really started a coup, the consequences would be beyond her expectation.

"Go and call Xia He and Chun Yu here." Su Qing's face was heavy, this matter may have exceeded her expectations.

After staying in the study for a whole day, they parted ways again immediately.

Midday on the moon.

After Su Qing came out of the study, she just ran into Jun Qian who was coming to meet her.

"Sister Su, it's so late, where are you going?" Jun Qian was wearing a slightly thin light shirt, with exquisite makeup on his face, pure and coquettish coexisting, and his gestures were all kinds of styles. Since when, Junqian is also maturing day by day.

Su Qing knew what he was doing at a glance, but she couldn't stand this beauty's kindness tonight.

Su Qing's throat rolled slightly, and she forced herself to look away, and said, "Small stammer, Sister Su has something to do tonight, you should go to bed obediently."

"But..." Jun Qian was a little aggrieved, he specially bathed and scented himself, and even dressed up for a long time.

"Be obedient, I will supply you next time." She stretched out her hand to grab Jun Qian, pecked him lightly on the forehead, and then Su Qing strode away.

"Sister Su..." When Jun Qian turned his head again, only the dark red robe fluttered in front of his eyes.

That's right, Su Qing's dress tonight is very simple, her hair is tied up high, and she is also wearing a simple brocade robe and cape, very heroic.

In the past, it gave people a sense of ecstasy, but tonight it gave him a sense of calmness.

What is the wife going to do?

Doubt flashed across Jun Qian's little head.

 It's the end of the month, and the rewards and monthly tickets should all be given to Fei you~
(End of this chapter)

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