Chapter 387

"Master, go out for a walk with me." Qi Yue put down the white piece in her hand and said.

Qinglan Jun looked out of the window: "It's getting late."

Qi Yue knew what he was thinking at a glance, and couldn't help evoking a sarcastic smile.

Ever since he was Su Qing's wife, he has always disliked it, and now...he dislikes it even more.

He really didn't know that Mr. Qinglan was just a commoner, at most he had some talent, and he only had some talent and fame. Apart from that, which one is worthy of people's favor?

That is to say, Su Xuanchen was protecting him, otherwise, according to Su Qing's temper, how could such a person be left behind?

If it wasn't for Su Qing's entrustment, he, Qi Yue, probably wouldn't have left Qinglan Jun with a single look.

"Master, the wife-lord has already gone to bed with Zhengjun." Qi Yue stood up, bent down to straighten her purple robe expressionlessly.

Lord Qinglan was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head, it turned out that Qi Yue had already seen through his thoughts.

"Master, come with me." Qi Yue took the lead to walk outside, he knew that Lord Qinglan would follow.

Sure enough, not long after, Qi Yue heard footsteps coming from behind.

The gate of the East Palace.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Lord Qinglan and Qi Yue clearly saw the neatly paved gravel road, which stretched all the way with no end in sight.

Coincidentally at this time, Qiu Shui strode over and bowed to Qi Yue in salute: "Your Excellency."

Qi Yue nodded, indicating that she understood.

Lord Qinglan looked at them, feeling a little puzzled, what kind of riddles were they playing?
"Master, walk with me?" Although Qi Yue said this to Lord Qinglan in a questioning tone, before Qinglan Lord answered, she stepped down the steps and walked up the gravel road. path.

Lord Qinglan's heart is slightly heavy, he is not stupid, he always feels that Qi Yue is doing all this to tell him something, but at this moment, he is actually a little afraid of that answer.

The two walked back and forth under the moonlight. The stones on the gravel road were uneven. After walking for a while, Mr. Qinglan felt the itching on the soles of his feet, which was unbearable.

But seeing Qi Yue walking like walking on flat ground, it is hard for him to say anything.

"Master, what was the taste of the medicinal food you drank just now?" Suddenly, Qi Yue's cold voice came from the front.

I don't understand why Qi Yue asked such a question, but Mr. Qing Lan answered honestly: "It melts in the mouth, the taste is pure, very good."

"Do you know what precious medicinal materials are used here?" Qi Yue asked again.

Mr. Qinglan still has a certain understanding of literature and martial arts, but he doesn't know anything about medicine.

Therefore, Lord Qinglan replied: "What kind of medicinal material?"

Everyone in the world says that Mr. Qinglan and Su Xuanchen are as famous as Su Xuanchen, and both of them can serve as the national teacher of the State of Su...

He didn't feel anything before, anyway, he also thought Su Xuanchen was not pleasing to his eyes at that time, but now he thinks, how can Lord Qinglan compare to a strand of Su Xuanchen's hair?

Qi Yue stopped answering Qing Lanjun's words, but stopped in her tracks, lowering her head slightly: "Master, there seems to be blood here."

Lord Qinglan took a step forward and took a closer look. Indeed, the blood continued all the way, and he could not see the end either.

Qing Lanjun only felt a dense pain coming from the apex of his heart, which was not heavy but he couldn't ignore it.

"I heard that this afternoon, a woman came to beg her wife with a man behind her back, and was punished by the wife. Could it be that the blood was left by that woman?" Qi Yue's black pupils were slightly puzzled.

"What woman?" The uneasiness in Qing Lanjun's heart gradually increased, and he stretched out his hand to pull Qi Yue's sleeve and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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