Chapter 388
Qi Yue pulled out her sleeves from Lord Qinglan's hands calmly, and strode forward: "I also want to know, which woman is it, tsk~ look at this little stone that is stained red with blood, This woman must have suffered a lot."

After Qi Yue finished speaking, she sighed and walked forward all the way. Qinglan Jun looked at his back and felt an urge to run away.

But the footsteps were contrary to his thoughts. The moment Qi Yue stepped forward, Lord Qinglan couldn't wait to follow.

At this time, Qu Nianci had just passed a corner, and within a hundred meters, he could see Dali Temple.

But she was almost out of strength, and she was almost crawling forward on the ground. The pain in her knees had already penetrated her bones, and she rubbed against the ground. The pain caused Qu Erci to tremble all over. Suffering such a severe injury almost cost her half her life.

Qing Lanjun walked all the way, the more blood stains on the gravel road, the more panic in his heart.

He is too familiar, this road is the road to Dali Temple...

After walking for a long, long time, when Lord Qinglan was about to collapse, suddenly there was a voice of speaking in front of him.

Qi Yue and Qinglan Jun stopped at the same time and listened carefully.

"Miss Qu, the Dali Temple is here, get up." Standing aside, Xia He bowed respectfully and said.

Qu Twenty Ci is a bloody man, she admires it!
Hearing this, Qu Nianci finally raised her head slowly from the ground, her black pupils had turned blood-colored, she turned her head stiffly, and said angrily, "Your Highness...have you accepted him?"

Qing Lanjun's whole body froze, and his whole body fell into the ice cellar.

What do you mean?
Before he could figure it out, Chun Yu's regretful voice rang out, beating Qing Lanjun's heart hard: "Miss Qu, you know that your two legs will be considered useless in the future, and your future career will come soon." That's it!"

Qing Lanjun's eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost fell down, useless?How could it be scrapped?
Qi Yue glanced at him calmly, but didn't speak.

Qu Nianci is a woman of flesh and blood, and she has a deep affection for Lord Qinglan. If Lord Qinglan doesn't know how to cherish it at this time, then...

Lord Qinglan really deserves to die alone.

It was a waste of most of the night for him to come out to perform this play.

"I just want to know...His Highness...has he answered?" Qu Nianci couldn't get up for a long time, so he could only lie on the ground in embarrassment, and asked stubbornly.

Xia He didn't answer this question, but asked instead: "Miss Qu, is it worthwhile for you to do this for a commoner as a natural girl?"

Is it worth...?

Qu Nianci asked himself softly in his heart.

Qing Lanjun's throat was so dry, he wanted to speak, wanted to walk over, but he couldn't move or open his mouth, so he could only wait quietly for the answer.


A short and weak word made Qing Lanjun shed tears in an instant.

Qu Nianci never showed that he liked him in front of him, he thought...

Seeing his appearance, Qi Yue finally agreed in her heart, it's okay, it's not too late.

She reached out and patted Mr. Qinglan's shoulder, Qi Yue took out the book from her wide sleeve, handed it to Mr. Qinglan, and said, "Shilu is still bleeding, this is the way she wants to take you home, You really... don't plan to go back?"

Qing Lanjun looked at the Heli book in front of him, and felt a sudden pain in his heart. So she had already written it, didn't she?

"The medicinal food has been made by Miss Qu for you all this time, and the mistress ordered someone to get it from Dali Temple." Qi Yue explained lightly.

"Mr. Qinglan, your wife-lord, she is no worse than anyone else. Even an outsider like me is moved by her feelings for you. Do you really want to abandon her?" Since Ning destroyed ten temples, no This is the first time Qi Yue has said so much earnestly about breaking the principles of a marriage.

With trembling fingers, Lord Qinglan finally took the Heli Book from Qi Yue's hand.

But before he could say anything, there was a shout in front of him: "Miss Qu, Miss Qu, wake up, Miss Qu..."

Qing Lanjun's face changed, and he ran towards Qu Nianci suddenly.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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