Chapter 399
Lord Qinglan walked out and sat in the gazebo to wait. When Ade came over, he saw Lord Qinglan with his head slightly lowered.

To be honest, Ade doesn't like Mr. Qinglan, because Qu Nianci is the person he puts on top of his heart, but he is so undervalued.

It is a lie to say that my heart does not hurt.

But no matter how wrong Mr. Qinglan is, his status is above him. No matter what, he can't be disrespectful to Mr. Qinglan.

Walking over, Ade bowed to Qing Lanjun and saluted: "My husband is well."

Qing Lanjun did not respond as usual this time, but directly stood up and helped Ade: "From now on, these hypocrisy will be avoided."

Ade was surprised, but he still took two steps back calmly: "Ade dare not."

Mr. Qinglan knew that he had a grievance in his heart, and he was a little embarrassed for a while, but he still smiled: "Yao Lao is helping his wife to heal her injuries, so wait with me."

Medicine old?
Ade suddenly remembered that this is the genius doctor of the East Palace, who always only obeys the orders of His Highness the Empress Dowager.

It seems that the relationship between Lord Qinglan and His Highness the Empress Dowager is really very close.


He just heard Mr. Qinglan address Qu Nianci as his wife-lord. Does it mean that he has finally let go of His Royal Highness?

"Yes!" Ade replied neither humble nor overbearing, then turned around and sat on the round stool.

Ade does not have the world-renowned looks of Su Xuanchen and others, but his facial features are correct, but he is also born with delicate features, and he can be considered a beauty in an ordinary family.

Compared with Mr. Qinglan, it is even worse.

At this moment, there was a faint thought between Ade's eyebrows, and his heart was very complicated.

In fact, selfishly, he hoped that Mr. Qinglan would return to the East Palace, so that Qu Nianci would at least focus on him for a while.

However, he was also afraid that Qu Nianci would never recover from a setback, because he knew in his heart that Mr. Qinglan was her destiny...

Even if he loses Ade, Qu Nianci will not lose Mr. Qinglan.

This recognition made Ade's heart throb so badly that even his fingers spasmed slightly.

But he still waited with his usual expression.

There is no one behind him, how dare he fall down...

He has no right to be jealous, so he can only do his own thing well. I'm afraid this is why Qu Nianci likes him.


East Palace, study room.

Su Qing sat on the main seat, looking calmly at the people sitting on her left and right sides.

Because Qu Nianci was injured, her position was replaced by someone trained by Xia He.

Cloud returning to the mountain, this was the task that Su Qing entrusted to Xia He and Bai Lifeng.

Because Bai Lifeng left later, the training time was longer.

But it's almost there.

This sharp sword that crawled back from the brink of death time and time again is finally about to appear. The training plan that Su Qing gave Xia He back then was utterly tragic.

The elimination system was used throughout the whole process. If the 100 people who survived this mission are successful, they will be directly handed over to Su Qing's command to prove the value of their existence.

The leader is not a woman, but a man, a very beautiful man.

Only such a man can complete the task qualified.

This is what Su Qing said, and Xia He complied. However, Su Qing was not disappointed.

They are a sharp sword without any name. If Su Qing wants them, if they are not used, they will be gone, and if they are moved, the sky will collapse.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

"Tomorrow is the day of the draft. This hall wants you to perform your duties. As long as that army appears, you will take Su Qiao's head directly. Do you understand?" All the plans were arranged.

Su Qing has no extra time to wait, she wants to let Su Qiao die without a place to bury her!
It is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but Su Qing takes revenge all day long.

Now she wished she could kill this little bastard, Su Qiao, immediately.

"Understood!" Everyone replied in a low voice.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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