The queen is acting as a demon again today

Chapter 400: Phoenix Ridge Terrace

Chapter 400: Phoenix Ridge Terrace

At the same time, the residence of the second princess.

"Take your children and leave overnight to find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. After this princess settles the matter here, I will pick you up." It was the first time that Su Qiao spoke to her husband in such a pleasant manner.

"My wife, why don't you walk with me and the child?" Su Qiao's husband said eagerly with tears in his eyes.

Su Qiao sighed, and hugged him into her arms: "Su'er is only two years old, and now you are pregnant again, as a wife, I don't trust you to stay in this dire-stricken Sujing city. What's more, you will also see what happens to Jing'er." Arrived…"

Speaking of this, Su Qiao's heart ached again, her Jing'er was just gone.

"But..." He still wanted to say something, but Su Qiao interrupted him again.

"Let's go, I will pick you up next month as a wife." Su Qiao smiled and stroked the messy hair on his forehead.

Helpless, he could only agree.

"I'll wait for you to pick us up, father and son, the wife master must not break his promise."

Su Qiao smiled, and her brows softened a bit: "Okay."


East Palace.

"Your Highness, several carriages drove out from the residence of the Second Queen and rushed to the gates of the four city gates."

Hearing this, Su Qing frowned unconsciously, wanting to fish in troubled waters?

It also depends on whether she agrees or not?

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, it was the big day for the granddaughter's draft once a year, civil and military officials, common people, the four major families, people from all walks of life gathered in Fenglengtai, it can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Su Qiao wore black clothes to hide among the common people, the black veil was hanging down, and no one could see her expression clearly.

But she was full of hostility, and for a while, no one around her dared to approach her.

Su Qiao raised her eyes to look at the high platform, under the black veil, her red lips slightly raised, Su Qing, today, this princess wants your wedding to be a funeral!
You let my Jinger die twice, and I want your national teacher and Jinger to bear the same price!

"Master, the princess has already set off from the East Palace."

Su Qiao's ears twitched slightly. Hearing this, she trembled a little. Don't get me wrong, she was excited.

"Miss Yun has already come, she asked the master to let the master do it, and she will deal with the aftermath."

Another sentence passed into Su Qiao's ear, causing Su Qiao's fingers to hold the sword to use a little force.

"As long as the Fengleng Terrace is in chaos, you will enter the East Palace for this princess, and take off the heads of Su Xuanchen and others at any cost, understand?" Sound transmission, except for that idiot Su Qing, almost all of the sisters can do it .

Suddenly, the crowd became restless, and Su Qiao turned around to look.

Concubine Su Wen and Su Bo came together, one in a brocade robe, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, the whole person is gentle and elegant.A person is wrapped in a light green palace dress, with a round of jasper on his forehead, and his smile is charming, and there is an indescribable sense of comfort as he sways every step.

Passerby A: "Wow, those are the eldest princess and the sixth princess, look good, look good!!"

Passer-by B: "That's right, the six princesses don't have real husbands yet. I heard that this draft is not only for the princess, but also for the two princes and daughters."

Passer-by C: "Wow, this young master is so lucky. Even if he can't marry His Royal Highness, he might be favored by the two princesses. The life after this is really enviable..."

Passer-by Ding: "Who says it's not? Hurry up, go ahead and have a look..."

Su Qiao lowered her black gauze cap and walked towards the back.

Yunyin stood on the attic, looking down, the crowded Fengleng Terrace was just in line with her wishes.

"His Royal Highness is here—" Suddenly, a strong voice reached everyone's ears.

All civil and military officials got up, and the common people knelt down one after another: "Welcome Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness, Shengan!"

Dangdangdang~, a pleasant bell rang, and some people secretly looked up.

Su Qing was wrapped in a dark red phoenix robe, with the appearance of a phoenix embroidered on it, implying that the dragon and the phoenix bring prosperity, making people feel sacred and inviolable.

The ruby ​​gait on her head made her even more handsome, which made all the men present feel disappointed and frustrated.

 Recommended ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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