Chapter 401 Three Requirements
"His Majesty the Empress Dowager is a thousand years old." A deafening voice resounded through the sky.

Except for Su Qing, everyone knelt down and bowed their heads to her.

In order not to attract attention, Su Qiao also knelt in the crowd, but Su Qing's eyes still fell on her over the crowd.

"Pingshen!" Su Qing's cold voice sounded, and it was clearly heard by each of them.

Su Qiao was also surprised, when did Su Qing's skill become so strong.

"Our hall is different from other people in the talent show. It doesn't need to compete with piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so this hall will probably be exhausted. Therefore, today, this hall will put forward a few requirements, and if you meet them, you can just accept them." Su Qing sat lazily On the phoenix seat, a pair of phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and said these words casually.

Qin Tianjian and the Ministry of Rites were dumbfounded, this is not right, it does not meet the requirements.

But those men who are both talented and beautiful are secretly happy.

The common people are discussing hotly, as long as they meet the requirements, they can be directly included in the mansion?What a great honor this is, and I don't know which young master can be so lucky.

Su Qing frowned slightly, looked up, and the audience fell silent instantly.

Even Concubine Su Wen and Su Bo looked up at her, wondering what Su Qing was going to do.

"The requirements of this palace are very simple. Everyone knows that the husbands in this palace are all very capable, so the newcomers are naturally not bad. Don't you think so?" There are thousands of styles in the room.

Su Qing is famous for loving her husband.

It is said that the Empress Dowager held several husbands in the mansion on the apex of her heart, and she was afraid of falling in her hands, and afraid of melting in her mouth.

What's more, this is the selection of husbands by their royal highnesses. In the future, these husbands will all enter the palace as queens, concubines and so on.

So what Su Qing said immediately attracted a burst of matching voices.

"Our Royal Highness is right, the husband of the future emperor, no matter what, he can't be worse than ordinary people."

"That's right, that's right..."

Su Qiao in the crowd lowered her head secretly.

Future Emperor?
Can you survive to that day?

Su Qing curled her lips into a smile, and gently raised her jade hand.

The whole scene fell silent again.

Only then did Su Qing stand up slowly, stretched out her index finger, and said, "One: The husband in this hall has the ability to never forget, and this hall doesn't need you to have this extraordinary ability, just need, in the future, this hall wants you Whatever you say, what you do, and what you read, you can write it down verbatim."

What?Is this called never forgetting?
"Two: Mr. Qi Clan of our palace has world-class martial arts, and this palace does not hope that you can defeat him, just a tie."

As we all know, Qi Yue's ability is directly proportional to her cruel methods.

Even if someone really can beat him, even if he gets married in the future, he probably won't have a good life.

Too cruel, Su Qing is too cruel.

"Three: There are two righteous monarchs in this hall, one is immortal and omniscient, and the other is outstanding in style, and the wealth in the family is unmatched. This hall does not hope that you can all match them, but at least one person Bar."

Everyone gasped, Su Zhengjun's divination skills, Li Zhengjun's natal family, it seems that if they remember correctly, it seems to be from the country...


The people all looked at the beautiful men on the high platform with sympathy.

"Then if one of the requirements is met, can it be?" Suddenly, one of the young masters asked this question.

Su Qing was slightly taken aback, then raised her eyes to see a man with an extremely enchanting appearance, looking up at her fixedly.

"Who is in the audience?" Qin Tianjian stood up and asked.

"The son of Hubu Shangshu, Rongran."

Hearing this, Su Qing turned around and glanced at the Hubu Shangshu sitting below wiping his sweat, and smiled: "Aiqing has raised a good son."

(End of this chapter)

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