Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 22 Sales eloquence to impress customers: laying a good foundation for efficient transactions

Chapter 22 Sales eloquence to impress customers: laying a good foundation for efficient transactions (4)
Charles is an employee of a certain bank and is ordered to write a confidential report about a certain company.He learned through inquiries that the chairman of an industrial company had the information he needed.So Charles went to visit.When he walked into the chairman's office, the female secretary poked her head out from another door and said to the chairman: "There are no stamps today."

"I'm collecting stamps for my son," the chairman explained to Charles.So, Charles explained his purpose, but the conversation was fruitless, and the chairman was unwilling to hand over the information to this stranger whom he didn't know well.

The next day, Charles went to visit the chairman again.The chairman was very happy when he took out many interesting stamps.

"George must like this one. Look at this one. George will regard it as a priceless treasure." The chairman praised and fiddled with those stamps.In the following time, Charles had been discussing stamps with the chairman, but before leaving, before Charles could speak, the chairman told him all the information he needed.Not only that, the chairman also found someone to provide Charles with some facts, data, reports, and letters.

Jeffrey Kitema, a world-renowned sales and customer service expert, said: "If you find something in common with potential customers, they will like you, trust you, and buy your products." Salespeople must observe carefully And understand the topics that customers are interested in, and then communicate from these topics, which will make the entire sales communication full of vitality, and guide customers step by step, and finally achieve your sales goals.

If at the beginning of the communication, the salesperson rushes to introduce all kinds of product information to the customer, it will make the communication full of commercial atmosphere, which will easily cause the customer's resentment and resistance. seed.To find effective topics, salespeople should pay attention to cultivating their various hobbies, interests and extensive knowledge at ordinary times, and can also learn some knowledge temporarily according to the preferences of customers, so as not to fight unprepared battles.

So, what are some effective topics to use?

(1) Customer's hobbies.Observing the hobbies of customers can enable sales staff to find topics of interest to customers in communication, thereby mobilizing the emotional resonance of the other party.The biggest reason why salespeople can’t mobilize customers’ interest and have cold communication is that they don’t know customers well. Therefore, when talking with customers, the first thing salesmen need to solve is to get acquainted with each other as soon as possible, observe customers’ hobbies, and find common ground.

A lot of information can be obtained through observation, such as the customer's hairstyle, clothing, conversation and behavior, etc., which can provide clues to understand the customer, from which we can see the customer's hobbies and self-cultivation.Such as sports, food hobbies, entertainment and leisure methods, etc., use these preferences of customers to ask questions in sequence, and you can enter the topic smoothly.If customers like growing flowers, they can use this as a topic to talk about the fun and experience of growing flowers, so as to quickly shorten the distance between each other, and may even have a feeling of "seeing each other late".

(2) Praise.Carnegie said: "To change people without causing people's resistance or disgust, please praise their slightest progress, and praise their every progress." There are many topics that can praise customers, such as the customer's dress, temperament, hairstyle and Ability to work, etc.This kind of praise will make customers have a positive psychological reaction, so they are willing to approach the salesperson.

(3) Current affairs news.When the salesperson is in a cold spot in the communication with the customer, they might as well switch the topic to the current news and talk about the focus issues that the public cares about nowadays, such as the situation of the World Cup, whether the price of real estate will increase, how to save energy, etc.

Being able to talk about current affairs news and sports reports requires sales staff to read more and accumulate more information to understand some news points that meet the taste of the public.In this way, sales staff can speak freely when communicating with customers, so as not to be stretched and make the conversation deadlocked.In this way, the active communication atmosphere can increase the customer's goodwill towards you.

There are many breakthroughs for talking with customers. Sales staff should be good at digging, always pay attention to the eyes and small movements of customers, and once they find that the other party is bored or indifferent, they should immediately change the subject skillfully.

Humane sales are successful sales. If you can find topics of mutual interest at the beginning of approaching customers, then the sales work will be much easier.

9.Don't be a "monologue"

The process of selling products is actually the process of communicating with customers.In this process, the salesperson should not only focus on the monologue, it is a two-way dialogue process, there must be a good conversation atmosphere and harmonious customer relationship.In this way, you and your customers can achieve heart-to-heart communication and realize the delivery of value, so that customers can accept your products.In this state, your product and your customer's request fit together seamlessly like two cogs in a clock.

Therefore, in the sales communication process, customers do not just passively accept persuasion and listen to introductions, they also need to express their opinions and requirements, and also need to be listened carefully by the other party of the communication—the sales staff.Therefore, letting customers talk more and listening more is a skill that every salesperson must learn in sales communication.

(1) How to make customers talk more.Communication must be based on the customer's willingness to express and talk. If the customer does not speak, then naturally there is no way to listen.Therefore, salespeople must learn to guide and encourage customers to talk, so that customers are willing to say more.There are many ways to guide and encourage customers to speak, and the following are frequently used:
① Subtly ask customers questions.In many cases, customers are unwilling to take the initiative to disclose their ideas and related information. If only the salesperson performs alone, then this kind of lack of interactive communication will be quite embarrassing and will eventually be invalid.In order to achieve a good interaction in the whole communication and facilitate the smooth realization of sales goals, sales staff can lead customers to open their hearts by asking appropriate questions.In many cases, customers will also put forward their own ideas based on the sales staff's questions.In this way, the salesperson can find a way to solve the problem in response to the problem stated by the customer.Generally speaking, salespersons can use interrogative sentences such as "what..." "why..." "how..." "how..." to ask questions. This open-ended questioning method allows customers to express their inner feelings more freely. need.

② Verify some information with the customer.In the process of communicating with customers, customers will pass on various information, some of which are useless, while others play a vital role in the entire communication process.For important information, the salesperson should verify it with the customer during the listening process.This has two advantages. One is to avoid misinterpreting the opinions of customers, so as to find the best solution to the problem in time; the other is to encourage customers, and they will increase their interest in the conversation because they have found an enthusiastic audience.

Of course, it is necessary to find the right time and use certain skills to verify information with customers, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the purpose of encouraging customers to talk.

③ Respond to what the customer said in a timely manner.No matter what kind of communication, if only one person is talking and the other person does not respond, the conversation will not continue, especially when communicating with customers.If the customer does not get the due response from the salesperson in the process of talking, he will definitely feel that this kind of conversation is boring.

Responding promptly to what the customer has to say can make the customer feel supported and validated.When the customer talks about the main points or during the pause, the salesperson should respond appropriately by nodding, etc., which can stimulate the customer's interest in continuing the conversation.

④Cooperate with other means of communication.In addition to language, there are many ways of communication, such as considerate smiles, enthusiastic eyes, appropriate expressions, and appropriate movements, etc., which can encourage customers and generate a desire to talk.

(2) How to listen effectively.Listening is actually an art that requires constant practice.In sales, the role of effective listening is no less than that of statements and questions. Good listening skills can help salespeople solve many practical problems in the process of communicating with customers.

However, not everyone can listen effectively, and it is not easy to achieve effective listening.So, how can you listen effectively?
①Concentrate and listen attentively.In order to achieve good communication, you must concentrate all your energy on listening, which is the basis of effective listening.To this end, salespersons must prepare in many ways before communicating with customers, such as psychological preparation, physical preparation, attitude preparation and emotional preparation.Panicked psychology, tired body, dejected demeanor and negative emotions may all make listening fail.

②Do not easily interrupt customer conversations.Sometimes customers are talking in high spirits, but they are suddenly interrupted, which will definitely dampen their enthusiasm and enthusiasm for speaking.At this time, if you encounter a customer who is in a bad mood again, it will undoubtedly make the customer very annoyed.Therefore, when the customer is talking enthusiastically, the salesperson can give the necessary and simple response, such as "yes", "oh", "okay" and so on.In addition, it is best for the salesperson not to interrupt or answer the conversation at will, let alone start another topic regardless of the customer's preference.

③ Carefully refute the customer's point of view.Generally speaking, don't refute the customer's point of view. Although sometimes the customer's view is a bit extreme, you need to remember that the customer is God, and no one wants to be refuted, especially the customer.Therefore, if you really cannot respond positively to some of the customer's views, you can at least change the focus of the customer's conversation by asking questions and other methods, and guide the customer to talk about topics that can better promote sales.

④ Summarize and summarize customer views.It is necessary to summarize the customer's point of view in time during the conversation. On the one hand, this can convey to the customer that you have been listening carefully; You find solutions to problems more efficiently.

Asking questions tactfully and responding appropriately can stimulate a client's desire to speak.

Listen genuinely when a customer speaks, never just feign interest.

If the customer's point of view is very different from yours, don't show repulsion. You should find a way to change the topic with the customer.

(End of this chapter)

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