Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 23 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychologic

Chapter 23 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychological weaknesses of different types of customers (1)
Products are divided into categories, people are various, and customers are also different.

If you can't see at a glance what kind of person is the prospective customer in front of you, imagine if you can adopt accurate sales strategies to sell them?Customers are gods and friends, but if you don't even understand the hearts of gods and friends, how can you succeed in sales?
1.Arbitrary customer psychology: what you have to do is obey
The sales process itself is also a process of serving customers.Customers buy not only products, but also an emotional experience.Therefore, sales staff must establish a sense of service and respect the opinions of customers.

In the communication process, whether the customer's opinion is right or wrong, profound or naive, the salesperson must take into account the self-esteem of the other party, give him enough dignity, and give the customer "face".

In the sales process, I often meet such customers. Their attitude is always very cold, giving people a sense of superiority, often rejecting others, not giving people a chance to speak, like to control others, and always in a state of commanding, Getting along is not easy either.Shanshan, a salesperson, encountered such a situation.

Client B is an agent of Shanshan's company, and he is a very difficult person to get along with, and is called a "thorny head" by everyone.In normal cooperation, he makes the most requests and asks the most questions, so the business personnel dare not "touch" him.

Shanshan is a student who just graduated from school. After being screened and trained by the company, she was directly assigned to customer B to distribute automobile products.Shanshan's company produces automotive accessories, and its sales targets are mainly car decoration and beauty shops.Although she had heard about this client's trickery beforehand, Shanshan insisted on the practice of "do not fight back when hit or cursed", and believed that she could handle it.

On the first day, I went to client B's company, and client B asked Shanshan to talk again the next day.

The next day, when Shanshan arrived at the client's company, it was already 9:8 (the client's company starts work at 30:[-]), client B was already waiting in the office, and when he saw Shanshan, he said, "Didn't I ask you to come over early in the morning? Now look See what time is it?" Shanshan blushed and did not speak, but thought to herself: "It seems that this client is quite rigorous in her work, so I have to pay attention in the future." Then client B announced some regulations of their company to Shanshan According to the system, Shanshan is arranged to familiarize herself with the environment of their company first, as if she is treated as her own subordinate.

Three days later, customer B arranged for Shanshan to go to the secondary market with the sales staff to do business.Shanshan found many problems in the market.First of all, customer B has no ability to control the second-tier big customers; secondly, the company’s product image display effect is not good, the manufacturer’s promotional logo rarely appears, and the display of product samples is not very good; finally, the products are not sold at a uniform price .After discovering these problems, Shanshan quickly proposed a solution to customer B.However, after listening to Shanshan's three suggestions, customer B said: "I hope you write these problems and suggestions in written form, and specify the solutions. Don't be superficial. Solving the problem is the key."

Shanshan was taken aback, and thought to herself: "Why is this person's attitude like this? Let's not talk about his indifferent attitude, why can't he listen to other people's opinions at all? Asking questions for you, but you think it's complaining, this is how you treat your subordinates." What's more, I'm not your subordinate."

Of course, after thinking about it, the problem still needs to be solved. Shanshan immediately started looking for a solution and asked the sales manager of product D for advice.Because product D and Shanshan's products are not competitors, plus agent H's hard work in recommendation, and Shanshan's modest attitude, the sales manager of product D shared many secrets of success with Shanshan.According to the characteristics of her agency and company, Shanshan proposed a new plan for the agency.

After the plan was put forward, Shanshan submitted a report to the company to apply, and began to operate after getting the company's approval.Due to the implementation of this plan in place, the company's sales volume has increased a lot at once, and it has been recognized by the industry.

In this case, customer B is a typical arbitrary customer.Customer B is very difficult to deal with, almost close to "dominant".There are two manifestations in the case: one is to publicize the rules and regulations of his company to Shanshan. Shanshan is not his employee, but he exceeds his authority to arrange Shanshan's work process, and he has a strong desire to control; His subordinate, but customer B, directly arranged for Shanshan to go out to run business, which also shows that this customer is domineering.

Our best cooperative attitude with autocratic people is to obey, because they have a habit of dominating others.For this kind of customers, the salesperson must have a sense of time, and must attend the appointment on time when they make an appointment to talk about work; in the conversation, the thinking must be clear and clear, and avoid procrastination, let alone evasive or ineffective words.It should be remembered that the best way to avoid conflict with the other party is not to oppose the other party's point of view or raise objections at inappropriate times, otherwise the cooperation will easily fail.In short, the salesperson must know how to satisfy the other party's desire for dominance, so that the cooperation can proceed smoothly.

The point of working with this type of client is to reduce the chances of confrontation with the other party, but to stand your ground appropriately.Our coping strategies are:
(1) There must be a complete set of business proposals, a firm stand, rigorous thinking, and no procrastination in handling affairs. Let the other party understand that cooperation is beneficial.

(2) On the premise that the requirements are reasonable, complete the tasks proposed by them and meet their requirements, so that the work can go on.

(3) Appropriately satisfy their desire for control so that both partners can get along happily.

2.Easy-going customer psychology: I need your touch

Easy-going customers have a gentle personality and a friendly attitude. When the salesperson introduces or sells products to him, they tend to cooperate more and are willing to listen to the "nagging" of the salesperson, and their thinking is often led away by the salesperson.Even if the salesperson is very unenthusiastic and inactive, they can tolerate it and will not lose their temper easily.

Easy-going people usually have the following characteristics: In their office, you will find photos taken by him when he travels around, and there must be a family photo of his family or photos of his lover and children on his desk.

They are usually easy-going, willing to listen to other people's opinions and opinions, and have good communication skills. For those salesmen with outstanding performance, customers will always give this evaluation: "I always feel that I am respected in the service." Therefore, giving respect is not only to facilitate a sale, but to win a customer permanently.

Regardless of whether the transaction is large or small, or whether the product is expensive or cheap, always thinking about customers and caring for their self-esteem will be the cornerstone of your sales success.

It gives people a cordial feeling, is a good partner, and is very easy to get along with.At work, they seldom have conflicts with others. Although their personalities may be a little sensitive, when problems arise, they will try to minimize friction and rarely have the opportunity to reveal their true thoughts.There is no pressure to deal with this type of person, but they are the hardest customers to close in a sales relationship.

In the process of communicating with them, the most common thing that salespeople say is "good", no matter what they say, "good" is the ending word, and the only time to say "no" is when they don't buy the product.They consider many factors when purchasing a product or service without affecting others.They often ask:
"Is this product easy to operate? Will it affect others?"

In the face of easy-going customers, if you want to sell products smoothly, you must pay attention: everyone has their own purchasing characteristics, and easy-going customers are no exception. It is very important to understand their purchasing characteristics.To allow such customers to purchase products needs to be carried out in a planned way, such as choosing a good time, providing a copy of all information about the product and quoting a reasonable price.

It should be noted that you must understand the opponent's situation, because easy-going customers may have gone to different places to ask prices before you. If your product cannot be better than your opponent's product, then the possibility of your winning is very low. will be greatly reduced.

Under normal circumstances, it takes a long time for easy-going customers to make a decision, so the salesperson should not be in a hurry, nor deny or doubt, but should grasp the measure and give the other party proper thinking time and guidance, so as to ensure the success of sales conduct.

Another very important aspect is that easy-going customers don't like changes very much, so it is very important to give them the guarantee they deserve.

Mr. B is the general agent of a certain engineering equipment company in a certain place. By chance, he found out that a company needed several sets of equipment that he represented, so he immediately called and asked the person in charge of the company.

Mr. B: "Hello, is this Mr. A? I am Mr. B of XX company, the general agent of a certain equipment. I heard that your company is looking for several sets of large-scale equipment of XX. Our company just has it. If you need it , is it convenient for me to visit you?"

Mr. A: "Oh, it's convenient and convenient. We're just trying to learn more about this! Welcome."

(When visiting) Mr. B: "You are Mr. A, and you have heard your name for a long time."

Mr. A: "You are Mr. B! Come on, we are very easy-going people, so we directly ask you for advice. Since these devices are new to us, we know very little about technical knowledge. Now, I just want to ask you for some professional knowledge."

Mr. B: "No problem, just ask if you have any questions, and we will do our best to help you. Just say it..."

Mr. A: "To tell you the truth, you are already the third seller. Compared with other sellers, you still have an advantage. Since you are a local, we will keep in touch now, but whether we cooperate or not , depends on your quality."

Since then, Mr. B and Mr. A have been in frequent contact, and Mr. B also talked with him several times in the middle.Regarding the issue of equipment installation, the company's internal technical personnel also visited several times, and finally successfully facilitated the transaction of this business.

The service expected by easy-going customers is to maintain good communication at all times, and what they hope to get is a passive sharing.Therefore, salespeople must be very patient in the process of communication. They take a long time to make decisions, because they have a high degree of fear of problems and do not like to take risks, especially do not want to cause undue mistakes due to their own reasons. loss.Therefore, when cooperating with them, we should give them guarantees and make them feel at ease, so that the transaction can be completed smoothly. When Mr. B was doing this business, he achieved timely communication and active contact, which played a vital role in the final promotion of the business.

Easy-going customers seem to be slow-tempered, so salespersons generally should not be too impatient to sell products, but should work hard to match the pace of customers, guide customers slowly, and give positive suggestions to customers in professional business language, so that customers can understand See your sincerity, dispel all kinds of doubts in their hearts, and finally facilitate the transaction naturally.

The shortcoming of easy-going customers is that they lack assertiveness in doing things, are relatively passive, always hesitate when buying, and are not easy to make a decision. Once others put pressure on them, they will quickly lead to the success of the transaction.Of course, the method of applying pressure must be correct.For example, salespeople should always hold the initiative in their own hands, give positive suggestions to customers with confident words, and use more positive language to encourage them, and discuss problems from the customer's standpoint, and gradually improve the situation in a subtle way. It is more appropriate to let the customer make a decision.Because easy-going customers are afraid of being pressured, but they don't like being forced by others.If a salesperson wants to persuade this type of customer, the most concealed and effective way is to eliminate the customer's doubts, create pressure on the customer with sincerity, break the customer's psychological defense line, and make the customer have no reason to refuse.

3.Vanity-loving customer psychology: Do you respect and value me enough?

Praise, trust and expectation have an energy that can change people's behavior. When a person is trusted and praised by others, he feels that he has gained social support, thereby enhancing his self-worth, becoming confident and self-esteem, and gaining a certain level of confidence. A positive motivation, and try to meet the other party's expectations to avoid the other party's disappointment, so as to obtain the continuity of this social support.

There is no doubt that there is a seed of vanity in everyone's heart. As long as this seed does not germinate, it is understandable that it does not harm the interests of others.As a salesperson, when facing the seeds of customers, you must sincerely praise them.The result of this is that the client gradually relaxes his vigilance and hostility, and the atmosphere of the conversation has been carried on in a relaxed state.

Vanity customers generally have strong self-esteem and good face. Because they are proud by nature, when cooperating with them, as long as their vanity is properly satisfied, the sales can be successful.The following example is a scenario of how to make vanity customers so happy that they buy products without knowing it.

"Moving" means that the salesperson opens the customer's heart door with his sincerity, and connects his heart with the customer's heart. This kind of influence will be long-lasting.And this kind of influence is like ripples on the water, spreading to the surroundings, thus affecting everyone around him from the customer, so "moving" can easily lead to chain sales.

Emotion is the bond that maintains the relationship between people, and emotion is also a factor that moves people's hearts.As a salesperson, you must have emotions for your customers, like your customers, care about your customers, and treat them as your relatives, so that the rewards for your efforts will be huge.

A young customer with a fairly good figure tried on clothes in Neil's clothing supermarket. He tried many times, but none of them were satisfactory.According to experience, Neil found that the problem was not with the clothes, but because the customer's body was not straight enough, so he said to her from the side: "These clothes are really bad, your perfect figure is not revealed at all."

When the young customer heard this, the expression on her face suddenly changed. She straightened up and re-observed herself in the mirror. At this time, the image in the mirror also changed. The image is completely different, and the problems that appeared just now have disappeared.

Neil could see that the customer was very satisfied at this moment, so he praised again: "This dress really suits your temperament."

"Yes, it makes me look more refreshed, I seem to have regained my vitality all at once," said the young woman in amazement.

American businessmen have a secret when talking about business, that is, they like to talk about things that customers are proud of when talking about business. They are good at grasping the psychology of customers: Everyone likes to hear others praise themselves. If the praise is used reasonably, the customer will definitely be very happy .The more proud people are, the more they like to hear others praise themselves, and the more effective flattery is.Therefore, for businessmen, speaking flattery should be a very important homework.

Everyone has vanity, but when you praise others, you must be moderate. If there is too much, it will easily make customers feel unreal, and it will make customers doubt your personality, so they will be wary of you, and praise will change. Backfired.Therefore, we must grasp the proportion when praising, so as to make customers happy and achieve the purpose of sales.

Praise is a cool wind that can wipe away people's fatigue.Therefore, as long as it is sincere, you should praise your customers more.You will find that the power of words is enormous.Through praise, the customer's vanity is satisfied, and your business will come.

Praising this double-edged sword has a great effect on those who are engaged in sales.Therefore, we should be familiar with and master it, not only know how to cherish it, use it properly, but most importantly use it sincerely.

4.Savvy Customer Psychology: Can I Get a Real Deal?
There are also such customers who are serious in their work, cautious in handling things, and have a very precise grasp of details.When communicating with them, they usually appear to be careful, paying close attention to the salesperson's first impression.If you leave a bad impression when you first talk to them, future collaborations may be difficult as well.Plus, they hate cheating, even white lies.This type of customer is called a savvy customer.Shrewd customers include "conscientious" and "persistent" types, and their specific sales methods should vary from person to person.

(1) For "conscientious" customers, code of conduct is very important.

The common feature of "conscientious" customers is that they have strong analytical ability and are very rigorous in their work. No problem can escape their eyes, and the work they handle is generally foolproof.Because of this characteristic, they are very picky about people and things, and they will not easily trust a person.Among all customers, this type of customer is the more "difficult" one.Of course, there is always a solution to the problem. When dealing with such customers, you must know how to analyze their requirements, and be sincere when talking with them to make them feel safe.

When getting along with such clients, everything about you must be in an orderly state, and you must pay more attention to the details.

Xiao Wu is my salesperson for a chemical raw material company. The main products produced by the company are chemical reagents, which are of good quality.A pesticide factory needed a batch of chemical reagents, so Xiao Wu went to the factory to sell his products.At the beginning of the sales promotion, Xiao Wu simply "lobbied" without considering the characteristics of the customer at all. As a result, he communicated several times and the list was not signed.Especially when Xiao Wu said that the boss's colleagues also bought products from his company, the customer alienated Xiao Wu a little, and finally Xiao Wu was defeated.

(End of this chapter)

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