Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 24 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychologic

Chapter 24 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychological weaknesses of different types of customers (2)
Soon after, Xiao Wu's colleague Xiao Wang took over the business. He analyzed the type of the customer, so he prepared all the information of his products before visiting, and when communicating with the customer, he focused on In the technical discussion, explain all the technical difficulties of the product to the customer.As a result, not long after, the client signed the deal.

"Conscientious" customers pay attention to the accuracy of things, and their analytical and observation skills are very strong, so it is very important for them to have certain data.When working with them, provide as much accurate information as possible.Compared with unconventional customers, "conscientious" customers don't like comparisons. Even if his friends have already bought your product, don't think he will pay the bill. They often make up their minds after many times of analysis of.

In addition, the following aspects should be paid attention to when dealing with "conscientious" customers.

In terms of work, your thinking must be clear, the method must be specific and clear, and your attitude must be rigorous.

In terms of life, your dress must be decent, your behavior must be standardized, and it is best not to have any bad habits; when talking, be calm and don't be impatient; the content of the conversation must be organized, and it is best to have special notes; Write down the other party's request when you are listening, so that the other party understands that you are listening carefully.

They like it when you detail what you're selling so they can learn more about it.Of course, when explaining this information, it is necessary to maintain its truthfulness and never exaggerate.

In any case, the overall behavior of the salesperson should be similar to the habits of this type of customer, so that you have the possibility of success.

For sales staff, such customers may be difficult to cooperate with in the early stage, but in the long run, such customers are the most stable type.Once they agree to work with you, it means they believe in you and you have passed the review.Of course, after they become your regular customers, you can't slack off, because they are observant by nature. If you have the slightest negligence or deceit, then the cooperation is likely to be terminated.

The above are the basic characteristics and coping strategies of "conscientious" customers, and these are also applicable to "persistent" customers.Of course, there should be some special skills to deal with "persistent" customers.

(2) For "persistent" customers, ethics are very important.

With the same characteristics as the "conscientious" customers, the "persistent" customers are also stable in nature, careful in doing things, and rigorous in their work attitude.However, the difference is that they pay more attention to the moral standards of their partners.

They can tolerate flaws in each other's positions, but if the other's moral standards are too low, cooperation between the two parties will become impossible.

When working with clients like this, be genuine and make sure they have complete trust in you.What needs to be reminded is that when cooperating with such people, you must take stock of your own sales records, and if there are any problems, you must make up for them in time.If you are discovered by such customers, your credibility will be immediately reduced, and the success rate of cooperation will be greatly reduced.

Another great feature of this type of customers is that they seldom buy things from strangers, and they prefer to buy things from people who have many years of relationship experience and trust them very much.Here is an allusion to the "three-year rule". It tells that if a businessman does business in a small town in eastern North Carolina, he must have enough patience to survive the first three years of the business. Just give up.Because people here generally like to observe, they will observe the following aspects of you: whether you are reliable, whether you can do what you say, whether you have a sense of social responsibility, whether you have love, whether you have an attitude towards volunteer work, whether you have a harmonious family, Whether it is honest and whether it is consistent with its words and deeds.If you can successfully pass these three years, it means that your ethics meet their requirements, you have passed the "examination" of these people, and then you will gain people's trust, and more and more people will patronize your store. If you buy more, your business will be turned around, even if sometimes your product is more expensive than others, it doesn't matter.

In general, you should not be too anxious to cooperate with smart customers, and don't always blindly "injure others and praise yourself". You must do your work conscientiously and leave a reliable impression on customers.The most important thing is that everything is based on norms. As long as your method of doing things meets their normative requirements, it means that you have won their hearts.

Frugal customers can be a headache because no matter how you explain them, they will find fault with your products and bargain with you, but this is also their weakness.If you seize this weakness and give them a little discount, then this kind of customer can also become your loyal customer.

Savvy thrifty customers, although difficult to deal with, are more likely to succeed in sales than other types of customers, because all these customers need is a reasonable price that can save him a little money.As long as the salesperson has certain skills, this kind of customer can also be conquered.

5.Extroverted customer psychology: Buy if you like it, please don’t be verbose
Capable extroverted customers tend to say that one is one and that two is two, and they don't like procrastination.Because of their boldness and informality, they are originally a good person to deal with, but many salespeople often fail when they encounter this type of person.why?This is a question worth pondering for all salespeople.

Generally, extroverted customers are more assertive, and they can quickly make judgments, but their judgments are often limited to extreme judgments such as good and evil, friend and foe, usefulness, and uselessness.They pay less attention to the specific situation of things and pay no attention to the subtleties.The same is true when buying goods. If he likes it, he will buy it happily. If he doesn't like it, he will reject it decisively. When he refuses, he will be straightforward and don't save any face for the salesperson.In the face of such customers, the salesperson should communicate with them in a more outgoing way, speak crisply, and answer the customer's questions clearly and accurately, which will make each other feel like-minded, thus Get closer to each other.

The style of the office can reflect the personal characteristics of the office staff. If you find some degree certificates, award plaques, and other honorary symbols such as beautifully bound certificates in the office of a client, then the client you meet is an extroverted client. .

A senior salesman went to visit the CEO of a private enterprise by chance.

In the office of the boss of this private company, he saw a very exquisite decoration on the wall. After looking closely, he found that it was a graduation certificate of a master of business administration (MBA) from a famous domestic university.It turned out that the owner of the private enterprise had just graduated from the business administration major of this famous university and successfully obtained the certificate.After understanding this, he began to figure out how to communicate with this private company boss.

The general characteristics of extroverted customers are: their subjective consciousness is very strong, and their love is self-centered. When shaking hands with them, you will obviously feel their strength. Their "mantra" is "I think" and "I think" "My years of experience" etc.In the process of communicating with them, you will find that they speak with confidence and at a high volume. Sometimes you feel breathless because they speak very fast and often ask you some questions. Usually sharp.Of course, most of the initiative in the entire conversation is in the hands of such people, because they have a strong desire to control.

Extroverted customers are very particular about the "quality" of their clothes. They may look ordinary, but they are actually very sophisticated. You can't pick out any flaws in their clothes.For popular clothing, such people basically do not consider.

Extroverted customers have a strong sense of time, and they can even be accurate to the point of counting minutes or even seconds for the grasp of time.If you make an appointment with such a client, you must be prepared to attend the appointment on time, otherwise you will give this type of client the impression that you have no sense of time, and thus lose their trust in you.

The question that extroverted customers are most concerned about is whether your product can help them increase their income, reduce the time for investment return and obtain the maximum benefit; whether you can help them complete their work performance and whether you can help them "promote"; The technical performance of your product and the excellence of your service are not their main considerations.The biggest requirement of such customers is "efficiency". The best way to convince them is to prove everything with facts. Other cumbersome explanations will not help, and it will only be considered "long-winded".Extroverted clients have a strong desire for promotion, and will be happy to work with you if you sell products or services that improve their performance.

Therefore, when communicating with extroverted customers, it is best to start the topic on their own work experience and honors received.The things these people love to talk about are the value they bring to the company and what they achieve personally.When communicating with them, the salesperson should pay attention to grasp the time, speak concisely, and hit the point. Because the time concept of extroverted customers is very strong, it can be said that time is like gold, so don’t waste their time. Get your message across to them; small talk will just irritate them rather than collaborate.

In addition, don't expect yourself to be able to reverse the views or viewpoints of such people. Such people are usually very confident, and they will not easily accept other people's opinions or suggestions. Unless your arguments are sufficient, they may do something appropriate. Change.

Another thing to note is that this type of person makes decisions very quickly. Once he raises an objection to a certain clause, please give the most reasonable explanation quickly, because they are impatient and afraid of talking. You have to follow his footsteps. Help them complete their decisions in a timely manner, so that sales can be successful.

But one thing worth noting is that extroverted customers are generally easier to talk to, but they often talk about things other than business.They also don't like the fact that the sales staff will talk endlessly about how excellent their products are, how they sell well, and how they suit them as soon as they enter the door, like chanting sutras, which will easily bore customers.Although extroverted customers tend to be interested in external things, they are also prone to get bored with the same topic.Therefore, instead of clinging to a topic and talking endlessly, the salesperson should find out the customer's interest and wishes, follow the other party's words, arouse his attention, and skillfully guide the products he sells into the conversation. Let your customers be attracted without knowing it.

6.Show off customer psychology: learn to praise them
More than 99% of parents think that their children are the best. Parents are usually very happy when they hear others praise their children, such as "Why is this child so cute" or "Oh! This child is so smart" , and the look on his face will tell you how happy he is.This is true when dealing with friends, and it should be true when dealing with customers!

What kind of personality determines what kind of work style, and the salesperson sells according to the customer's work style, in order to get the appreciation of the customer, and they will regard you as a confidant.On the contrary, if your style of doing things is very different from theirs, it is unlikely that you will succeed in sales.

Make appointments with competent clients, and you will arrive on time at the time you agree, because they don't like others being late.When you say you will sign the order and when you will deliver the goods, you must arrive on time, so that your impression points in their minds will be greatly improved.

There is such a type of customers who like to show off when talking with them, so the salesperson only needs to listen to their boasting. This type of customers is a show-off customer.

If you saw a piece of porcelain from Jingdezhen on the living room closet of a friend’s house, you might blurt out:

"This piece of porcelain is really good. It makes the living room look very charming. Who bought it? You have a good eye!" You may have said this sentence unintentionally, but your friends will be very happy when they hear it.

So, after you've greeted your client for the first time, take every opportunity you can to start complimenting them.If it is in the customer's home, you can praise the unique design style of the customer's home, the extraordinary taste of the furniture in the house, etc., and talk about something in detail, such as how elegant the flowers in the living room are, how bright the color is, etc.; Office, we must praise the overall style of the office is very pleasing to the eye and the customer's office efficiency, etc., as long as you can use the compliment words, please use them as much as possible.

Of course, these are the most common compliments in life. You may feel that you lack creativity, but it is true. Professional salespeople will put compliments on more metaphorical aspects.They will not compliment the client directly, but it is possible to compliment the client's receptionist in front of the client.The effect of this is that on the surface you are admiring the reception staff, but in fact you have already complimented your customers behind the scenes, because only when they manage their subordinates well can the subordinates satisfy the guests. It also means that your customers are also being complimented by you.

Another unexpected gain is that the reception staff will also treat you enthusiastically, because your praise may change their impression in the mind of the boss, and maybe in the future sales process, they will secretly Maybe it will help you.

How do you start a compliment if the receptionist's attitude is cold?

(1) From the point of view of the reception staff, you are a stranger, and they will be more or less neglectful, but if these neglects are not enough to affect your mood, then please don’t worry about it, and generously express to your Customers express satisfaction with reception work.

If the receptionist hears your compliments, he will definitely reflect on his work attitude.If their attitude was not very good at that time, he will apologize, and when you visit again next time, their attitude will definitely improve greatly.

(2) Sometimes, the receptionist is very rude and your mood is greatly affected.If this is the case, then when you meet the customer, save those compliments and compliment the customer on other aspects.

Because at this point, if you continue to express your satisfaction with the reception, it will come across as fake, you will lose your credibility, and your next visit will not be better than this one.

What needs to be noted when complimenting is that the salesman must be very sincere, and only when he compliments what the customer cares about will he receive the expected effect.

There is such a couple who have been married for 10 years but have no children.The couple felt that the house was too deserted, so they raised a few puppies to make the atmosphere in the house more lively.The wife loves the puppy very much, just like her own child.

One day, the husband just came home from get off work, and the wife couldn't wait to say to him: "Let's buy a new car. You want to change it anyway. A salesman from a certain company will come to talk about it on Sunday. I have made an appointment. What do you think?" "

The husband's face immediately changed after hearing this: "I said I wanted to change, but why didn't you do this without my consent?"

It turned out that the wife was overwhelmed by the flattery of the car salesman, so she decided to buy the car privately.The salesman said that he loves dogs very much and knows a little bit about raising dogs. When he saw the dogs in this house, he began to compliment him endlessly, saying that these dogs are of pure blood and are expensive breeds. .The wife was very happy to be complimented by the salesman, and she was no longer bored with the salesman, and made an appointment with her husband on Sunday to talk about buying a car.

In fact, the husband's car should really be changed. Although he really wanted to change to a new car, when he went to see the car, he had too many choices, and he never decided which car to buy.

On Sunday, the salesman came to the appointment on time. From the greetings, the salesman began to compliment him. He complimented the gentleman as if he had no flaws.The husband was a little unhappy at first, but gradually relaxed his vigilance, and soon agreed to buy the car and signed the contract.

Everyone likes to be complimented, especially showy clients.If you say more compliments, you can win customers without any loss. Why not do it?

One of the biggest characteristics of flamboyant customers is that they can’t hide things in their hearts, they won’t hide, and they will show off any information they have. Therefore, when cooperating with them, as long as you can compliment him skillfully at any time, the cooperation will basically be successful. success.

7.Introverted customer psychology: Can I really appreciate your sincerity?

Most of the introverted people have a relatively closed personality and are not easy to approach. Their emotional and thinking activities are more inclined to the inner soul, and their emotions are relatively deep.Reflected in the process of consumption, introverted customers will always choose carefully, and even can't make up their minds for a long time, which makes it difficult for the sales staff to carry out their work.Especially when the salesperson comes to sell, introverted customers will be more alert, always be careful, and be on guard everywhere, as if they are guarding against thieves. They have a cold attitude towards the salesperson and rarely talk.The salesperson asked a question, he answered a question, and did not answer without asking, which made the atmosphere of the conversation rather dull.

(End of this chapter)

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