Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 25 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychologic

Chapter 25 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychological weaknesses of different types of customers (3)
Although the introverted customer is reticent and seemingly unresponsive on the surface, he often shows a look of indifference to the salesperson and the products he sells, and even does not express his opinion when the salesperson introduces the products. In fact, he is already listening carefully. And think about the quality of the product in your heart.Such customers are actually very careful, just because they have a natural instinct of defense and vigilance towards strangers, so they will not be very enthusiastic, even if they agree with the salesperson's point of view, they will simply agree , without talking too much.This kind of appearance often makes the salesperson feel very depressed, thinking that the customer is unwilling to deal with himself and has no interest in his product, so he thinks that the transaction is hopeless, and voluntarily gives up the sale.

Introverted customers are analyzing the information you provide in their own minds while listening to your narration.They have their own "small abacus", but they can't quickly integrate the data provided by the sales staff for a while, so they think for a long time, and they don't respond in time to your narration, so they seem a little absent-minded.But once these customers analyze the data they have and think that they understand enough about the product that the salesperson is selling, the cooperation will be very successful.

For introverted customers, sales experts suggest that in the communication process, the speech should be organized and professional, and the advantages and disadvantages of cooperation should be shown one by one, the information provided should be as comprehensive as possible, be patient, and keep silent when appropriate , to give customers enough thinking time to make decisions.

"Silence is golden" is regarded as the "golden rule" in business by American businessmen.In business dealings, smart Americans often keep silent at the right time and appear as a listener. This not only leaves an impression of rigorous work on the other party, but also leaves a suitable space for thinking for the collaborators.

Xiao Wang is a salesperson of a certain brand of computer.One day, a gentleman came to the store to look at the computer.The two salesmen at the counter hurried forward to greet him and asked him repeatedly what model he needed.Visibly embarrassed by the bombardment of the two enthusiastic salesmen, the customer even blushed, before simply stating that he was just looking around.After two rounds, he felt that there was no suitable computer for him, so he was ready to leave.

Xiao Wang can see from a distance that the customer is a relatively shy customer, and according to his judgment, the customer must have determined a certain brand of computer in his mind, just because of factors such as style or price, or because of factors such as He was a little overwhelmed by the repeated bombardment by the sales staff in the store just now.

At this time, Xiao Wang stepped forward and invited the gentleman to his counter in a friendly manner, and said to him: "Sir, have you taken a fancy to a certain computer and think the price is not suitable? If you really like it, how about the price?" I can also give you a suitable discount, come and sit here first, it's quieter here!" The customer sat down obediently.After chatting for more than ten minutes, the gentleman obviously developed a sense of trust in Xiao Wang, so he revealed his true thoughts to him.According to the customer's idea, Xiao Wang recommended a model suitable for the customer, and the price was relatively affordable, which finally led to the business.

Introverted customers don't say anything, but they know it in their hearts. They often don't express their opinions easily, but if they open their mouths, the questions they ask will always hit the point, which is very real and sharp, which makes it difficult for the salesperson to deal with.

In fact, the introverted customers are not cold and difficult to communicate, but have a fiery heart hidden under the indifference.As long as he feels that you are more sincere through his judgment, he will naturally express very good intentions, and when he gets to know each other well, he will become very trustful and dependent on you, and even let you make decisions for him.This type of customer generally buys your product once, and if they feel good, they will have the next transaction.Therefore, for salespersons, such customers are suitable for establishing a relatively stable and long-term relationship with them, so that the mutual cooperation can continue.Therefore, for salespersons, it is necessary to be good at observing and analyzing customers and shorten the distance between them.As long as we can accurately grasp the type of customers and prescribe the right medicine, the problem will be solved well.

In sales promotion activities, most salespeople only know how to describe products to customers in words, and they dominate most of the communication activities, seldom giving customers time to think. This kind of sales promotion method is not suitable for all customers.In the face of introverted customers, sometimes it is necessary to face them with a "gentle" attitude. You only need to provide detailed information and then keep silent in a timely manner, leaving room for thinking and maneuvering for both the customer and yourself. easier to achieve.

8.Indecisive customer psychology: He really needs your advice

Compared with other types of customers, indecisive customers are more likely to generate orders, because although such customers are hesitant when signing orders, they will not change their minds as long as they are determined to buy products.What they lack is just a kind of thrust to make a decision, and this thrust needs to be promoted by the sales staff.

This kind of customers pay more attention to details, they are more rational, and they believe in their own judgments. Generally, they will not decide to buy or not to buy because of their own likes and dislikes. Their decisions are based on the analysis and demonstration of detailed data. .Therefore, when purchasing goods, this type of customers will always be slow, very cautious and rational.

From the point of view of clothing, this type of customers generally dress in simple, traditional, and down-to-earth styles.

One of the biggest characteristics of introverted customers is that no matter how eloquent you are, they are still calm and indifferent, as if they are listening to you very carefully, but they seem to have something on their minds. This state often makes the salesperson bewildered measures.

From the appearance, they look a bit bookish, they speak very little, but they can hit the point.Like experts, they usually deal with problems with careful planning.Their observation skills are very keen, and they are good at capturing any tiny feature of a product or service. At the same time, they will collect all the information of the product and analyze it.

For them, when they choose a product, they must contact as many suppliers as possible and compare the prices. This is the working method they use the most.

In their daily work, they like to express all their work in written form, and verbal commitments are rarely adopted by them.

These customers like to ask questions.Salespeople had better give clear answers to their questions.If you try to avoid some questions, their doubts will increase, and the possibility of successful cooperation will decrease.

For the indecisive customers, product quality and service level, price and preferential activities are the factors they consider most.

Indecisive customers pay attention to the accuracy of things, and their analytical and observation skills are very strong, so it is very important for them to have certain data.When working with them, provide as much accurate information as possible.Compared with unconventional customers, analytical customers don't like comparisons. Even if his friends have already bought your product, don't think he will buy it.They often have to go through many times of analysis when buying products. Their purpose is to buy genuine products and avoid being deceived. Therefore, they will examine everything confidently, and only buy with peace of mind if they have no doubts.Therefore, when facing the customer's scrutiny, there is no need for the salesperson to feel embarrassed, just face him sincerely and accept his inspection.

Dealing with such customers is a very difficult thing, sometimes overwhelmed by customers' nitpicking.Therefore, in the process of dealing with indecisive customers, we must be rigorous, orderly, and impeccable in details.If the salesperson is too careless, it is easy to lose the trust of customers, and even cause customers to be bored.

When some salesmen communicate with customers, they will find that some customers show a hesitant look, with ups and downs. The objection is that I have been procrastinating repeatedly on the issue of signing the bill, always saying "I will think about it", "I will ask others", "I will go back and think about it", etc., but I can't make up my mind.Such customers, we call indecisive customers.

When encountering hesitant customers, you must learn to use moderate coercion to facilitate transactions.For the whole transaction process, you should regard it as a "forced" process, but the force must be moderate, and certain methods must be used, not too hasty, but not too slow.You can take out the formal contract you prepared before: "Boss, through so many communications, you should have mastered all the information about this product of our company, can you sign the order now?" After finishing speaking, you can hand over the contract to To him, this is the easiest method of persecution.

In the face of indecisive customers, salespersons must also learn to analyze, and through the various performances of customers, confidently make an in-depth analysis of them, grasp the customer's psychology, and take appropriate countermeasures to capture the customer's heart .Generally speaking, when dealing with this type of customers, the salesperson should listen carefully and obtain information from their requirements.When talking with customers, you should pay attention to logic, speak slowly, and enunciate words clearly, showing a more rigorous sales style; you should also give more detailed product descriptions to customers, the more detailed the better.Indecisive customers like to listen to the "nagging" of the salesperson, and they will obtain useful information from the details introduced by the salesperson for analysis and judgment.If the salesperson seldom explains the product or even does not explain it in order to save trouble, it will be suspected by customers instead.

Of course, the real situation will be more complicated. The following are some methods of "forced orders" provided by some experienced salesmen for indecisive customers.

(1) It is assumed that the customer has agreed to sign the contract.Indecisive customers usually have the intention to buy, but they can't always make up their minds to buy the product.At this point, you can try to adopt this method: forcefully dominate the customer's thinking, and induce them, and then complete the contract.For example, a customer understands that a certain product is definitely beneficial to the development of the company, but due to lack of knowledge, he shows hesitation.At this time, the salesperson can seize this opportunity and say to the customer: "General, you can try it first and try the effect. If the effect is good, then decide whether to continue to order and use our products according to the income situation. In this way It’s safer to do it. The cost is not high anyway, what do you think?” This kind of suggestion actually leads the customer’s thinking directly to the salesperson. At this time, the customer’s consideration is not the question of whether to do it, But how to do it, the cooperation has actually been reached.

(2) Relieve customers' doubts.Even if some customers have decided to purchase the product, they still do not sign the order quickly. They often ponder over some details, thus delaying the signing time.

When encountering this kind of situation, the salesperson should quickly change the persuasion strategy, ask the customer related questions, and give the customer the most clear answer. Once all the problems are solved, the time for the customer to decide to sign the order will come.

(3) Play hard to get.Some customers have already expressed interest in your product, and all the detailed questions about the product have been answered satisfactorily, but due to their nature, they just procrastinate and refuse to sign the order.At this time, the salesperson may wish to try playing hard to get.The salesperson can pretend to leave, and slowly pack up all his things. During the short period of time, such customers may make up their minds to sign the order.It should be noted that this method can only be used at an appropriate time and occasion, otherwise it is easy to be exploited by peers, resulting in the loss of opportunities.

9.Unconventional customer psychology: all I need is personality

Individuality is a symbol of self, but individuality is not necessarily accepted by people.As long as they hear that they have to deal with a customer with personality, I believe that most of the salespeople will be drumming in their hearts.In fact, as a salesperson, don't be preconceived about this kind of customers, and don't think that all customers with personality are some difficult customers.

Hesitant customers need advice from the sales staff, because they are not sure, so they are more willing to leave their decisions to the sales staff, so the sales staff must seize this opportunity to become the trusted person of the customer and help them decide to generate an order.

Sometimes customers do not need your products, but they are not familiar with your products, so they dare not place an order rashly.They always seek the safest psychology, and hope that the products they buy back can really work, so what you have to do is to give customers this kind of promise.

Maverick clients are often casually dressed, but very stylish and can see trends in their clothing.

When talking to them, they will appear energetic, because they talk brightly, body language is quite rich, of course, the conversation is usually sitting on the sofa.

As for the content of the conversation, most of them will be far away from work. They like to express their personal feelings and pay close attention to anecdotes and some new and fashionable topics.

They have a relatively free personality, more personal ideas, like to make friends, and are masters in handling interpersonal relationships.Their behavior is informal, so being late is commonplace.

When communicating with such customers, you will find that they do not pay attention to the quality and characteristics of the product itself.Such customers often regard this purchase as a symbol of their status and identity.You must know that when many unconventional customers buy famous watches and cars, the functions of these products are often ignored. What they pay attention to is whether these products can reflect their identity and status.

When negotiating with unconventional customers, the most important thing is that you have good eloquence. You have to change the way of communication, and the topics must be extensive. Astronomy, geography, anecdotes, anecdotes, current affairs, economics, etc. can all be used as conversation entry point.During the conversation, it is also necessary to communicate in a relaxed manner. If conditions permit, the conversation can be held in an informal setting, such as a coffee shop, tea bar, etc.When communicating, if you are eloquent, affirm and supplement the topics raised by the other party, you can find the "freshness" of the topic, and let the other party feel that you are knowledgeable, which can arouse their potential admiration for you. Add the introduction of the product in a timely manner, then they will pay attention to your product, and the probability of successful cooperation will become very high.

The pursuit of fashion is the main theme of young people's shopping today. Most young customers prefer fashionable and avant-garde things. They have the courage to dare to try, have their own alternative beliefs and tastes, and they are the forefront of the times.People of this type generally like to be unconventional in the consumption process, and like to make themselves more unique and stand out from the crowd.Therefore, when they are shopping, they always like to compare alternative things that most people have never bought.Most of these customers have strong curiosity and are willing to accept new things.

(End of this chapter)

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