Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 26 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychologic

Chapter 26 Finding the psychological breakthrough point of customers: seeing through the psychological weaknesses of different types of customers (4)
Unconventional customers, the reason why they buy those more unusual things, on the one hand, is their own hobbies and interests, and on the other hand, it is a pursuit of unique psychology.They hope to be valued by others, and hope to make themselves unique through different clothing or attire.Therefore, when facing this type of customer, the salesperson should learn to recognize it appropriately, for example, "Miss, you really have a personality in this dress, and you have a unique feeling", "You really have vision, this This dress is new and you were the first to buy it."When customers who like to be unconventional hear such words, they will be very happy.

A young lady came to a clothing store to buy a more suitable windbreaker for herself.She walked and watched, and finally stopped in front of a windbreaker with a more fashionable design and personality.Seeing this, the salesperson stepped forward and said to her, "Miss, if you like it, you can try it on. I think you have a taller figure. This dress will definitely show off your beautiful figure."

The young lady picked out a dress to try on, with a satisfied smile on her face, and asked the salesperson the price of the dress.The salesman immediately replied: "1080 yuan, and because of the store celebration, if you buy it now, you can get a [-]% discount. I think this dress is very suitable for you. I suggest you buy one!" The lady replied very readily: "Okay, I want this dress!"

The salesperson was also very happy to see that the deal was concluded. She said flatteringly while wrapping the clothes:

"Miss, you are so discerning. Many people like this style."

"Oh? Really?" After hearing this, the lady was silent for a while, and then smiled and said to the salesperson, "Sorry, I think I'd better not give it up!"

So, what is the reason that the business that the salesperson obtained fell through in an instant?The reason is that she said the wrong thing because she didn't figure out the type of customer.Obviously, the woman in the above case is an unconventional type of customer who dresses differently. The most intolerable thing for this type of customer is to wear the same clothes as everyone else.Just imagine facing such a customer, how could the salesperson's last compliment not ruin the business?

Therefore, in the sales process, the salesperson should be good at discovering the psychological tendencies of the customers from their words and demeanors, and then find a breakthrough based on their psychological situation, so that the customers are satisfied with your products and services, otherwise it is very likely that they will fail because of a wrong sales language. ruin the business.On the contrary, when the customer gets the attention of others and the approval of the salesperson when purchasing, he will feel happy, and it is easier to accept the opinions of the salesperson.

10.Conformist customer psychology:

I need to figure out what it is for. Conformist clients are generally more conservative. This type of person is more regular in everything they do in life, pays attention to order, and does not change casually.In terms of consumption concept, customers who stick to the old style always like to buy products in the same store, and they always use the same brand, but they are not very interested in other stores or brands.They are often swayed by some preconceived ideas, and once a fixed impression is formed, it is difficult to change.Such customers are the most difficult to convince, and often the salesperson has spent a lot of effort, but the final result is not necessarily very good.

Conventional customers are more likely to accept high-quality and low-cost products. They pursue high-quality products and hope that the price is more appropriate. They are generally not interested in products that are too high-end.

Because in their view, consumption that is too high-end and impractical is extravagant and not worth advocating.Based on this, the process of accepting new products for this type of customers is relatively slow, and they need to comprehensively consider and test product quality and other factors.Only when they finally confirm that the product is affordable and safe will they purchase the product.Therefore, when the salesperson is facing such a customer, he must show enough patience, eager for success will only make the customer suspicious, and make it inherent in the face of a customer with personality. Be personal too, so that you can walk with them and they will think you are like-minded.

Just imagine, you go to visit a client who is dressed casually and slovenly in a suit and leather shoes. At that time, let alone the client, even you feel out of place.

The reason we are interested in something is because we are curious.In sales work, if you can arouse the curiosity of customers, then he will definitely have a strong interest in your products.

The mentality of guarding is stronger.

Xiao Wang is a salesperson responsible for promoting a certain brand of washing machine.One day, he came to a client's home to do sales, and he was received by a middle-aged woman with a vigilant expression.

While talking with the client, Xiao Wang observed the furniture in the client's home.He found that the furnishings in the client's home were neat and generous. Although some furniture brands were relatively old, the quality was obviously very good. The whole room had a strong sense of simplicity, and the home appliances were basically of the same brand.In addition, based on the conversation of this middle-aged woman, Xiao Wang can basically conclude that the hostess is a person with a conservative life style. She pays more attention to the quality of her products. Those who pay attention to the quality of life, the consumption level belongs to the upper middle class.

After obtaining these more intuitive impressions, Xiao Wang has a bottom line in his mind.He first found a topic and talked about the home appliances of the hostess, saying that the hostess has a good eye, and the products she chooses are of good quality and moderate prices, and they are also in line with the style of the family layout.Undoubtedly, the hostess was very happy to hear this, and she also revealed some pride in her speech. She said that she was responsible for purchasing all the home appliances at that time, and her husband was also very satisfied. Not only were the quality good, but they also saved a lot of money. money.Xiao Wang then took the opportunity to praise the hostess for being capable and assertive, and by the way, changed the topic of the conversation to the washing machine he sold, saying that the hostess must be very tired when busy with housework, but the washing machine he sold could bring her a lot of convenience. Guaranteed her husband will love it too.Then he naturally explained the performance, price, after-sales service and other information of the washing machine he sold to the hostess in detail.When the hostess found out that this washing machine was indeed suitable for her through comparison, she became very interested in the product.Xiao Wang did not lose the opportunity to tell the hostess that the quality of the washing machine he was selling was indeed very good, and he could try it out for a week, which gave the customer another reassurance.

Later, the hostess was very satisfied after trying it out, and even bought two washing machines, one for her own use and one for her mother-in-law.

Consistent customers always have a soft spot for the products they used before. It is difficult to get them to accept some new products, but after all, they still like safer, more practical and higher quality products, so This is a good breakthrough.The salesperson should let the customer find that the new product has better performance in the actual comparison, which will gradually change the customer's concept and let him accept your product.For salespersons, as long as they can clarify the stakes for customers and provide high-quality and low-cost products, they can easily impress customers.

In practice, many salespeople use the form of small talk to discuss topics that have little to do with sales itself, such as hobbies, sports activities, etc. This method is called "warming up".It has been proven that potential customers are more likely to let go, disarm, and reveal more about themselves and the company during small talk.In chatting, customers will express their expectations and requirements for the quality and price of products or services.Under normal circumstances, the common methods of "warming up" include eliminating unfamiliar topics, such as the customer's personal hobbies; competitive games etc.

One day, a salesman named Zhang confidently walked into the office of Manager Zhao, who had made an appointment. When he saw Manager Zhao, he shook hands politely and greeted him: "Manager Zhao, how are you doing recently? Watch yesterday's game. Did the team X perform really badly?" Manager Zhao looked dazed, but didn't say anything.

Because he was here to discuss business, in order to get close to Manager Zhao, Zhang began to ask Manager Zhao about his family.In order not to be cold, Zhang talked from beginning to end, from the weather to hobbies, and then from hobbies to the products he sold.During most of the communication between the two parties, it was Zhang who spoke, and Manager Zhao sat blankly, only echoing from time to time, and did not show interest in the product.In the end, the conversation ended hastily, and both parties clearly felt the failure of the conversation, and even the contact information was not left.After returning to the company, Zhang began to complain, saying that the client he met today was so rigid that he had no sincerity for cooperation.At the same time, the client, manager Zhao, was also complaining in his heart. This Zhang knew to talk about irrelevant things, so why didn't he spend more time on useful things?
In fact, the best sales weapon is practicality. This sales method not only saves time and effort, but also reduces costs. It is a rare sales method.In the above case, Zhang failed to talk with Manager Zhao because he did not accurately grasp Manager Zhao's personality characteristics.Talking is not a good form of communication for ruthless clients, and the best form of persuasion is to speak the truth.Your product has been recognized by everyone, and everyone trusts you, so it is natural to sign a contract with you.After being approved by the conventional customers, it is necessary to understand what kind of products such customers need, and they need practical things.This type of customer is usually reluctant to try new things, but if you can make him realize that your product works for them, then congratulations, the cooperation can start, and your pitch has a good chance of success.

11.Analytical Customer Psychology: Until I Can't Find a Fault

The reason why customers love analysis is that they ultimately want to buy practical and perfect products so that they can get benefits. They pay more attention to the sense of security and pursue a reassuring result.Only when their doubts are all resolved, will they accept the product.Sales staff must pay attention to details and treat them with a pragmatic attitude when facing such customers, and they will naturally win the trust of customers.

Compared with those straightforward customers who just buy it when they see it, and pick it up and leave, the analytical customer looks like a mother-in-law and dawdles. Such customers must compare left and right when buying something, choose left and right, and make sure there is no problem Will buy later.When they are shopping, the biggest characteristic is that they are suspicious, picky, and like to analyze.

In the face of such customers, the sales staff must also learn to analyze. Through the various performances of customers, customers who are careful and stick to the rules are generally more conservative in thinking and calm in personality, and are not easy to accept new things.In life, people who stick to the rules always follow the rules and like to use some rules to restrict their behavior. They often behave carefully and calmly in doing things, are good at listening, are better at analyzing, are more picky, and are more cautious when purchasing goods. Focus on safety, quality and price.They will make a rational analysis and judgment on the product, and only when they confirm that the product is suitable for their long-term use will they decide to make the final purchase.

Make an in-depth analysis of them, grasp the psychology of customers, and take appropriate countermeasures to capture the hearts of customers.Generally speaking, for such customers, the salesperson should listen carefully and obtain information from their requirements.When talking with customers, you should pay attention to logic, speak slowly, and enunciate words clearly, showing a more rigorous sales style, and give detailed product descriptions to customers, the more detailed the better.

Dealing with such clients is difficult, and sometimes overwhelmed by the nitpicking of clients.Therefore, in the process of communicating with analytical customers, we must be rigorous, orderly, and impeccable in details.If the salesperson is too careless, careless, ambiguous, incoherent, and inaccurate, he will not be able to win the trust of customers at all, and may even cause customers to be bored.

When meeting with an analytical customer, you must leave a good impression on the customer, try to be as detailed as possible when introducing the product, and ask the customer's needs carefully, make some records in a timely manner, do not exaggerate, do not lie, and do not force Customers buy, because such customers are often very assertive, and pursue perfection, have their own behavioral creeds, and are unwilling to be influenced by others.Therefore, salespersons should pay attention to details and avoid arousing customers' resentment.

Xiao Xiao works in the sales of anti-theft doors. Once he called a client to make an appointment. During the phone call, he told the client that he would arrive around 9:9, but the client showed a displeased tone and asked Xiao Xiao to arrive on time at 20:[-]. And bring detailed information.During the phone call, Xiao Xiao felt that the customer had strict requirements and was a difficult customer to deal with, so he needed to make comprehensive preparations by himself.

With a certain amount of psychological preparation, Xiao Xiao didn't feel too nervous when he arrived at the client's home. He wanted to play a joke with the client to ease the atmosphere, but seeing the serious expression of the client, he felt a little inappropriate.When introducing products to customers, Xiao Xiao spoke in detail, and when customers asked questions, he also answered in a more orderly manner, and wrote down customers' opinions in a small notebook.This makes the customer very satisfied, and they feel that Xiao Xiao is a careful and steady person.

During the conversation, Xiao Xiao found that the customer was very interested in the data of some products, so he provided the customer with a product market research report to let him know the real sales volume of his products. Xiao Xiao is very confident in this point, because the anti-theft The sales of the door are really good, and it is very convincing to customers.After a series of detailed inspections, the customer is quite satisfied with Xiaoxiao's anti-theft door.In the end, the customer decides to buy it, and it is time to negotiate the price.Xiao Xiao also learned that the customer is a person who is good at analysis and is sensitive to numbers, so when he said the price, he said it very accurately, and attracted the customer with a certain discount, which also made the customer feel reasonable, and finally the transaction was smooth.

In the process of Xiao Xiao's sales promotion, he followed the customer's pace, and gradually figured out the customer's psychology, followed his preferences, and created an orderly and step-by-step atmosphere, which is precisely the analytical what customers like.Xiao Xiao touched the hearts of customers with specific data, leaving no chance for picky customers.

In short, analytical customers are more thoughtful, so the salesperson should be more thoughtful. As long as the details can convince the customer, the transaction will naturally succeed.

Analytical customers are a bit like accountants. They must analyze things carefully, pay more attention to facts and data, and pursue accuracy and authenticity.If a salesperson makes an appointment with such a customer, the time they request is very precise.They don't have vague notions of time in mind, and instead of saying "I'll be there after lunch," they say "I'll be there at 12:30."In addition, in terms of specific quantity and price, analytical customers are more precise, and they don't like ambiguous concepts.

Analytical customers pay more attention to details, they are more rational, they believe in their own judgments, and they will not decide to buy or not to buy just because of the moment, and their decision is based on the analysis and demonstration of detailed data.Therefore, when purchasing products, analytical customers will always be slow, very cautious and rational.

(End of this chapter)

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