Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 28 Sales Is Actually a Psychological Game: Psychological "Tricks" Commonly Used in

Chapter 28 Sales Is Actually a Psychological Game: Psychological "Tricks" Commonly Used in Sales (2)
Passion is one of the most contagious emotions.According to a survey, more than 95% of the successful sales cases are due to the existence of enthusiasm.Salespeople should be full of enthusiasm in their work, so that your work can be completed smoothly and you will also achieve impressive results. On the contrary, if you deal with your work with a low mood, you will be like a dehydrated vegetable, lifeless Word.

Enthusiasm is the driving force behind sales, and only when salespeople have endless power and undying enthusiasm can sales be successful.No customer wants to see a dead salesperson.Whether it's a short-term retail promoter or a well-paid marketer, treat your customers with 100% passion.

Enthusiasm is the emotion that can touch people's hearts the most, so you should be full of enthusiasm when you treat customers.Enthusiastic service can make customers feel cordial and natural, thereby shortening the distance between the two parties spiritually, and creating a harmonious atmosphere for ideological and emotional exchange.On the contrary, if you use a "bitter melon face" with a pair of "white eyes" and cold words to deal with customers, I believe that no customer will like that kind of indifferent attitude, and the transaction will naturally fail.

The only way you can smile from the bottom of your heart is if you make yourself happy.If you're in a bad mood and can't smile, force yourself to smile.

4.Stable and win, let customers become active
In the sales process, salespeople often hear many dissatisfaction and objections expressed by customers. In fact, most of these customers are looking for excuses to refuse to buy products, or trying to lower the price of products.In this regard, if the salesperson cannot accurately identify, it is easy to lose customers or fall into the "small trap" of customers by mistake, and eventually deviate from the sales theme.

As the saying goes, "you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry", this sentence also has a certain truth in the sales industry.When many salespeople start doing business, they will directly ask customers whether they need this product. Such an opening statement can easily arouse disgust from others.Customers will think that you are so eager to sell products because you want to make money as soon as possible, which will naturally reduce their trust in you.

Salespeople usually evaluate their abilities by virtue of their performance, so many salespeople have high enthusiasm for work and a strong desire to sell, but they will inevitably hit a wall in the actual sales process. At this time, self-confidence alone can no longer play a big role Therefore, we must formulate corresponding strategies according to the actual situation, and we must not rush for success.Urgent sales psychology and sales mentality will make you wasteful.

As a salesperson, please don't be stingy with your smile, a beautiful smile will make people feel warm in their hearts.The same goes for dealing with customers, smiling when making a sales pitch shows that you have positive expectations for the customer conversation.Greet each other with a smile, even if the reason for selling is not sufficient, you will get the other party's favor.

A smile is a weapon, a weapon that can make all customers who are wary of you put down their guard.Therefore, in sales work, you must be good at using your weapon.

According to statistics, 92.7% of the front-line sales personnel in China are women, which shows that women's characteristics - patience, meticulousness and tenacity have an advantage in the sales process.Every customer wants great service, not just being asked if they need a product in the first place.Therefore, salespeople should not rush to express their sales intentions in front of customers, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

Zhang Hao is a salesperson of a certain company. He is competitive and hopes to achieve good results through his own efforts, so he is also very serious in his work at ordinary times.Later, several excellent salesmen came to the company, and their performance was outstanding.So he felt a little dissatisfied and wanted to surpass them.This kind of thought is good, but in action, Zhang Hao seems a little impatient.Every time a customer comes, he can't help but hope that the customer can sign the order immediately. He always urges the customer, which makes the customer feel upset and disgusted, and the business that he originally got is lost.

In this way, Zhang Hao watched his performance go from bad to worse, and felt even more anxious. He couldn't help urging customers to buy again and again during sales, and he would be very angry if customers refused.Gradually, Zhang Hao began to become irritable, wanting to swear at people at every turn, and often made mistakes at work, which caused customer dissatisfaction. Finally, because of too many complaints from customers, the company had to let Zhang Hao go home and rest for a while.

Haste makes waste, and Zhang Hao's eagerness for success not only failed to improve his performance, but seriously affected his work, which was self-defeating.

It can be seen from this that impatience in sales work will not only fail to accomplish anything, but will cause mistakes, and it is more likely that people will fail to achieve their goals because of eagerness for success, and then become negative, even discouraged and desperate.After all, in the sales process, it will not be so smooth every time, and difficulties and setbacks will inevitably be encountered. If you still blindly seek speed at this time, it will only backfire.

Easy to be impatient is a bad emotion, which has many negative effects on the work of the salesperson. Therefore, the salesperson should correct his habits, adjust his mentality, pay attention to the rhythm of work, cultivate the planning and rationality of behavior, and maintain A normal heart, calmly deal with their own work.

Only by being stable can we win. If you are too impatient, you will be full of loopholes. Even if you get temporary benefits, it will have a negative impact on long-term development.In sales work, there is no shortage of impatient salespeople.Many salespeople are impatient when they work, and they always hope to sign the order with the customer as soon as possible. Once the customer hesitates, the salesperson becomes impatient and urges the customer again and again, which arouses the customer's resentment.It is not correct and impolite to treat customers with this attitude.Maybe customers have their own considerations and arrangements. Sales staff should learn to wait patiently. On the one hand, it is respect for customers. On the other hand, it shows their stability and avoids unnecessary mistakes in the sales process. .

When the salesperson is working, he must do things from the beginning to the end, keep calm and prudent, think twice before acting, neither go into battle recklessly, nor give up halfway, give customers enough time to think, don't blindly rush to sell, keep urging; even if the customer refuses, don't If you act emotionally, lose your temper with customers, or make rude remarks, you will be criticized and criticized by customers and bystanders, and you will eventually lose many potential customers.

There must be an entry point for sales work, and one should not be eager for success, because the process of selling goods is also selling oneself.To sell yourself successfully, you must first become friends with customers, gain the trust of the other party first, and then sell products, so that your sales work will become more comfortable.

In the process of communicating with customers, you must constantly eliminate this psychological distance. Its existence will make customers object to you, because when you meet with customers for the first time, customers know nothing about you, so they naturally treat you and you. The product creates alertness.So how can we eliminate this guard mentality?This requires the salesperson to eliminate this kind of conflicting psychology in words when contacting customers. Secondly, he must work hard on body language, facial expressions, and manners. Naturally, he must be full of energy, because a healthy attitude towards life is very contagious. Unknowingly infect customers and those around them.

When communicating with customers, the sales staff must constantly understand the needs of customers and explore the potential consciousness of customers, so that they can understand the consumption psychology of customers and thus successfully sell products.

In addition, the salesperson should carry out self-suggestion in a timely manner, reminding himself: "Be calm, impatience will only make things worse." So as to control their emotions, help themselves to eliminate or dilute the impatience to a certain extent, and make the Restore emotional normality by yourself to avoid bad consequences caused by impatience.

In order to allow customers to open their hearts to you, you must think about what the customer thinks, learn as much as possible about the customer's identity, economic strength, reason for purchasing, and the focus of purchasing the product in the shortest possible time, and then seize the opportunity at the right time. The mindset of the customer.You can judge the customer's situation by:
(1) Eyes.Know what customers want.

(2) SOUND.Know who your customers are.

(3) clothing.Analyze the relevant background of the client.

(4) talk.Understand customers' purchase intentions.

To do sales work, you must have patience and perseverance. The most important thing is to have a stable mentality and not rush for success.You know, if you make a mistake in action, it is easy to leave a failure on your sales road.

5.bargaining strategy
Sales negotiations are actually a war without gunpowder. Although there are no swords, swords or bullets on the negotiating table, they are still fighting each other and fighting fiercely.In the negotiation process, sometimes it is necessary to fight a protracted war, sometimes it is necessary to fight a quick decisive battle, and sometimes it is necessary to fight a guerrilla war.Whether the expected goal can be achieved in the negotiation depends on the experience and wisdom of the sales staff.Taking retreat as an advance is a winning strategy and technique commonly used on the negotiating table. New salesmen should master it flexibly according to the actual negotiation situation.

Such a thing happened in a certain gallery. The art dealer took a fancy to three paintings brought by a painter, and the price was 250 US dollars each.The painter was annoyed and ran out angrily, burning one of the paintings in front of the art dealer.The art dealer felt very sorry to see such a good painting being burned. He asked the artist how much he was willing to sell for the remaining two paintings, and the answer was still 250 US dollars each. The art dealer rejected the offer again. , and burned one of the paintings, the art dealer hurriedly begged the artist not to burn the last one.

Finally, when the art dealer asked the artist how much he was willing to sell, the artist said, "Can the last painting be sold at the same price as the three paintings?" In the end, the art dealer had to buy the painting for $600.

If the customer is always passive in the sales work, it is difficult for the sales staff to carry out their work.

In the sales work, the sales staff should also try their best to guide customers to ask questions, because once customers start asking questions, it means that they have already participated in the sale.

At that time, the prices of other paintings were between US$100 and US$150, but the artist's painting was sold for US$600. "The strategy is because he knew that all three of his paintings were taken by the art dealer, and he burned two of them, leaving the last painting, which aroused the art dealer's desire for possession.At the same time, he also learned in advance that this art dealer would not give up easily on the things he fell in love with, and would rather pay a high price to buy them for collection.The clever painter used this trick of "retreating to advance" and it was very effective, and he won a successful business at his fingertips.

If you encounter a "deadlock" during the negotiation process, the new salesperson must not use aggressive words to fight back against the other party, and must be patient.In order to reject the unrealistic request of the other party, the method of "advance by retreat" can be adopted at this time.

In 1999, a large American airline wanted to build an air station in New York City, hoping that Edison Electric Company could supply electricity at a low price, but this request was quickly rejected by the electric company, and it was said that the Public Service Commission did not approve it, so Negotiations are in trouble.Later, the airline simply stopped negotiating and let it out, claiming that it no longer depends on the power company and decided to build its own power plant.

When the Edison Electric Company heard the news, it immediately changed its original tough attitude, and voluntarily asked the Public Service Commission to intercede, saying that it would give the airline a preferential price.The two sides finally reached an agreement.

The timing of the quotation will affect the outcome of the negotiation to a certain extent. The party who quotes first is equivalent to drawing a category for the entire negotiation, which can affect the psychological expectations of the other party to a certain extent.In addition, if the quotation is beyond the expectation of the other party, it may deal a heavy blow to the other party's negotiation deployment and shake its "military morale".

The role of quotation will run through the entire negotiation process, so the influence of quotation first is greater than that of quotation later.

However, the first quotation also has its disadvantages, that is, it is easy to be suppressed by the opponent, forcing the negotiators to lower the price step by step, and they do not know the quotation of the other party, so they are easy to fall into a passive situation.Therefore, the sales novice should be based on the specific situation, and can also consider the quotation later.The advantage of late quotation is that when the other party quotes first, you can re-adjust your own quotation according to the other party's quotation, so as to strike later.

There are advantages and disadvantages to quoting first or quoting later, so what order of quoting should a new salesperson adopt?

Generally speaking, when one's own side is in a favorable position in the negotiation, it is more advantageous to quote first; if the negotiation strength of the two parties is balanced, the negotiation will be very competitive, so the quotation should be made first to gain the initiative; if one's own side is weak, especially When you lack negotiation experience, you should quote later, because you can observe the other party through the other party's quotation, and it is also convenient for further in-depth research and adjustments to your own quotation.

There are two situations in the sales negotiation: one is when one’s own price is quoted and the other party counter-offers;So, in the negotiation, how should the new salesperson respond to the other party's offer?

First, don't accept the first offer.

Second, feign surprise.The salesman is always shocked by the buyer's offer, as if taken aback.

Similarly, there is no absolute requirement to quote first or quote later, everything depends on the situation.When the sales novice quotes, he should also pay attention to the timing of the quotation.When negotiating quotations, the new salesperson should first discuss the use value of the product, and then discuss the price after the other party understands its value.

6.Make more use of inertial thinking to guide customers
Every customer will have a more or less inertial thinking, and it is this inertial thinking that makes them make corresponding decisions.As a salesperson, you must make good use of this inertia of customers. Whether you want to fight or sell, the temporary retreat is to better attack. This is also the dialectic of "retreat" and "advance" on the negotiating table. flexible use.If new salesmen master this skill, it will help them better control the negotiation situation.

In sales negotiations, no matter how much sincerity the other party has, and no matter how many creative proposals the other party puts forward, due to the conflict of interests between the two parties, it is inevitable to go through explicit or covert, dynamic or static bargaining in the end.Among them, the quotation is the main content of the negotiation.

Dimensions, guide customers step by step towards the results they want.

The so-called inertial thinking refers to a pre-prepared mental state when people engage in a certain activity, which can affect the trend, degree and method of subsequent activities.If this kind of thinking appears in the salesperson, it is the enemy of sales; but if this kind of thinking appears in the customer, it is the luck of the salesperson, because the salesperson can use the inertial thinking of the customer to successfully sell their own products. product.

Salesperson: "The weather is really nice today."

Customer: "Yes."

Salesperson: "The greening of the community you live in is really good."

Customer: "Well, yes, living in such a community, you can breathe fresh air every day."

Salesperson: "The potted flower on your balcony was raised by you, it's so beautiful."

Customer: "I brought it back when I was traveling in Japan. I didn't expect this kind of flower to grow so well in China."

Salesperson: "It's really enviable that there are such beautiful flowers in Japan."

Customer: "Yes, this kind of flower is not very expensive in Japan, but in China, this kind of flower is terribly expensive. A pot of this kind of flower costs several thousand."

Salesperson: "I am a salesperson of a health care product company. Here are some brochures of health care products. Please take a look."

Customer: "Really?"

The customer took the brochure handed over by the salesperson and began to flip through it, when the salesperson said, "Can I explain it to you?"


If the sales have reached such a point, then there is a possibility of success.The reason why the salesperson asks the customer so many questions is to take advantage of the customer's inertial thinking.Because the customer has a kind of inertial thinking after saying "yes" several times, it is not so easy for the customer to break this inertial thinking in the next conversation, so if the salesperson can make good use of this inertial thinking Thinking, then success is in sight.

A B is an audio salesperson of a certain brand store. One day, a customer came to A B's counter to inquire about purchasing speakers.Ah B took out the first test disc and explained it to Mr. Wang.After listening to it, Mr. Wang said: "The sound quality is obviously flawed, the bass is not strong enough, and there is always noise in the background."

As soon as the customer had questions about the product, Ah B hurriedly paused the playback, took out the disc, looked at it and said:
"Mr. is really professional, and I heard it right away. This disc is a pirated disc. For comparison and testing, we prepared two discs, just to let customers understand the difference."

Ah B took out the disc in the disc player while talking, and then replaced it with another disc of the same type. "Sir, you have noticed that now the bass effect is much more prominent, especially the feeling of spatial aftershock. The low-frequency effect is first felt, and then heard. You can feel the ultra-low frequency shock of the real scene Feeling... Listen to the background music again, in fact, the background music in the movie is to set off the plot. You pay attention to the crickets behind you, circling on the left side behind you."

After listening to Ah B's introduction, the customer felt very satisfied: "The effect of the genuine disc is different!"

In the end, the customer bought a set of audio equipment without saying a word.

So, how to use the inertial thinking of customers?

(End of this chapter)

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