Sales Psychology: Sales is a psychological warfare

Chapter 29 Sales Is Actually a Psychological Game: Psychological "Tricks" Commonly Used in

Chapter 29 Sales Is Actually a Psychological Game: Psychological "Tricks" Commonly Used in Sales (3)
(1) Try to figure out the psychology of customers.The process of talking between the salesperson and the customer is actually a process in which the two parties try to figure out the psychology of each other.What kind of psychology will say what kind of words, this point must be understood by the sales staff.

(2) The salesperson should design the question well.Before the salesperson talks with the customer, he should design the questions he wants to ask, so that he can guide the customer's thinking during the conversation with the customer.

Sales staff: "Hello, Manager Zhang! Does your company need to recruit?"

Customer: "Yes. We're hiring an electrician."

Salesperson: "How long have you been open for this position?"

Customer: "Has it been a while?"

Salesperson: "How long?"

Customer: "Oh! It's been more than half a month."

Salesperson: "Ah! It's been so long? Are you not in a hurry?"

Customer: "No rush, the boss didn't mention it anyway."

Salesperson: "Manager Zhang, the boss didn't mention this matter because he has too many things to pay attention to this problem. But have you thought about it, what should you do if there is a problem with the electrical appliances or circuits in the factory during the period when the electrician is not in place? Woolen cloth?"

Customers don't know how to answer.

Salesperson: "Manager Zhang, I know that you have always done a great job, and your boss appreciates it very much.

Many things are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.If something happens at the factory and the boss finds out that the electrician isn't there that's going to affect you.You've given a lot to this company, and it won't be worth it if you're affected by a small thing.It is recommended that you get this electrician in place as soon as possible. "

Customer: "What you said seems to make sense."

Salesperson: "I've arranged a job fair for you this Saturday, what do you think?"

Client: "Okay! Then arrange a session."

Salesperson: "Okay, then please ask someone to send me the information as soon as possible, so that I can help you promote it in the newspaper and ensure that we can recruit suitable electricians."

Client: "Okay. Thank you. Goodbye."

This is a successful sale that uses well-designed questions to get customers to nod.Therefore, as long as the sales staff design the questions well, they can guide the customer's psychology in the conversation with the customer, so as to conclude the transaction as soon as possible.

7.Make customers satisfied with their purchase behavior

If anyone wants to ask, what is the purpose of selling?Perhaps most of the salespersons will say that many of our decisions are made under the influence of inertial thinking. Customers buy products, and sometimes they are also affected by inertial thinking. Therefore, you must make good use of the inertial thinking of customers. .

The purpose of sales is to sell products and obtain profits.But is that the only purpose of sales?In fact, the purpose of sales is not only to sell products, but more importantly, to allow customers to gain a sense of value from their purchases.How does this benefit sales?The benefit is turning one-time customers into repeat customers.

Tony and Bonnie are brothers. They own a clothing store in Texas. They are very enthusiastic about every customer, so their business is very good.Although the two brothers are in the same store, their division of labor is different.Every day, brother Bonnie sells their clothes to passers-by at the door of the store. However, the two brothers are a little "deaf" and often mishear each other's words.

One day, my younger brother brought a customer into the store again. The customer took a fancy to a coat, so Bonnie repeatedly introduced to the customer how high-quality and cheap the dress was, how decent and beautiful it was after wearing.Under Bonnie's praise, the customer's heart has long been in high spirits.So he asked Bonnie, "How much is this dress?"

Bonnie put his hand to his ear and called out to the customer, "What did you say?"

The customer thought he was deaf, so he raised his voice close to Bonnie's ear and said, "How much is this dress?"

"Oh, you are asking how much, I am very sorry, my ears are not good, please wait a moment, I will ask the boss." Bonny then turned around and shouted to his brother inside: "How much does this coat sell for?" money?"

Tony stood up, looked at the customer, looked at the dress, and said, "That dress, $140."

"How many?"

"$140," Tony yelled.

Bonnie then smiled at the customer and said, "Sir, it's $80 a set."

As soon as the customer heard what Bonnie said, he quickly bought the high-quality and cheap clothes and slipped away.

In fact, the brothers are not deaf at all, they just use this method to make money.Why?Doing so can make customers feel that they have picked up a great bargain, and they will feel that their purchase is worthwhile.This creates a sense of value for customers, and customers themselves will be very satisfied with their purchase behavior and become regular customers of this store.Therefore, the brothers made a lot of money through this method.

Keeping customers satisfied with their purchasing behavior is an important factor in winning repeat customers.If a customer buys a product from you and feels dissatisfied, then such a customer cannot become your loyal customer.How can customers be satisfied with their purchase behavior?
(1) Let customers feel value for money.Value for money is the premise for a customer to buy a product. If he spends far more than the value the product brings him, then the customer will complain about your product, and it will bring you even greater misfortune. Because such news will spread ten or ten times.

(2) Let customers feel that they have taken advantage of it.When customers buy things, they are looking for high quality and low price.Even though we say you get what you pay for, customers will be happy if they can get their favorite product at a lower price because they feel they are getting a bargain.

(3) Learn to move people with emotion.Touching people with emotion is the bargaining chip for salespeople to win customer loyalty.

8.Spark customer interest
No one puts too much energy into something that they are not interested in, and if it is something that interests them, they will participate emotionally.This kind of psychology can also be used by the salesperson when persuading customers in sales, actively cater to the interests of customers, and shorten the distance with customers, so as to achieve further communication and pave the way for the final sale.

Since Momofuku Ando invented the world's first package of instant noodles, Japanese instant noodles have wanted to enter the US market.But instant noodles are still a new thing, Americans have never heard of "instant noodles"

In sales, we must try our best to make customers satisfied with their own purchase behavior, that is to say, they spend money to buy your products, make them feel that it is worth it, and even make them feel that they have taken a lot of money.

The word, can they accept this product?So Momofuku Ando adopted a strategy of "following what he likes" in response to the situation of the Americans.

Ando found in the study of American consumer psychology that the physical and psychological needs of Americans are mainly manifested in weight loss, and low-calorie instant noodles are meeting this need.Therefore, Ando cut the noodles shorter so that Americans can eat them with a fork; he made the soup taste more in line with American tastes; Eating habits; plus a second name "hot milk in a cup" "much better than quick soup".It is precisely this kind of preference that Japanese instant noodles have been warmly welcomed by Americans as soon as they entered the US market, and their sales have skyrocketed.

Ando's strategy of "follow what he likes" caters to the interests of customers, which is why he opened up the market.This is not only true in the market, but even more so when people get along with each other.In the process of communication between people, there is often a situation of "sympathy", that is, the more similar the behavior patterns between people, the easier it is to form interpersonal relationships.Social psychology believes that similarity is an important factor of interpersonal attraction, which includes similarities in age, gender, social status, economic status, education level, occupation, native place, interests, beliefs, values, attitudes, etc. Among them, attitudes, beliefs and Values ​​are paramount.

Like-minded people are easy to get acquainted with and build rapport with.There is also a kind of social interaction between salespersons and customers. If the two sides do not have a common language, it is difficult to communicate, let alone sell products.If salespeople can take the initiative to cater to the interests of customers, talk about things or people that customers like, and attract customers, when customers have a good impression of you, it will be a matter of course to buy your products.

Everyone who has visited President Roosevelt will be amazed by his profound knowledge. "Whether it was a shepherd boy or a knight, or a politician or a diplomat in New York," wrote Bradford, the authoritative author on Roosevelt, "Roosevelt knew what to talk to them about."

How on earth did Roosevelt possess such charisma?It's easy!No matter who Roosevelt wanted to meet, he would always sleep a little later the night before the other party's arrival, and read some knowledge that the other party was particularly interested in.Roosevelt, like all leaders, knew that the best way to get in touch with the other person's inner thoughts was to talk to the other person about the things that most interested him.

It seems that successful people understand this truth.Mr. Chalif was in constant contact with Carnegie, and he was a man very enthusiastic about the Scouting cause.In his letter, Charif mentioned the story that happened to him.

"One day, I felt that I needed help from others," Mr. Charif wrote in the letter. "There will be a boy scout summer camp in Europe. I would like to invite the manager of a large company in the United States to sponsor me and a boy scout. travel expenses. Fortunately, before I went to visit the manager, I heard that he had written a check for $100 million. You know, it was $100 million! So, after meeting him, I Tell him I've never in my life heard of a check for such a huge amount; and I'm going to tell my boy scouts that I did see a check for a million dollars. The manager was very happy as a result He handed me the check. I kept admiring it, and asked him to give me the details of how it was drawn."

Note that Mr. Charif initially did not talk to the other about the Boy Scouts or the European summer camps, or about the help he wanted.He just talks about topics that the other party is interested in, so that the other party is willing to talk to him.Then there arose what Mr. Charife says:

"After a while, the manager I was visiting asked me: 'Oh, what can I do for you?' I told him about me. To my surprise, he not only agreed immediately He graciously offered me more support at my request. I only asked him to sponsor one scout to go to Europe, but he generously funded five scouts and myself, and gave me a ticket. A check for $5 and a suggestion that we spend 1000 weeks in Europe. He then wrote me a letter of introduction introducing me to his European branch manager and asking him to help us then.

"When we arrived in Europe, he personally picked us up in Paris and took us on a tour of this beautiful city. Since then, he has been very enthusiastic about our scout cause and often provides job opportunities for scouts from poor families .”

Mr. Charif added, "But I also know very well that if I hadn't found a topic of interest to him and made him happy, then not only would this matter not be so easy, I think there might even be a 1/10 chance. nothing."

Of course, salespeople come into contact with many customers every day, and they are not omnipotent. They like everything, know everything, and cannot cater to all customers.This requires salespeople to be well-informed and knowledgeable. The more they know and the richer their knowledge, the more they can deal with more customers freely.An excellent salesperson must be an "encyclopedia". They need to know a lot of things. Even if they are not proficient, they must understand the general. Once they talk to customers one day, they will not be cold because of their ignorance, which will lead to negotiations. Unable to proceed.Only the more sales staff know, the more they can find common ground with customers and attract each other.

There are many ways to stimulate the interest of target customers. No matter which method is used, the most important thing is to closely follow the theme of arousing the interest and attention of customers, and stimulate their enthusiasm to listen to you.Only in this way can you put your communication behavior into action, and you will be able to achieve the communication effect you want to achieve.Therefore, if you want to communicate with target customers, you must first stimulate the communication interest of target customers, that is, to find the appropriate communication entry point.

9.Make customers' excuses unspoken
Jack Welch, former CEO of General Motors, once said: "A person engaged in sales activities can be said to be a person who deals with rejection. A person who overcomes rejection is a person who sells successfully." In fact, in the sales process, from From the beginning of communication to the introduction of products, and then to the conclusion of a contract, rejection runs through every link of sales.The purpose of sales is to turn rejection into acceptance and achieve a deal.Therefore, when the salesperson faces the customer's rejection, he must always keep in mind the firm idea of ​​"how to see the rainbow without wind and rain", and skillfully intersperse the suspense in the sales conversation according to the customer, which can greatly mobilize the customer's psychology in a short time mood.

Appropriate questions are more conducive to getting closer to customers and promoting communication between the two parties.

Arousing the curiosity of customers can stimulate customers' desire to listen.

Put forward the reasons for refusal, turn the refusal into motivation to take corresponding measures to make breakthroughs, and finally make customers agree with their products and achieve the purpose of transaction.

In fact, having an excuse is more likely to lead to a sale than an outright rejection.As long as the salesperson sees the target and guides it skillfully, it will effectively block the customer's excuses.As the saying goes, hospitality is hard to come by. When you infect customers with your passion and sincerity, the customers will also be moved.

When the salesperson is selling some products to the customer, in order to avoid the embarrassment and disappointment of the salesperson, the customer will often say kindly: "This kind of thing is really good, but I'm sorry, I don't need it now, let's talk about it later." . ” Such a statement will make the salesperson feel much better than a cold refusal.At this time, the salesperson should not only thank the customer, but also invite the customer to walk around casually, maybe there will be products that the customer needs.Even if the customer really doesn't need it, the salesperson should remain polite and respectful, so as to leave a good impression on the customer and make the customer come back again next time.

In the face of those customers who want to buy but make frequent excuses, the salesperson must be good at blocking the customer's excuses with their sincerity.The reason why customers will find all kinds of excuses to make excuses is largely because they are dissatisfied with the quality, performance or price of the product, but they are too embarrassed to say so, so they keep making excuses , hoping that the salesperson will make concessions.If the salesperson does not understand the customer's psychology and just asks the customer to buy again and again, then the customer can only continue to find new excuses to refuse.And if the salesperson actively asks the customer if he hesitates because the price is too high or the style is not suitable, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions from the customer's point of view, even if it cannot be made up, as long as you know the reason and act accordingly Customers will still be willing to accept it. After all, your sincerity and sincerity will move customers and make them trust you.

A lady went to a store to buy leather boots. The salesperson Xiao Min introduced several styles to her. As a result, the woman either thought the style was too old, or the quality was not good, or the color was inappropriate.

Xiao Min has been busy for a long time, but she still can't find a pair of suitable shoes for the client.But Xiao Min did not complain, but sincerely apologized to the lady and said: "Miss, I am really sorry for wasting your time and not finding a pair of suitable leather boots for you. I am really sorry."

Hearing this, the lady felt sorry instead, and said to Xiao Min: "It's okay, I'll look around and maybe I can find a pair that suits me." Sorry to say, I have been hesitating.So the lady turned to the front of the pair of shoes again, picked them up and looked at them.

Xiao Min immediately went over to her and said, "This leather boot is a new product that went on the market this year. It is casual and fashionable. You can try it if you like it."

The lady began to hesitate again, and she said, "No, I'll take a look first, but relatively speaking, I like this pair of shoes."

Xiao Min said: "It's okay, you can try it, if it doesn't fit you can find another one, and there are only a few pairs of this shoe left, we can sell it to you at a discounted price of [-]%."

At this time, the lady finally decided to give it a try, and she felt very good after trying it, but she still felt that the price was a bit expensive, so she tried hard to find faults with the shoes, and finally she found that the leather joint on the inside of one shoe was flawed.Xiao Min explained that this is a production process, not a quality issue.

(End of this chapter)

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